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Found 17 results

  1. I need to parse any variable passed to any static page in Prestashop and replace anything that starts with "http" (in plain text) with "a href"s. I already have the regular expression but I need to know how can I do that using a module without modifying the core functions and without using override...
  2. I want to add new field to configuration that allow user to select `OrderState`, but I can't find any information in documentation how to create such reference field. Does anyone know how to add such field to module configuration page?
  3. bonjour j'aurai besoin de votre aide j'ai un bug quand j'essai de modifier on cms block il inscrit "1000. lance la nouvelle PrestaShopException ($ message);" ci dessous texte entier [PrestaShopException] La propriété CmsBlock-> text n'est pas valide. à la ligne 1000 dans le f...
  4. Bonjour, Pouvez vous me dire l'utilité de la class objectModel quand on crée un module et pourquoi ne pas mettre directement les requêtes dans les divers fichiers du modules Merci
  5. I am creating a new module that create, read, update and delete a table in the database. Thus, I am creating a new ObjectModel for this module. Below is what I did, appreciate if someone can point out what I am doing wrong that the Controller not reading the classl: I created a classes folder in t...
  6. Buenos días a todo el mundo. Publico en este foro lo mismo que en el foro de inglés, con vista a ver si alguien sabe ayudarme por aquí y para ayudar a alguien que pudiera tener el mismo problema Tengo muchas dudas acerca de como desarrollar un módulo con las características de multi tiend...
  7. Good morning everyone there I have lots of doubs about how to develop a module with multishop and multilanguage characteristics. When using the ObjectModel::add() method we have the next (line 489 in ObjectModel PS 1.7.1): if (!$result = Db::getInstance()->insert($this->def['table'], $...
  8. my prestashop module return some error messages and i get more questions about solve this errors i want add some tips for this errors. when insert new product to database this code line return error mesage for example "name is empty" $lang_field_error = $productObj->validateFieldsLang(self::UNFRIE...
  9. Hello everyone can someone help me on this, i am trying to use Prestashop Objectmodel class for Adding, Deliting, Updating and Viewing Data from database, i have achieved retrieving data and displaying it on backoffice Form while clicking Edit button / deliting it from backoffice by clicking Delete...
  10. I have a problem. I need to create module for custom upload image. Render form function: public function renderForm() { // Building the Add/Edit form $this->fields_form = array( 'legend' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Create/Edit design') ), 'input' => array( array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => $t...
  11. Bonjour tout le monde Je crée dois actuellement un module coté admin pour avoir une nouvelle page dans l'admin avec des données d'une bdd externe (donc pas la bdd prestashop). 1) J'ai réussi à générer une nouvelle page dans l'admin et à récuperer les données de ma bdd externe grâce aux Helper Pre...
  12. I am working on a module that lets me import/export things from Prestashop, in particular the Store Contacts which populates the store locator map. I have added a column in the CSV import to support selecting the store it should be associated with, however I cannot change the associated shop of a "S...
  13. Bonjour, J'ai un module qui contient une classe "maclasse" qui extends d'ObjectModel, J'ai remarqué que si tous les champs sont multilangue, l'ajout d'une instance (méthode add()) ne fonctionne pas correctement. (ID toujours à 0 et donc duplicate primary key dans la table "maclasse_lang")....
  14. Buon giorno, appena installato e configurato prestashop non funziona il pagamento. Il cliente dopo aver iniziato la procedura di check-out del carrello, arrivato alla scelta del pagamento, appena clicca su Paypall o HIPAY, gli unici che ho installato e configurato. esce l'errore: Internal Se...
  15. Initially I had a problem with the paypal. After completing a transaction with paypal, the site errors out when paypal redirects back to my site. The error was missing address1 in objectmodel class. I fixed that by making the validation for address false in the Address.php. The error disappeared. I...
  16. Hi, I would like to use some functionality of the core class Customer.php (for example the 'customerExists' function). Now when i include the Customer.php inside my class it gets found correctly but the following error gets thrown: Class 'ObjectModel' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\prestas...
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