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meetup 1st Prestashop meetup in India, 8th Feb '2020
Webkul Modules posted a topic in PrestaShop Meetups
Hello Prestashoppers, We are very excited to announce the first-ever official Prestashop meetup in India on 8th Feb 2020. Webkul is the Gold agency partner with Prestashop. Click here to check the complete info about the meetup like speakers, sponsors etc. Webkul welcomes everyone to attend the PrestaShop Meetup from the community (developers, marketers, merchants etc.) who are interested to know more about eCommerce & how we can make it better with each passing day. The meetup is open for everyone who is keen to learn more about the latest trends & developments happening in the field of eCommerce. FREE ENTRY !!! Suggest a Topic : Share a topic of your interest that we should include in our Agenda. Become a Speaker : Let us know if you want to share your expertise or knowledge about the latest trends of E-commerce. Sponsor Us : For the meetup to be a success, we'll need some amazing partners. If you too hold interests across eCommerce & its various domains, we’re sure of having good times together. Limited passes are available, so register now & mark your presence at the event. -
On this meetup I will present you: 1. Prestashop multistore in practice (the most common mistakes) server settings, php compatibility, Prestashop & theme & modules compatibility, payment gateways, delivery module per km. 2. Store with more than 10.000 products. How to upload all products at lightning speed and to keep your store in best shape with most powerfull tool for Prestashop admin - STORE MANAGER, positive experiences (software that elevated the quality of Prestashop to a higher level.) Don't miss this meetup
Salutare, Suntem bucurosi sa anuntam organizarea unei noi conferinte marca PrestaShop, aici in Galati. Cui ii este adresat acest eveniment: - antreprenori, in special in domeniul vanzarilor; - viitori antreprenori care vor sa isi deschida propria afacere in domeniul vanzarilor online; - programatori, studenti, elevi; - persoanelor curioase care vor invete ceva nou. Temele abordate: 1. PrestaShop quick intro 2. Prestaglob - De la magazin fizic la magazin online Petre Lupu - 3. BlackFriday Tips&Tricks for PrestaShop Daniel Patilea - Ambasador PrestaShop 3. Sesiune deschisa de intrebari si raspunsuri Pentru a putea participa la eveniment este necesar sa te inscrii aici: Data evenimentului este 1 Noiembrie. Locatia: Galati, Strada Traian, Nr. 181 Stay tuned!
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Πού: Καφέ Φίκα, Δράμα Πότε: 02 Ιουλίου 2016, 12:30 Τι: 1η Συνάντηση PrestaShop στην Ελλάδα Στις 02 Ιουλίου 2016, ημέρα Σαββάτο και ώρα 12:30 θα έχουμε συνάντηση ως ελληνική κοινότητα PrestaShop στο καφέ Φίκα της Δράμας. Φυσικά και θα ήταν ευχάριστο να υπάρχουν και άλλοι "πορωμένοι" χρήστες που να θέλουν να τρέξουν για το λογισμικό και να πραγματοποιούνται συναντήσεις (κι ακόμη καλύτερα τακτικές) και σε άλλα μέρη της χώρας. Μιας όμως που μένω Δράμα, όσοι μένετε στις γύρω περιοχές μπορείτε να παρευρεθείτε ώστε να γνωριστούμε και να ανταλλάξουμε ιδέες. Το τηλέφωνο μου είναι +30 694 3959 231 καλέστε για να επιβεβαιώσετε κράτηση (διότι το καφέ μαζεύει πολύ κόσμο και αν δε πω στάνταρ άτομα οι επιπλέον θα μείνουν όρθιοι με αποτέλεσμα να μετακινηθούμε σε άλλο καφέ) Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: Όσες μελλοντικές συναντήσεις πρόκειται να πραγματοποιηθούν θα ανεβαίνουν στο ίδιο topic.
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Здравей, казвам се Стефан Николов и съм Prestashop Ambassador за България и като такъв ще съм Вашите глас, очи и уши за всичко свързано с развитието на системата на Български език.С огромно удоволствие искам да Ви поканя на втората Prestashop среща за България на която ще разкажа за системата и ще отговоря на вашите въпроси за нея. Срещата ще се проведе на 3ти Ноември 2018г. от 14 часа в град София - зала Пирин, Интер Експо Център.Ако искате да вземете думата по време на събитието или да говоря по определена тема, моля свържете се с мен предварително. За да осигурим място за всички, събитието е с задължителна регистрация на :Вход: свободен
Aos interessados já estão abertas as inscrições para o Meetup da Prestashop a realizar-se no Porto. Vamos ter um convidado especial, o Pedro Simões da LIVE4DIGITAL para falar sobre Social Media. Inscrições gratuitas em
Dragi prieteni, Suntem gata de a doua intalnire Prestashop in anul 2018. La fel ca si ultima oara, va avea loc la Teatrul de Arta insa la parter in sala principala. Vom discuta despre ultima versiune Prestashop 1.7.5, programata sa iasa cu o zi inainte (existenta oricum in vesiune beta), ghiduri practice utilizare backoffice si alte subiecte de interes general. Vom incheia cu obisnuita sesiune de discutii lebere, intrebari si raspunsuri Daca aveti propuneri pentru subiecte de discutie, va rog sa mi le trimiteti la [email protected]. Nu uitati, rezervati din timp biletele (gratuite) la Toate cele bune! Robert si Bogdan N.B. Cei inscrisi in grupul de Meetup,, primesc automat notificarea
Kedves Mindenki, az első hazai Prestashop meetup-ra rohamosan fogynak a helyek, így szépen kérek mindenkit aki még eddig nem regisztrálta magát az eseményre az tegye meg a hónap végéig! Helyszín a főváros, meetup link illetve a Facebook csoportunk ahol többet megtudhatsz:
Hello everyone! We are the Premium PrestaShop Partner in Denmark, INVERTUS. We are more than happy to invite you to join the first-ever official PrestaShop community meetup on 9th of November right here in Copenhagen organized together by PrestaShop, INVERTUS and Industry Partners like DIBS and others! A Certified Developer from INVERTUS will be available for discussions about PrestaShop technical possibilities and opportunities while our Project Manager will cover everything regarding user perspective and other needs. This is the first time and a unique opportunity to meet one of the PrestaShop’s executives, Invertus management and executive team. We have already invited industry companies like DIBS, DPD Group, Swedbank, and many others. You can find more information as well as registration form by clicking this link: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us here. See you soon, Have a great day!
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Teman-teman, rekan, para klien, dan semua angota forum dan pengguna Prestashop khususnya regional Bandung dan Jakarta mohon absen disini Dalam waktu dekat akan diadakan Gathering Prestashop Indonesia. Untuk itu para angota forum prestashop atau pengguna prestashop yang berada di regional Bandung atau Jakarta yang bersedia turut serta dalam mengatur pertemuan untuk Gathering Prestashop Indonesia, diharapkan absen dahulu disini atau silahkan kirim P.M atau silahkan langsung gabung di : Bandung Prestashop Meetup (Bandung) - Meetup Nanti insya allah akan saya hubungi secara langsung untuk lebih lanjutnya. Hatur nuhun ... terima kasih
Hallo zusammen, es ist wieder soweit, das 12te PrestaShop Community Meetup in Düsseldorf ist bald! Am 28. März 2018 von 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr seid ihr eingeladen das Meetup kostenlos zu besuchen. Bei einem Feierabendbierchen werden wir über die aktuellen PrestaShop und E-Commerce Themen diskutieren und uns die Neuigkeiten gemeinsam anschauen. Das Meetup findet in Düsseldorf im Factory Campus statt, und hier kannst du dich registrieren: Bis bald in Düsseldorf!
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Prima intalnire Prestashop din Galati va fi organizata in sala de conferinte Thecon pe data de 11 Februarie 2017. Intrarea este libera in limita locurilor disponibile. Asteptam sugestii referitoare la temele ce vor fi abordate la eveniment. Pana acum s-a conturat urmatoarea agenda: Introduction to PrestaShop and it's features - Daniel Patilea Ecommerce CMS Comparison - Konstantinos Kogkalidis PrestaShop + Marketing = Love - Marius Geru PrestaShop 1.7 - Nicolae Enciu Q&A Numarul maxim de participanti o sa fie intre 40 si 50. Atentie! Pentru a va inscrie la eveniment este necesar sa va rezervati biletul aici: Daca sunt sugestii, intrebari sau nelamuriri nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Toate cele bune, Daniel
O primeiro Meetup da comunidade portuguesa da Prestashop vai ser realizado no dia 8 de Outubro de 2016 (sábado), às 15h no Hotel Central Parque na Maia. O principal tema é a apresentação da versão 1.7 da Prestashop, vamos esclarecer as principais dúvidas sobre a migração para esta nova versão e respetivos benefícios. Queremos tornar a comunidade portuguesa mais ativa e permitir a partilha de experiências entre utilizadores. Saiba mais e inscreva-se clicando AQUI.
Hallo ihr Lieben, wollte hier einen Thread eröffnen für unsere Meetups in Berlin. Fragen, Anregungen, Kritik, oder was man sonst so im Forum klären kann ... Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auf das 1. PrestShop Meetup in Berlin am 8. März um 19:00 Uhr. Details und Karten auf eventbrite. Beste Grüße
What do I need to do? Any advice?
Hallo liebe Community, Der Austausch der PrestaShop Community soll nicht auf virtuelle Räume wie dieses Forum beschränkt bleiben sondern seine Fortsetzung in der realen Welt finde. Daher planen wir das erste PrestaShop Meetup für den Oktober in Düsseldorf. Dies Details stehen noch nicht abschließend fest - daher auf erst einmal die Vorankündigen - aber trotzdem ist es für uns schon eine wichtig zu wissen Sie Grüße das Interesse an einem solchen Meetup ist. Von daher können sich alle Interessierten hier schon einmal hier registrieren: Wir freuen uns auf das persönliche Kennenlernen Hagen
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Chào anh em, Mình có ý tưởng offline anh em Prestashop ở Hà Nội. Trước là giao lưu làm quen. Sau là hỗ trợ, hợp tác cùng phát triển nếu cần. Tất cả anh chị em, developer hay marketer hay bất cứ công việc gì, miễn là có liên quan đến Prestashop. Anh em cho ý kiến cái nhỉ?
Hola Tras varios años desarrollando Prestashop y dedicándole muchas muchas horas a conocer el código, parchear, retocar módulos, construir módulos de pago, modificar templates, etc... etc... etc... He decidido crear una comunidad para compartir todo este conocimiento. Son muchas horas leyendo código, rehaciendo módulos, creando parches y modificaciones, grandes esfuerzos de personas individuales que trabajamos en empresas o como autómonos, si nos unimos para crear y compartir conocimiento, nuestro avance es indudablemente mucho mayor y más satisfactorio. Por ello os animo a asistir al primer evento de meetup Prestashop Madrid el jueves 29 de Mayo en el centro de coworking Material Gris y poder comenzar a crear comunidad Prestashop. Prestashop Madrid nos vemos
Bonjour, Voici un lien traitant de ce premier meetup avec photos: Cdlt, Nicolas
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Bonjour à tous, Notre Communauté Québécoise de Montréal organise une nouvelle rencontre le jeudi 10 novembre à 18h00. Venez rencontrer Loïc, Nassim et de nombreux autres membres, développeurs comme marchands, utilisant notre logiciel e-commerce Open-source. L'occasion d'échanger vos meilleurs conseils et les dernières actualités de PrestaShop ;-) Tous les renseignements nécessaires sont disponibles : - sur la page Facebook de la communauté Québécoise - sur la page de l'événement. A bientôt !
Notre équipe est heureuse d’annoncer que notre premier Meetup Canadien se tiendra à Montréal, le 27 septembre 2011 à 9h00 ! Venez rencontrer Sabrina, Manager des Opérations Canadiennes chez PrestaShop Inc., qui partagera avec vous les projets en cours de PrestaShop en vue de mieux répondre aux besoins des marchands du Canada. Près de 20 membres de la Communauté sont déjà inscrits à cette rencontre, venez nous rejoindre pour partager dans une ambiance conviviale conseils, idées et suggestions autour de PrestaShop et de sa compatibilité avec le marché Canadien. L’inscription est gratuite – l’adresse (Downtown) sera communiquée bientôt. Stay tuned! > Plus d'infos et inscriptions
Our entire team is pleased to announce that our first Canadian meet-up will be held in Montréal on September 27th! Come and meet Sabrina Marechal, Manager of Canadian Operations for PrestaShop, who will speak with you about PrestaShop’s projects intended to better suit the needs of Canadian merchants. We already have close to 20 PrestaFans registered for the event, so come out and exchange ideas and suggestions with the PrestaShop community on how we can help you improve your e-commerce activities! Registration is free – the location will be announced soon but it will be somewhere downtown. Stay tuned and register here!