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Found 15 results

  1. Hello I am using Prestashop 1.7.3 I have managed to change the order referene number from letters to numbers. I would like to change the offset number so that my invoices don't get the number from 1 but starts on for example number 600 or so. I have tried to change via admin in O...
  2. Hi, I really want change order reference to numeric. (TEXT order reference is really difficult to say via phone to customers). Normaly I do it by override order class by change getOrderReference method. public static function generateReference() { $last_id = Db::getInstance()->getValue('...
  3. Hello Everyone, I have a question about how to change the order reference in certain pattern. I know the similar question has been ask plenty of times, but trust me, I have read those post before now I post this thread First, I want to change my order reference with this pattern: "R...
  4. Hey there, I'm trying to display the order reference in the footer of the invoice PDF. Everything works perfect when displaying a single invoice. However, if we are using the bulk process, the invoice numbers are displayed incorrectly in the footer. PS Version: 1.6.11 Changes HTMLTemplateInv...
  5. Pro odstranění Označení objednávky velkými písmeny a nahrazení běžným číslem (jako v starších verzích) jsem vyrobil tuto jednoduchou úpravu souboru /override/classes/order/Order.php Kód: <?php class Order extends OrderCore { public static function getUniqReferenceOf($id_order) { $order =...
  6. Since I have migrated to the latest version of Prestashop 1.5.4 from 1.4.9 My email templates have started to include the order_name eg. XWVZXTJPR instead of the order number eg #4328 Can someone please tell me what I need to change in the Email Template Translations html code for this to happ...
  7. Hi everyone, I have a problem with my module. I created a payment module based on bankwire module with some differences. I'm stuck with this problem and hope someone could help. I need to create a form in payment_execution.tpl with fields that come from database (like address firstname,...
  8. First: In PrestaShop 1.6 (tested and confirmed working in v1.6.0.14) you can accomplish this by the following method. Copy the file /classes/PaymentModule.php to /override/classes/PaymentModule.php. Edit the file /override/classes/PaymentModule.php as follows. At lines 337-341 is a code b...
  9. Hi everybody. I installed modrefchange in order to turn order reference from alphabetical to numerical, but it doesn't work; it says "data updated", though. I use Prestashop I installed the module in another site I manage and worked perfectly.
  10. Order referentie wijzigingsmodule v1.5 Module to change the order reference using Order ID AND/OR Cart ID Compatibility: Prestashop v1.5.X and above Screenshots: Edit by mdekker: Temporary download link for version 1.3: https://github.com/firstred/mdrefchange/releases/download/1.3.0/v1.3.0-modre...
  11. To replace uppercase in the Order reference and replace with numbers (id_order as in older versions) I made this simple code override in /override/classes/order/Order.php: <?php class Order extends OrderCore { public function getUniqReference() { $query = new DbQuery(); $query->select('MIN(id...
  12. I use Prestashop 1.5.2 I got some problems, please help. I dont know how to change order id to order reference in "My loyalty points"? Also, how to translate: The minimum order amount in order to use these vouchers is: to another language? it's possible to translate all other text, but...
  13. Hello, Noticed a small problem with loyalty history, under vouchers sections, the "more" link that usually shows the orders from which this voucher has been generated. It is showing the same 2 orders to the exception of the price: (for example) Order #4 (300 USD) : 30 points Order #4 (3000...
  14. Hi, Can someone explain why orders.reference was implemented in 1.5 ? searching in code, I've found the following commments that did not helped me to understand /classes/order/Order.php @var string Order reference, this reference is not unique, but unique for a payment * Get a coll...
  15. Hallo Prestashop-Forum Community Vor etwa 2 Tagen habe ich Prestashop Version Installiert. Leider sind die Bestellnummer (order reference) mit Buchstaben versehen. Doch dies ist so Unbrauchbar. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mithilfe eines Moduls oder sogar Prestashop Bordmitteln die Bestell...
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