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  1. Hi everyone I need to restrict access to "My Account" page. Only users who have already made at least one purchase/payment in the shop will be able to see "My Account" menu. Eg: User A registers but does't complete any purchase/payment, when he goes to his "My Account" menu he will ju...
  2. Bonjour à tous, Comment manager le menu "mon compte" lorsqu'un client est connecté à son compte. Comment faire pour enlever ou rajouter des lignes comme "mes bons de réductions" ou "mes retours" ou les retirer ? J'ai essayé par le fichier "blockmyaccountfooter" mais cela ne fonctionne pas ......
  3. Hi, I have an issue with requesting return from my customers account. If customer has an account and wishes to return purchased items, he/she may log into their account and tick products they wish to return, then indicate quantity and click on "request return" unfortunately for my customers th...
  4. Mam problem z prosba o zwrot produktu z konta klienta. Klient logujac sie na swoje konto ma opcje prosby o zwrocenie produktu (request return). Wowczas musi zaznaczyc ptaszkiem produkt, ktory chce zwrocic oraz wpisac ilosc tego produktu. Instrukcje presta ktore znalazlam na internecie (najnowsza wer...
  5. Witam, Chciałbym zmienić wygląd w paneli MOJE KONTO. Otóż, zależy mi aby zmienić pozycję przycisków. Poniżej załączam zdjęcia podglądowe o jaki efekt mi chodzi. Który plik edytować ?? Z góry dziękuję wszystkim za pomoc. Pozdrawiam.
  6. Solved: The DiscountControllers.php needed to be modified with the code provided by lordcracker in the 2nd post. I have successfully used vouchers on 3 shops I have running and understand how to use them there. I created a clean install with and have created a cart rule un...
  7. okay, so im very new to prestashop but so far i've been getting the hang of it ... except for the bottom of my page. where it says "information" and "my account" I would like to edit these words and the links below them. but I can't find out how to do that. there are no modules that i see that ca...
  8. HI, how can I create another My Account module and place it on the main navigation bar and rename it to let's say...VIP Login"
  9. Hello, In "My Account" page, buttons had 2 lines. But it changed to 1-line after i've installed a module to my page. How can I make it 2-lines again? ı'm using responsive theme. And another module is also important for me. This is the current view of "my account page" I want to make...
  10. Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to change the LOCK icon on the top right of the header section on all pages (shows in many themes and configurations) - to change instead of showing the 'locked' and 'unlocked' icon when as user is signed in or out respectively to show a text link instead saying: "...
  11. Hi Friends, I need some help regarding my query on how to remove my favorite products from my accounts page, I feel my wishlist and my favorite products are almost the same so i would prefer keeping the wishlist and get rid of the favorite products. any help is appreciated thanks in adva...
  12. Hi, I want to customize my account in my website. now its just default but i to make little different. Please anyone have any idea to make like that. please find attached image and reply soon.
  13. Hello, everybody! I wanna to create drop down menu in My account for the customer. Goals: When customer wants return an item, he choose a product for return. And I want that he may to choose different reasons for return this item (Accidental order, Missed estimated delivery date etc). And without re...
  14. Hello everyone, I am using an "User info block" and "My account block" Everything working fine but there is something missing. Is there any option to somehow show Client log in/log out status? Or display his name after he will log in? Like "Hello {name}" I would be grateful for any tip or sugg...
  15. Bonjour, Je dispose d'un site parfaitement fonctionnel en local grâce à Prestashop J'ai besoins d'accèder à la confguration du module "Bloc Mon Compte" pour supprimer le lien "Mes avoirs" qui se situe dans le footer de mon site (j'imagine que c'est par ce chemin que je dois passer pour...
  16. bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide, après 2 jours de "galère" recherche, sur BO aussi pour des réglages que je n'aurais pas fait... les boutons : "your_account"-"shopping_cart"-"AJOUTEZ AU PANIER", dans les category, produits ... ne sont plus actives ! -- Dans le menu, à ma première categorie, firebug...
  17. How can I add 'My favorites link to to top menu, as it should directly go to 'My favorites' page with a single click? Thanks
  18. Zdravím, nevím, zda je to někde v nastavení nebo tak, ale vadí mi jedna věc. Když má zákazník v košíku zboží a klikne na Objednávka. Typ procesu registrace: Standardní (vytvoření účtu a adresy) Při plné registraci, kdy zákazník na začátku zadá email, dostane se na stránku, kde nyní vyplní v...
  19. Hi, my account front page is not showing (loading), while Header, Sidebar and Footer yes (see captured pic). I've tried to change the theme, but the result is the same. What else could provoke this situation? Ps. lately I've imported different part of DB through phpMyAdmin (1.4.7) and B...
  20. Ahoj. Mám Prestu Testuju Můj účet (zákazníka) a ten zobrazuje cizí objednávky a adresy. Co s tím můžu dělat? Děkuju za odpověď.
  21. Hi I would like to know if it is possible to add and remove options in the my account section for customers? There are a few of the standard options such as my credit slips and would like to add links to hidden pages/forms etc. I have searched but cannot find anything so a step by step g...
  22. Hi there, I'm trying to alter the My account page, basically I'd like to have all the sub-pages in one page with a Hide/Unhide method. I've tried to include the other .tpl files which are called from the my-account.tpl, but it didn't seem to work, as all the others have variables, but when t...
  23. Hi, There is no Zip/Postal code field when new customers register on my shop. It is needed, so they get this error message when they try to register "The Zip/Postal code you've entered is invalid. It must follow this format: 0000." I have enabled zip/postal code in the back office. Cust...
  24. Hi, I'm still reviewing Prestashop for its usability. While playing around, I couldn't find the My Account Sidebar Listing Block, only the My Account block (on page header) & My Account Footer's Block (on footer). I'd like to have a My Account Sidebar Listing Block like Magento & Opencart as sh...
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