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Found 18 results

  1. [MONEI - Addon Oficial] Aumenta tus ventas con la pasarela de pagos avanzada para PrestaShop Gen...
  2. Hello, When I go yo my Shopping Card (Stripe), the Visa/Mastercard Logo is ENORMOUS. It takes up more than half a webpage. I have looked through all the setting, but with no luck. Has anyone got any idea how this can be solved? Thanks in advance.
  3. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre un problème sur le site de commerce sur lequel je travaille. Je suis sous Prestashop et j'utilise le module Paypal 4.1.4. À chaque achat que j'effectue (peu importe le moyen de paiement), lorsque je le confirme je suis redirigé sur le lien suivant pour...
  4. servizio POS Virtuale per Prestashop cerchiamo di elencare tutti i servizi per accettazioni pagamenti tramite carta di credito che si possano integrare con PrestaShop. qualcuno sa se è possibile integrare il POS virtuale di WEbank ? come commissioni penso siano tra le più b...
  5. Prestashop version: 1.6 I'm looking for a payment gateway or module that accepts some of the major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Discovery, MasterCard) that is free or doesn't cost too much. I'd looked at Authorized.net but they have a steep fee of $25. Anyone here know of a cheaper alte...
  6. Perkenalkan, Kami dari Duitku, perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang online payment gateway. Saat ini duitku menyediakan layanan online payment gateway dimana merchant tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk bertransaksi secara online, cukup dengan registrasi dan menyediakan beberapa dokumen berupa scan K...
  7. Módulo para Prestashop Pagseguro com Checkout Transparente. Pagamentos do Pagseguro dentro do seu site, sem ser redirecionado para a página do Pagseguro. DEMO - http://consultoriadaweb.com.br/prestashop/ LINK PARA COMPRAR - http://www.consultoriadaweb.com.br/index.php?route=product/product&p...
  8. Salve, volevo delle delucidazione sul modulo per le carte di credit, cioè se voglio evitare di usare solo paypal, ma voglio far pagare direttamente con carte di credito dentro il mio sito, qual'è la procedura o il modulo da acquistare? grazie in anticipo, F.
  9. Hej Alle Først: Dette er ikke ment som en reklame, men en ganske almindelig forespørgsel mod alle jer gæve shopejere som benytter PrestaShop. I forbindelse med Yourpay.dk har vi kigget meget på vores konkurrenters systemer, og forsøgt at finde en middelvej hvor vores platform ligner deres me...
  10. I guess Paypal is trying to pivot their customers from VISA MASTERCARD so they have removed all the mastercard / visa graphics from their in-module logos. They have also made it harder to use express credit card checkout it seems. So I figure I now have to pay for the Paypal Pro and be able to c...
  11. Módulo permite aceitar pagamentos via cartões de créditos manualmente onde os dados do cartão precisam ser inseridos em uma maquina. disponível para V 1.5.x *Necessário possuir maquina de cartão de credito. Então, instalei na versão funciona certinho o único problema é na hora de v...
  12. OK, tons of information, but can't find anything about setting up payment by visa or mastercard. Anyone help?
  13. Hola buenas, Tengo un problema... Estoy observando con Google Analytics que cuando los clientes llegan al momento de pagar (Una vez registrados, llenar el carrito, dar el nombre etc...) cuando llegan a la pantalla de seleccionar la forma de pago se salen de la web y dejan el carro abandonado d...
  14. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à enregistrer une commande après un payement Ogone. j'ai telephoner à Ogone et tt est ok de leur côté ! cela fait 3 semaines que je fais tous les sujets et forum sur mon problème mais rien n'y fait je ne trouve pas de solution à mon problème. Les paiement sont bien pré...
  15. Buenas ! Acabo de solicitar a mi entidad financiera el alta de un TPV Virtual con Redsys/Servired... y me envian mis datos de terminal, usuario etc... con 3 ficheros para programar ... en PHP, ASP, JSP... vale... pero he visto en el "market" de Prestashop que se vende un módulo ya premontado...
  16. I vores shop modtager vi dankort da vi kun har danske kunder. Nu opdager jeg at der åbenbart findes danskere uden dankort ;-) - så jeg overvejer muligheden for at modtage kreditkort... Jeg har en aftale med Teller og epay - men mener at have hørt at alternative forslag til billigere løsninge...
  17. Hi I have a tobacco shop, and paypal doesn't allow me to use their services to sell tobacco products. I really need a visa payment module because lot of people buy using credit. is there any module just to pay with visa card information? cheers
  18. Good evening. I am very concerned about the types of payment. If not find a solution, I will be forced to switch to other systems: ( It is necessary to install pay with Visa, Visa Electron, Master Card. Is it possible to Latvian shop? Thank you very much for responding. PS version: 1.4.3...
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