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  1. My prestashop version is Engilsh is the default value I want to add a custom information (delivery time) in order confirmation email I've tried : /base_dir/module/mailalerts/mailalerts.php added extra element {my_delivery_time} in $template_vars then added the same in /base_dir/mails/en/order_conf.html I got the raw text {my_delivery_time} printed in email, but the value is not shown in output
  2. Hola! Hemos instalado el modulo de "Mail Alerts", de este modo los clientes podrán suscribirse a una lista para recibir notificación cuando los productos sin stock vuelvan a stock. El tema es que el modulo está activado pero no aparece nada en la ficha de producto. Hemos tratado de ponerlo desde los hooks pero al parecer ya está en el apartado de displayProduct, aun y todo no aparece. ¿Qué podemos hacer? Graciaaas!
  3. Hi The Notify me when available is not working on my website. Please help me solve this problem. v.
  4. Hi Forum, We've been building our new website on the default theme and we've run into a problem with Mail alerts. Our old website, that run on came with Mail alerts already pre-installed, however we can't find it for . We've tried to install the module from here - https://github.com/PrestaShop/mailalerts, but both releases come back as an invalid module Zip. We'd appreciate some guidance on what we can do next.
  5. Hi I am a very new user of PrestaShop. I've installed and done most of the configuration for my site. However, I do NOT get admin emails when there is a new customer, or new order etc. I get the TEST email. Almost all other emails seem to work (emails to customer when they open new account, place order etc) I've read across the forum that you need to install the Mail Alerts module for prestashop addons. However I cannot find it anywhere in the store or my back end module section. Please help me fix it!
  6. Ciao ragazzi, Sono nuovo della community e sto realizzando un e-commerce su Prestashop e vorrei un aiuto che non riesco a risolvere. Sto usando la versione, il sito è online e gira benissimo. Il cliente vuole gestire le email degli ordini su Thunderbird per una sua comodità ma siccome non arrivavano ho risolto installando il modulo Mail Alerts, trovando questa soluzione qui da voi. Ho notato però che nell'email di arrivo manca la parte del testo relativo alla parte "Vorrei l'ordine in una confezione regalo" dove l'utente inserisce un pensiero scritto nel bigliettino al regalo. Mail Alerts fa vedere tutto correttamente ma non questa parte che, per il mio cliente è importante. Giustamente il cliente mi chiede che ha necessità di vedere nell'email se l'utente scrive qualcosa altrimenti equivale ad una svista da parte dell'azienda e un malcontento dell'utente. C'è qualcuno che ha avuto il mio stesso problema e ha risolto? Cosa devo fare? Avevo visto questa soluzione che tramite un integrazione si risolveva ma è spiegato malissimo e non lo capisco. Link: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/177294-tips-inserire-il-messaggio-della-carta-regalo-nella-mail-di-notifica/ Grazie a chi mi aiuterà.
  7. Buenas Tengo PRESTASHOP 1.7.6 , cuando un cliente se apunta a newsletter , le manda los correos de subscripcion y validacion , ademas del cupon de descuento, pero al administrador no le envia nada, ¿es asi en el 1.7? ¿se puede hacer algo para que envie un aviso? gracias por ayudar
  8. Bonjour, Je n'ai pas pour habitude d'appeler au secours, je préfère me débrouiller tout seul comme un grand. Mais là, j'ai vraiment besoin de vous : Le module "Mail alerts" est installé, j'en attends surtout la fonction "Me prévenir quand l'article est disponible". Tout semble fonctionner, tout s'affiche bien quand le stock est à 0, il réagit à l'envoi de l'adresse mail (Demande de notification enregistrée !) et il affiche les produits avec alerte dans le compte client... MAIS : - au bout de 2 ou 3 alertes enregistrées correctement avec le message (Demande de notification enregistrée !), il continue de les enregistrer mais affiche : Vous avez déjà une alerte pour ce produit... pas très UX :-) - et surtout, il n'envoie pas de mail quand l'article revient en stock ! Je l'ai réinitialisé et réinstallé sans succès. La boutique n'est pas encore ouverte mais j'ai testé en mode maintenance + mode normal. Avec ou sans compte utilisateur, le résultat est le même. Je n'ai pas vraiment testé les autres fonctions mais elles ne semblent pas fonctionner non plus. Je n'ai rien trouvé comme doc pour ce module. Je ne comprends pas où sont stockées les adresses mail des alertes. Help ! Merci d'avance pour votre aide
  9. Il problema si verifica ogni qual volta il sistema deve inviare una mail. In particolare: Ogni Volta che un nuovo utente si registra Ogni volta che un utente completa un ordine Ho riscontrato il problema da quando ho effettuato l'aggiornamento alla versione 1.7.5
  10. Hello, I have a module called ‘Mail alerts’ in my Prestashop 1.6 site. The module seems to be active (as it regularly sends emails to a specific email account). It also has its files and folders in my Prestashop installation in cPanel. However, the module in question is not visible under 'Modules'. I tried to filter by ‘Installed modules’/‘Uninstalled modules’, ‘Enabled’/’Disabled’, but the ‘Mail alerts’ module doesn't show up. Instead, when I go to ‘Modules’ list and search for it, it shows as available for install. The strangest thing is that I have a copy of the same Prestashop site (made with Softaculous on cPanel). The 'Mail alerts' module shows as installed on the copied site, but for some reason it's not showing on the original one. Any ideas?
  11. Hi everyone, I am having some issues with the email notifications not working. So when someone places a new order, they do not get an email notification, and neither does the store. I have mail alerts installed and it is setup with 3 different emails in the list, but nothing comes through. I have also tested both PHP and SMTP email sending options in the backend and they both work fine. Any ideas on what I can try, I've been looking all over and tried a few things but nothing is working. Thanks!
  12. Good afternoon! I have e-mails from Mail alerts module, but in e-mails links are only to products, not to atribute (if product have atributes). How to edit file mailalerts.php to have links to product's atributes from Mail alerts e-mails? I found this code in mailalerts.php: $items_table = ''; foreach ($order_return_products as $key => $product) { $url = $context->link->getProductLink($product['product_id']); $items_table .= '<tr style="background-color:'.($key % 2 ? '#DDE2E6' : '#EBECEE').';"> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;">'.$product['product_reference'].'</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;"> <strong><a href="'.$url.'">'.$product['product_name'].'</a> </strong> </td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em; text-align:center;">'.(int)$product['product_quantity'].'</td> </tr>'; } I see, that it is link to product $url = $context->link->getProductLink($product['product_id']); How to create a condition to make a link to atribute, if it is not only product, but product's atribute?
  13. after having issues for some time with email alerts regarding a new product ( merchand didn't get any notification) i erased the mail alert module in order to re-install it.. It seems that in the addons section this module does not exist any more , only payable ones .. what do i do?
  14. Hi friends, Have a lot of posts because this problem with module mail alert (prestashop official), about as show only product out of stock: Insert this code in line 450 more or less: <!-- Out of stock hook --> {if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) OR !$product->available_for_order OR (isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $restricted_country_mode) OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} <div id="oosHook"{if $product->quantity > 0} style="display: none;"{/if}> </div> {$HOOK_PRODUCT_OOS} {/if} I use prestashop
  15. Bonjour, Je vous expose mon problème. Je ne reçois pas de mail lorsqu'un client effectue une commande. Pourtant j'ai bien installé et configuré le module mail alerts. D'ailleurs, je reçois le mail de test. La version du module est v3.5.2 et celle de Prestashop D'avance merci pour votre aide ! Cordialement
  16. Hola a todos, mi problema es el siguiente. Tengo una prestashop con la versión en construcción, al principio todo estaba bien y enviaba las correos tanto de registro de newsletter como el de bienvenida al usuario. Pero realizando las últimas pruebas ya no envia ningun correo, de ningún tipo, solos los correos de prueba, que esos los manda sin problema. El email principal es el mismo tanto en 'Contacto de la tienda' como en el 'Mail alerts' pero no funciona. He pensado en actualizar la versión de Prestashop, ¿pero eso hará que pierda mis traducciones? ¿Que comprobaciones puedo realizar?. Un saludo
  17. A few products of my products are out of stock in my store, and I would like to determine interest in them by viewing how many people sign up for "Notify me when Available" email. Is there a module, or some way to view this?
  18. Hi, I have an issue with Mail Alerts module. Everything seems fine in BO, but there is no visible field to enter mail address to get notification when product is back in stock. Other functionalities of Mail Alerts - notifications for merchant - are OK. Example: http://mojprotein.sk/whey-protein-90-10 Product is out of stock, but there is no presence of Mail Alerts to enter mail address. Any ideas? Thanks
  19. Recently I have noticed that the out of stock notifications button on my product page has stopped working. When I click it nothing happens at all. Any and all help would be much appreciated.
  20. UPDATE: I was told, by the hosting company that the e-mail has to be explicitly configured. I went Advanced Parameters -> E-mail and found what you can see in the screenshot. I was told, by the hosting company, what to put where, but it does not work. The data I am sure of is in the screenshot. Can anybody give me a hand with the rest? I have recently moved a site build on Prestashop 1.5.2 from one domain (chiloticupushup.ro) to another (loulou.ro). The migration went well and everything works as it should except the Mail Alerts (version 2.4) module. While before the migration, whenever a new order was placed, an email was send to a certain e-mail address, after the migration no emails announcing new orders are send. What could have gone wrong? Is that a common issue? Thank you!
  21. is it possible to change E mail template for PS 1.6. I would like to take out tax and shipping cost from template but I could not do it. I changed all mails folders, but no success. translation works not too can any one help me
  22. Hi, My mail alert template contains the following: {delivery_company} {delivery_firstname} {delivery_lastname} {delivery_address1} {delivery_address2} {delivery_city} {delivery_postal_code} {delivery_country} {delivery_state} {delivery_phone} {delivery_other} and {invoice_company} {invoice_firstname} {invoice_lastname} {invoice_address1} {invoice_address2} {invoice_city} {invoice_postal_code} {invoice_country} {invoice_state} {invoice_phone} {invoice_other} but the phone numbers are missing from the received email alert. Of course the customers gave their phone numbers (it is obligatory) and they are in the database. What can be wrong?
  23. Mail alerts v3.4.4 - by PrestaShop is causing the performance of my website to deteriorate, slow load time etc. This is the error: [PrestaShopDatabaseException] Unknown column 'id_shop' in 'where clause' SELECT * FROM `ps_mailalert_customer_oos` WHERE (id_customer=20 OR customer_email='[email protected]') AND `id_product` = 557 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_shop` = 1 at line 635 in file classes/db/Db.php 629. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, ' '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97); 630. } 631. else if (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) 632. { 633. if ($sql) 634. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>'); 635. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); 636. } 637. } 638. 639. /**DbCore->displayError - [line 325 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->query - [line 501 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->executeS - [line 80 - modules/mailalerts/MailAlert.php] - [1 Arguments] MailAlert::customerHasNotification - [line 426 - modules/mailalerts/mailalerts.php] - [4 Arguments] MailAlerts->hookActionProductOutOfStock - [line 507 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments] HookCore::exec - [line 262 - controllers/front/ProductController.php] - [2 Arguments] ProductControllerCore->initContent - [line 180 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 373 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
  24. I recently got a payment gateway PayU Money configured to my online shop. While testing it, i noticed that the mail and sms alert thanking the customer for the order with details went before the payment was processed; i.e when the customer selects the payment option, and exactly then the mail is shot. Normally, this is fine with the bank wire module as there is no next step. However, when you select payment gateway, the next step is to choose what mode - cc/dc/netbanking, and it is incorrect for the mail or sms alert to go now. Ideally, it should go when the payment is processed with a confirmation from the payment gateway. Request your help here. The module i am using is providfed by Payu Money and attached herewith. Thanks, Abhey Shop: www.CarLEDIndia.com Prestashop_PayUMoney_Module_V4.zip
  25. [RISOLTO] buongiorno. Ho cercato ovunque nel forum italiano dopo aver fatto lo stesso nella guida ma non sono riuscito a trovare la soluzione al seguente problema: Nella mia offerta molti prodotti non vengono tenuti a magazzino ma li forniamo solo su ordinazione per via dei prezzi elevati e della gran quantità di varianti possibili. Per questo motivo la quantità in magazzino viene settata a zero( il prodotto resta comunque ordinabile e il cliente viene avvertito che la merce è disponibile su ordinzione e che la riceverà entro tot giorni). Da qualche parte quando ho installato prestashop mi ricordo di avere configurato gli avvisi in modo di essere avvertito quando la quantità di un prodotto scende sotto i tre pezzi. Di conseguenza ogni volta che inserisco un nuovo prodotto (che spesso ha centinaia di varianti) ricevo un migliaio circa di emails che mi avvertono, giustamente, che il prodotto è sceso sotto il livello di stock predefinito. Questo naturalmente accade anche quando inserisco un prodotto magari anche senza varianti. Almeno finchè non inserisco la quantità disponibile in bo (utilizzo la gestione avanzata del magazzino). A questo punto vorrei disabilitare la ricezione delle mail di notifica per questo tipo di occorrenza o comunque almeno avere il tempo di inserire la quantità quando il prodotto viene inserito a magazzino prima che la casella di posta si intasi di migiaia di messaggi. Però non riesco più trovare il modo per farlo. Considerato che ho cominciato a lavorarci su con 1.4 e nel frattempo,prima di potere essere pronto ho già dovuto aggiornare alla 1.5 può essere per questo che non trovo più la pagina giusta per apportare queste variazioni?
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