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  1. Hallo, ich verkaufe in meinem Shop eBooks, diese sollen per email download link verschickt werden. Ich habe einen Testartikel erstellt um dies einmal zu testen. Wenn ich einen Testartikel gekauft habe und den Status der Bestellung auf "Erfolgreich abgeschlossen" setze, müsste ich ja th...
  2. Depois de algum tempo com dores de cabeça pra achar algum bom rastreador encontrei uma solução personalizada do antigo link de rastreamento dos correios. Um pequeno arquivo em PHP, onde é gerada a seguinte URL https://www.seu-site.com.br/sro.php?objeto=@ <?php $url = "http://www2.c...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps the administrator to log visitors’ IPs, city, country, zip, longitude, latitude, and others in the database and Graphical representation of visitors' data using charts from the back office. This will help to get detail about ea...
  4. I have a social widget on the home page but it doesn't work, you can neither click on the text nor be redirected to the instagram page. Any idea on how to fix this issue?
  5. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to implement search engine optimization of your online store by adding automatic hreflang, and canonical tags. Helps search engine bots to know your store supports and works in multiple languages for different countries. Fix issues...
  6. Hello, I am a newbie here... I am using PrestaShop I have a huge problem with my website www.kabatani.com Non of the links work. The website is completely frozen. Could you let me know what shall I do. Maybe it is connected with the update of the tree links module which I...
  7. Hi everyone, I would like to know if anyone knows how to put the <link rel = prev> and <link rel = next> tags in header prestashop 1.7, I've been looking and I can't find anything that fixes this problem, only for versions prior to 1.7. Can anybody help me? Thanks...
  8. Hi guys! During configuration of emails in my shop, I've noticed an issue. I want to put name of the shop in the caption - but I want just a text, not a link. In the emails module it looks fine, but when I make some tests and I send the same email to my inbox, name of the shop convert to a hype...
  9. I m using ThèmeVolty Blog in my Prestashop web site, and i want to change the links of single posts but the theme don't give me the ability to do it: this is the links by default Single Blog Url: http: // domain.com /blog / {id} /1_rewrite.html For example: I have following url:...
  10. Hi there, I'm using default-bootstrap version 1.0 theme, how can I change the link when user click on the header logo? The default link is to www.abc.com/name/, can I change it to www.abc.com? Thanks!!!
  11. Hello, I want to open some link to cms page (for ex.shipping,payment on widget link footer) in a pop up windows ,is it possible? Thanks
  12. Hi, I changed the main url working style a bit for my website. Normally, the prestashop link should look like this: mywebsite.com/en/catalog/... But, I installed the prestashop on a subfolder of my website. So it looked like this: mywebsite.com/shop/en/catalog... "shop" here is t...
  13. When I create a page in PS 1.7.6, the link of the page will be set to /en/ even all default have been set to /dk/ . How can I change it to /dk/?
  14. I have been hired to proofread a Prestashop website. The owner has added me as "translator", with my email and a password. However, I don't know how to access the page - do I need to install Prestashop, or is there a direct link to login with my username and password? I've checked the forum in diffe...
  15. [MODULE] Advanced Product Tags Pro | SEO internal link promotion Module Overview Display the product tag on the product page, which will help customers filter the product, increase the search engine spider crawl and thus improve the site SEO ranking, background support custom product tag U...
  16. [MODULE] Powerful and custom short URL link generator for SEO Overview You can shorten URLs to make them easier to share using the URL shortener. A URL shortener built with powerful tools to help your customers easily remember you and analyze user behaviors to improve order conversi...
  17. Maaf bang . Mau nanya soal website prestashop saya. Kenapa yha di website saya di atas yang dekat gambar gembok (url) ada gambar segitiga kuning. Saya sudah cari tahu katanya SSL nya gak ada ,dan di SEO friendly di produk juga hanya HTTP: Pertanyaan saya: Kenapa saya sudah b...
  18. I can't find anywhere how to get the link name in tpl. There is new {url entity='cms' id='1'} way of inserting url into .tpl, but this is pretty useless if you have to hardcode the link name anyway: <a href="{url entity='cms' id='1'}">HERE SHOULD BE THIS PAGE NAME</a> We have two languages...
  19. Hi, First post so please be gentle.... I am entering the product information into the back office and saving it, but when I open the product again the shipping dimensions reset themselves to 0 (zero). I have looked in the database table and the values I originally entered are there but when...
  20. Bom dia! Gostaria de saber como eu removo a mensagem "Powerd by PrestaShop" da minha loja quando vou compartilhar o link, como por exemplo, no Facebook. Segue em anexo uma mensagem para melhor compreensão. Grato!
  21. Dear Community, Our 🔥BrandNew🔥 Module "Show Me More" is now for Prestashop 1.7 available on Prestashop Addons. For some Products as you know there are endless long Descriptions. This Module shows the Short Product Description with a "Show More" Link... The long description only...
  22. Does anyone know how to do something like this below? Is there a module for this?
  23. Hola, Configure hace poco prestashop, ya cree algunos productos. Lo que necesito es que al seleccionar alguno de los productos que aparecen, necesito que se re direccione a una tienda (Multitienda). Favor vuestra ayuda
  24. Hallo alle zusammen, Ich habe Prestashop Wenn ich die Sendungsnummer bei der Bestellung eintrage, bekommt der Kunde automatisch ein E-Mail von uns aber leider da steht weder Sendungsnummer drin noch der einsprechende Link, wo der Kunde die Paket verfolgen kann. Ich habe Trackin...
  25. Hi all ! I'm setting up my prestashop store right now and I have a problem. I need that after the buyer selects a product, clicks on ''place an order" and moves to my Amazon page and not in the shopping cart Thank for any help!!!
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