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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I want to assign a variable to the template that shows the details of an order, specifically in the section that displays information about the products. The template is located at: \src\PrestaShopBundle\Resources\views\Admin\Sell\Order\Order\Blocks\View\product.html.twig I have been able t...
  2. Chiedo aiuto se c'è un modo veloce (senza creare moduli ad hoc o a pagamento) di aggiungere una colonna text nel dettaglio ordini sul BackOffice. In particolare avrei bisogno di inserire un campo text accanto nel dettaglio dei prodotti ordinati, quindi una colonna ad hoc accanto alla colonna quant...
  3. Hi, Order detail page is not properly loaded when I access it from BO. I'm not sure but I think that the problem appeared after I installed some modules. I am new to Prestashop and I need to know how can I start to debug or fix this issue. Probably I need to revert some files th...
  4. Dear friends, is there any Guru who can help me ? I need to know which cart rule was used to order position. Eg. I have a group of products named "Discount 30%" and cart rule with action "reduction_percent=30" with this group attached to it (via "The product(s) are matching one of these"). How...
  5. Hello, I've got a problem displaying the order detail. When I click in show detail, the Javascript function showOrder() is executed. But instead of displaying the order detail, the home page appears. I've tried to trace what's happening and I've found that the URL http://www.example.com/es/i...
  6. Bonjour, Je suis sur la version 1.5.2 et j'aimerai afficher sur l'historique des commandes pour le client (après validation de la commande) la description détaillé du produit. J'ai essayé d'ajouter la variable {$product.product_description} dans order-detail.tpl mais apparemment on peut ré...
  7. I'm using and I'm hoping there is a way to add the tax % rate to two things: the shopping cart summary (shopping_cart.tpl) and the order detail (order_detail.tpl) views. 1.) Currently, the shopping cart shows the label "Total Tax:", but I'd like to have the % rate show beside the label (...
  8. This store is running 1.6.9... I've set up several Basket Rules with a % discount on specific products. When ordering these products and applying the 'Voucher Code' on the Payment page the discount is applied perfectly, EXCLUDING tax. Everything is calculated as intended. Once the order has been...
  9. Can anyone tell me why i do not have any order details in this page? /index.php?controller=order-detail Thanks
  10. Hi, can someone help me please i have been stuck for days trying to sort the problem out. My site works perfectly the only problem i have is the following - In customers account, my account, order history - when a customer clicks on the order detail button to show contents of his orders...
  11. Hi, I have a problem accessing the order details in the front office. I am logged with a customer account and in the 'order history and details' when I open one of the orders and try to view the details, nothing happens. If I can't open the details I cannot make an RMA slip either...that's the...
  12. How to display Order Information in preparation email template? I want to display product information in preparation email tamplate like Order confirmation template but it is generating tags instead of actual value. Please suggest its solution.
  13. I have problem with invoice. Total order amount is $59.96 but it comes $110.00. I cannot understand where the amount comes from. Also, there is no order detail on PDF invoice. Just wrong amount is there. I have attached screenshot files. Please help me....
  14. I just need to show the product without The trash icon The plus/substract button Without the price and the Voucher box. Where is the file how can i do this? I attached a image of the page for reference. Tahnk you in advance.
  15. Zdravíčko, špatně se mi vypočítává částka v BO, v detailu objednávky, kde se píše, kolik zákazník celkem zaplatil od registrace. Vypočítávají se neúměrně vysoké částky. Neřešil náhodou někdo? Viz příloha, verze 1.3.6
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