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  1. I have enable layered navigation option but 3rd sub level filtering is not working. If I select the 1st sub, the layer filering works but 2nd sub is visable but not selectable see setup : parent category / 1st sub / 2nd sub / 3rd sub If category setup with 2 sub level it works go...
  2. Hello. I have a problem with layered navigation i think, if i choice some features i regenerates a url link. But when i copy/past the same link i disappears. Example. http://www.skinlife.se/3-ansiktsvard#/kon-man/produkt-ansiktsvatten redirects to ---> http://www.skinlife.se/3-ansikt...
  3. Here as small how to for Layered Navigation module. I found too much people asking for that mod, so i wrote this how to and it is also available in portuguese here: http://goo.gl/CCMjA7 So here we go. Block Layered works with product attributes filter (like size, color, etc) and when you have on...
  4. Hi all, my goal is to create a list of links in the top menù to go to category page filtered by manufacturer. At the moment I'm using: getCategoryLink((int)$category['id_category'], null, null).'#/manufacturer-'.$manufacturer["name"] I need that the page is exactly the category page to...
  5. Hello, - I made a custom field `field_custom` to `{prefix}_product` tables and Product ( ObjectModel ) classes. How could I, add this `field_custom` searchable and also available to layered navigation filter or integrate with module ps_facetedsearch ? for reference i have added im...
  6. Hi - am using latest version of Prestashop 1.6 an the layered navigation block. On Product list pages in all categories I have some extra content at the bottom of these category pages with anchors, linked to from the category description text. With layered navigaion block enabled clicking the l...
  7. Hi, Can someone tell me how can I make the layered module on the left side of my category page to be active by default ? When an user come for the first time on the category page to see the filters on the left side without having to press Show Filters. I having a hard time with th...
  8. Hello, I would like your help and opinion on the following - I'm really on a dead end with it: My main categories have subcategories (and viewing them is ON) - picture 1. If I click on the main category (smoking pipes), I see nothing - picture 2. Also, the subcategories on the left, lead t...
  9. Is it possible to change the display order of the feature values in the layered navigation block? Please see the first attachment, I have a range of thicknesses which I would like to in ascending order. The IDs are not in proper order as I created the feature values over time and not in correct orde...
  10. Does anyone know how to include the product Reference number into the PS standard layered navigation block? The PS version Thanks.
  11. Hi My site currently has two Analytics tracking codes - one in the <head>, as you'd expect but also one outside of the <body>. Latter one is part of a bundle of javascripts and, I presume, is a result of CCC option to "move javascripts to the end". I tried to resolve duplication by switch...
  12. Hi ! We're running a Prestashop 1.6 instance with approx 1200 products with average of 5 declinations each. I noticed that since few weeks, our server is often crashed down, so I decided to investigate. When I received monitoring server down alert, I immediately checked the logs to se...
  13. Hi all, Having troubles with the Layered Navigation block on my website at http://casshudson.monkeydrupal.com/13-casters. The pagination works but the "Showing 1 - 10" count goes nuts when going to any other page using the pagination links. I read here that the problem could be with the...
  14. Greetings, When I activate the "Layered Navigation" block, it will not work. Also, with "Layered Nav" active the "sort by" doesnt work (when "Layered Nav" is disabled it does work perfectly). Details: Using any filter will update the "There are x products" but will NOT change the product list...
  15. I am trying to configure Layered navigation block on PrestaShop but on Step 1, on selecting categories, the module run continuously. Any help on this please because I would like to allow the visitor to filter the products through Layered navigation block. Regards Thomas
  16. I’m work with PS 1.6 in localhost for temp. So far, everything is ok until I’m use layered navigation block in my category. I have created a filter template in the module config and set 3 filters just in one category (for example category "B") for testing only. There are sub-category filter, pro...
  17. Hello everyone. How is it possible to get price range filter to work with specific prices (special discounts) on ps1.5.2? As i have seen so far price range work only with base price and not Final price value. Thanks in advance.
  18. the hash sign (#) is ignored by the search engines during indexing and therefore our ajax filtered layered navigation links never end up in the SERPs. but I found this guide in google where they explain how to use the hash tag SE friendly by appending a ! sign to it - #! https://support.goog...
  19. Hello everyone, I think that I read all topics related to the Layered Navigation and Cron task but I didn't found similar problem. What is my problem - even if I use a built-in CRON module or schedule CRON in my hosting panel it works properly (I got "1" in server logs and/or information whe...
  20. I'd like to be able to use the layered navigation block on the manufacturers pages if possible. Some of my manufacturers have several hundred products in many categories, so it would be great for the customer to be able to filter down to what they're looking for if possible. Please could you let me...
  21. I found this bug every site that using the prestashop filtering on layered navigation, not only my site problem. (I am using 1.5.5 of prestashop clean install.) When press the “back button” to previous page in browser on product detail page, that I landed on it after a filtering on "layered naviga...
  22. Hi All, It seems the layered navigation block can be hooked only to a category page, no way to hook it to the home page. Can anyone help with this? Is there anyway I can show it on the home page? I am using version with a clean installation. Thank you, Nicu.
  23. Prestashop Hi My import file has various Features loaded in. For instance, I have various products with the same categories, all with different weights. I have the Feature setup within BO, but have not added any values. When I import them into Prestashop, they import ok, and when...
  24. How can I keep the accordion for each filter section in the layered navigation block closed by default? Currently, they are all open
  25. I am using a custom theme which has custom hooks. I am trying to display the Layered Navigation Filters horizontally on my category page only. My theme has a hook call displayCategoryHeader which displays the category image. I have modified the module php file to add the displayCategoryHead...
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