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  1. Buonasera a tutti, ho quasi completato una migrazione da magento e prestashop 1.7. Mi sono bloccato sul discorso costi di spedizione per fascia di peso e per località. Ho notato subito che su prestashop la logica è diversa rispetto a magento, su magento caricavo un file csv suddiviso per nazi...
  2. Hello, I am new to prestashop and currently running a magento store. I want to migrate to prestashop For information, my store's DB is synchronized with an ERP and that needs to be kept after the migration of course, and we need to keep the same URLs for everything once we migrate Where ca...
  3. Szukam rozwiązania, które umożliwi w miarę bezbolesną migrację z Magento na Preste, czy jest coś co może pomóc?
  4. We have our current website on the cs-cart platform. Due to lack of lack of local developers in our region we would like to move to something more popular like Prestashop or Magento. We have our own mobile skin customization script something like the below two links and we would like to replicate th...
  5. According to my research, Magento is the better option if you have a bigger portfolio of products or if you want to scale up. I just want to listen to the opinion of Presta aficionados so that I make a better and informed decision.
  6. Hi there! Does anyone had success to import Magento clients with their password into Prestashop through the csv importation tool? I saw the other way around http://xavierriley.co.uk/migrating-customers-from-prestashop-to-magento/index.html and I was wondering if it was possible to change the...
  7. I have been a web store owner for several years and have used zen-cart, opencart, magento, prestashop trying to build up a web shop. I only know some basic html and php programming skill. Now I would like to share my limited experience with some beginners who want to build up an onlne shop. Hope it...
  8. Ciao a tutti, ho attualmente uno Store di Arredamento e Design realizzato in Magento ma stavo pensando di rifarlo in Prestashop. Magento è sicuramente completissimo ma d'altro canto presenta una difficoltà non irrilevante e per questo volevo passare a Prestashop che mi sembra offra più o meno le st...
  9. Please provide with your feedback on the following: Magento store: Right now we have about 120K SKUs and about 250K customers in our database and update our price & campaigns fews time per day. We have lots of SKUs and highly rotation and we feel that Magento indexing & API create lots of proble...
  10. Dear developers of Prestashop, I love the platform a lot! And is a piece of cake for the complete novice to undestand the basics, despite the fact that a lot of enemies want to hurt us. In the subject: There is lack of a lot of great features that already exist in other platforms. There are not...
  11. Witam forumowiczów, Widzę, że polskie forum PS jest aktywne, na poziomie i robicie kawał dobrej roboty, więc poradzę się Was(może nawet doraźnie się Wam odwdzięczymy;). Temat może się przydać innym. Właśnie budujemy sklep oparty na modelu dropshipping(producent wysyła bezpośred...
  12. Si tienes tu tienda en cualquier carrito, y quieres dar el salto a Prestashop, nos encargamos de crear tu nueva tienda y recuperar todos los datos de tu antigua tienda a tu nueva tienda Prestashop. Trabajamos con mas de 40 carritos diferentes: Oscommerce, Opencart, Magento, Shopify, Virtuemart,...
  13. So, I have a shop running zencart, but we need to add an invoice program to it, and it has to be a specific one, we can't find a module for zencart, but it exists for magento and prestashop. I personally prefer prestashop because I've used it for a while, I have never touched magento. This i...
  14. A tutti i lettori un buon 2014! Da quest'anno i nostri moduli di pagamento per Prestashop si acquistano direttamente su shop.studioitc.com Potete scegliere il modulo che vi serve e scaricarlo subito. Naturalmente garantiamo sempre l'assistenza fino al corretto funzionamento del modulo per...
  15. Hi, Anyone of you coming from Magento & OpenCart ? The more I played around with Prestashop, the more I got frustrated with it. I'm wondering how those people who previously used Magento & OpenCart can adapt to the Primitive front-end design & layout of Prestashop. I come to Prestashop b...
  16. I am changing shops from Magento to Prestashop; I would like to know how to adapt the .htaccess for not losing customers and Google recognition. For the time being I have set 404 back to index page.. TIA
  17. Salut ! J'ai un problème .. J'ai une boutique presta 1.5.2 qui marche bien .. J'ai un partenariat en cours de négo avec un "concurent" pour qu'il gère mes commandes... Une des conditions de la négo, c'est que les commandes passées et payées sur MA boutique (presta) soit transferées sur...
  18. Bonjour, je souhaite migrer de Magento vers Prestashop et changer d'hébergement. Pouvez-vous me conseiller sur l'ordre de procéder, faut-il que je change d'hébergeur avant de migrer la boutique ou l'inverse? Existe-t-il une procédure Prestashop pour ce type de changement? Merci pour vos rép...
  19. Hello everyone! I am currently about to open a new eCommerce website to sell power tools online. looking for the best eCommerce platform for me, i narrow the options to: PrestaShop Magento ZenCart Virtuemart i know that here is the Prestashop forum and probably everyone here is using t...
  20. Saludos de nuevo. Despues de haber configurado por completo (o eso creo) una tienda en Prestashop, me interesaría pasar todos los productos desde Magento a Prestashop, me ahorraría unos 10 dias de trabajo aburrido .... alguien sabe de alguna forma? yo lo he hecho pasando los productos a un CSV e...
  21. Is there a module or any other solution on how to migrate from Magento to Prestashop?
  22. I'm going to build a online shop with the following requirements: 1. Fixed amount/percentage discount within certain period 2. Global voucher (for all users) and individual voucher (for particular users only) 3. Free shipment or discounted shipment 4. Reward point ( for example, when a user p...
  23. Ive to migrate from an old Magento 1.2 (circa 1000 products) to a new Prestashop installation, really urgently... reallly i dont know what the best and safe way.. there is some module to do that?
  24. Hey, I work with Sweet Tooth ( www.sweettoothrewards.com ), a customer loyalty module that is currently on Magento. Is there anyone interested in seeing Sweet Tooth brought to the Prestashop community?
  25. Bonjour à tous, Je viens de parcourir en long et en large le forum en quête d'un module ou d'un développement qui pourrait rendre possible les produits composés sur Prestashop à l'image de Magento (CF capture), en vain. Je ne parle pas des packs produits inclus dans Prestashop mais par exemp...
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