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Hola a todos! Alguien sabe cómo podríamos añadir imágenes a las diferentes opciones de pago en el proceso de compra de la tienda? Trabajamos en 1.7.4 y con la plantilla warehouse por lo que nos parece más complicado. Adjuntamos pantallazo Gracias
- 14 replies
- imagenes
- formas de pago
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Hallo Zusammen Ich habe ein Problem mit dem Cache. Bei meinem Shop werden die Produktbilder nicht gecached. Ich habe die folgende Ergänzung in der .htaccess ergänzt. ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month" Leider wird mir diese Zeile aus der .htaccess immer wieder selber entfernt. Mein Prestashop hat Standart die Zeile mit «jpeg» anstelle von «jpg» geschrieben. Ich weiss nicht ob da der Hund begraben liegt. ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month" Wie kann ich es mache, dass die Produktbilder auch gecached werden. Denn mein Google Page Speed, mein SEO und mein Ranking wären so viel besser (siehe jgp). Zudem wird mir von Zeit zu Zeit meine robots.txt Datei gelöscht. Dies geschieht, wenn ich im BO den Cache manuell lösche, jedoch nicht immer, nur wenn wahrscheinlich die Sterne im Zenit stehen. PS PHP 7.2 Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe.
Salve, Premetto che utilizzo un plugin (BigBuy Module) che esegue dei CronJobs ed inserisce i prodotti da un server esterno. Durante il caricamento della pagina, i prodotti vengono caricati ma alcune immagini vanno in errore 404 e visto che sono server requests, fanno rallentare il sito. Le requests arrivano a durare anche 1.6 minuti come si vede nello screen. Come posso impedire o fermare una request che va in 404? Grazie mille. Allego questo screen della console:
- 3 replies
- sito lento
- png
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Hello, I hope this would be the right section. I'm currently using a plugin (BigBuy Module) that runs CronJobs and automatically create products from an external server. During the loading of the page, some products are loaded but some images go into 404 error and since they are server requests, they make the website slow. These requests can last even 1.6 minutes as shown on my screenshot. How can I prevent or stop a request that goes into 404? Thanks so much. I am attaching this console screen:
Доброго времени суток, уважаемые гуру!Опыта общения с престой у меня не так много, потому столкнулся с проблемой - при попытке добавить в карточке товара jpg, выдает "NotFoundError ()" и, соответственно, никакого аплоуда не происходит. Скриншот прилагается. Версия магазина Размер добавляемых в карточку картинок до 200кб, так что за рамки лимита не выхожу. Подскажите неразумному, в чем может быть причина, ведь до сего момента всё было в порядке?Заранее благодарен!
Buongiorno a tutti. E grazie in anticipo per il prezioso aiuto! Ho un problemino con l'ultima versione di Prestashop. Sto creando ex-novo il mio sito di e-commerce. Ho reso obbligatorio l'upload di un file e fino a qua nessun problema. Il problema sorge quando voglio limitare questo upload solo ad file con estensione tiff o pdf. Nella versione precedente avevo trovato ora non trovo più l'inghippo....
Pixelcrush CDN. Pixelcrush optimizes and delivers your images with best-in-class algorithms and our worldwide CDN. We deliver blazingly fast your versioned images while your servers take care of what matters to your business. Forget offline image processing and make much faster design iterations. Increase conversions and boost sales on your Prestashop site displaying your product images properly and as fast as possible. Pixelcrush module for Prestashop is fast and easy to configure, just type your Pixelcrush's Account ID and API key into the configuration page and you are ready. Key benefits when using the module into your Prestashop site: - Forget about regenerate images. We use your image configuration for Products, Categories, Manufacturer and Suppliers to deliver realtime resizes images. - Super fast delivering. 20+ CDN worldwide pops network. We will use faster and closer server to deliver the content to the user. - SEO Friendly URLs. Using your aliases you can create prettier and shorter image URLs. - Static Content Cache. Option to also cache static .css and .js files. This is the only CDN you will ever need. - HTTP/2. Widely supported by major browsers. Increases page load downloading multiple images at the same time. Detailed install and how-to instructions: pixelcrush_prestashop_readme_en.pdf Download Module for PS 1.6 - 1.7 Download Module for PS 1.5 Module can also be downloaded from our GitHub repository. Feel free to contact us via our website or this thread and we will be very happy to assist you and solve any questions regarding our service or the module install and usage. Best Regards.
Hola a tod@s Mirad, he estado buscando y no encuentro cómo hacer lo que necesito. Quiero habilitar una zona donde cualquier visitante de mi tienda pueda descargarse archivos plantilla (con diferentes extensiones: .pdf, .ai, .jpg…) para que pueda diseñar su artículo personalizado que, con posterioridad, subiría a mi servidor para poder fabricar su producto. He probado en CMS, pero no lo consigo. Ahora lo tengo hecho como un artículo virtual, pero para que el visitante se lo descargue, se tiene que registrar, añadirlo al carrito… un rollo! Gracias desde ya!
Whoops, Looks like something went wrong... Then it says: LogicException in MimeTypeGuesser.php Line 135 I am on the Product Page and when I try to add an image (have tried both .png and .jpg) I get the error above. Any ideas??? ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE: I went into the php.ini and enabled: extension=php_fileinfo.dll This corrected the issue
ça faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas eu de bug... Trop peut être car j'ai une très vieille version de presta (Version ) mais bon tout marchait bien donc pourquoi changer une affaire qui marche... Depuis quelques jours je ne peux plus créer de nouveaux produits car je ne peux mettre de nouvelles images. Voilà le message d'erreur : format de l'image non reconnu ; formats acceptés : GIF, JPG, PNG Je n'ai rien changé du tout, j'ai même testé avec des images que j'ai déjà mis sur le site ou avec des images que j'ai mis sur un autre site, rien ne marche... ça doit encore être un tout petit détail à la con mais mois ça commence à m'empêcher de tourner rond Si quelqu'un a une idée géniale pour blonde je suis preneuse
I have a headache to find a solution to the quality of images that provides prestashop. I would like to know the solution to avoid compression when creating the image and scale only. By compressing the images for prestashop, the images are left with a dirty background. I have prestashop 4.8.2. PHP 5.2.11 Also tested with XAMPP with PHP 5.3.8 The quality of the pictures in prestashop, are 100 jpg, and png to 0. I have also tried to change in as explained in: I attach one example. the 3237-1181.jpg file is the original and the 3237-1181-large.jpg is prestashop compressed I don't like the compression.
- 7 replies
- Image compres
- jpg
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Hello all, I'm trying to add webp support for my store. Now, I'd like to create the required images immediately after upload via the hookWatermark. For some reason, however, these fail to materialise: the jpgs show up perfectly, but no webp images can be found in the image directory. This is the code that is called from this hook: $image = new Image($params['id_image']); $image->id_product = $params['id_product']; foreach ($this->imageTypes as $imageType) // loop over every image type { $imgBasename = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$image->getExistingImgPath().'-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']); $img = WebPSupport::getImageByType($imgBasename.'.jpg'); if ($img !== false) { imagewebp($img, $imgBasename.'.webp'); imagedestroy($img); } else return false; } What am I doing wrong? I'd really appreciate any input on this.
Saludos, después de 2 días sin poder seguir añadiendo productos a mi página por motivos personales, me encuentro con que de repente, sin tocar absolutamente nada, no me detecta las imágenes jpg ni png al intentarlas subir para cada producto. Selecciono la imágen, le doy a subir archivo y me salta lo siguiente: comprar-cava-colomer-autor.png : formato de imagen no reconocida; use los formatos: gif, .jpg, .png No tengo ni la más mínima idea de por donde buscar una solución. Si alguien puede darme una ayudita le estaré muy agradecido.
Using presta and smarty cache. Presta is generating htaccess file with expire dates for files like: ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType application/pdf "access plus 1 month" ... But missing jpg extension. That is reason for slow performance in Chrome browser. If i manualy add that line for jpg, is overwriten at next htaccess update. I think that is a bug in PS. So solution for that? Which file is responsible for write this expire dates in htaccess? Is it posible to protect this line for being overwriten?
Bonjour, je rencontre un problème concernant l'installation d'un thème prestashop et surtout l'insertion depuis le tableau de bord de prestashop ( de l'image du logo d'entête de mon thème. j'ai tenté de modifier les paramètres des images pour insérer soit des png ou des jpeg. à chaque fois que je tente d’insérer l'image: le résultat est toujours l'image point d’interrogation Pour information, le développement du thème est une duplication de default bootstrap. Auriez vous une piste de recherche ou une solution que je pourrai voir pour résoudre ce problème. Cordialement, Alamedagraphik
Hi there, I export images from Illustrator for product listings. I export them as jpgs and I've never had any issues. I just upgraded to CS6 and now when I export to jpg, if I try to upload those jpgs created in CS6 to a product listing, I'll get a red X at the bottom of the screen and an error message reading: "an error occurred while copying the image" If I go back and export the jpg using CS5, it'll work fine. I really want to streamline and just use CS6, any ideas?
- illustrator
- error
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Buen dia, sucede que cuando instale por primera vez, el tema por defecto del logo era: Y ahora: Al momento de cargar el logo se genero con ese nombre y lo quiero cambiar el nombre del archivo del logo. Gracias. Uso la ver.
- 4 replies
- prestashop
- logo
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Hallo Zusammen, seit einigen Tagen beschäftige ich mich mit dem Einrichten meines neuen Shops und habe leider folgendes Problem. Wenn ich Bilder hochladen will, kommt bei mir teilweise die Fehlermeldung "Bildformat nicht anerkannt, erlaubte Formate: GIF, JPG, PNG" Das passiert allerdings nicht immer. Produktfotos und das Logo konnte ich ganz normal hochladen. Neue Bilder der Slideshow sowie neue Werte (Texturen) hingegen gehen leider nicht. Alle bisherigen Lösungsvorschläge die ich in Foren gefunden habe, haben bei mir leider nicht funktioniert. Für eure Hilfe wäre ich euch sehr dankbar!
- 2 replies
- Bildformat
- Formate
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Hola, una pregunta para todos, esperamos que alguien nos pueda ayudar: Tenemos un archivo csv con productos a importar a Prestashop 1.5, pero a la hora de realizar la importación se nos muestra el siguiente mensaje: Hay 15 advertencias. El link reescrito para ABRIGO DE LANA (ID: 3607345397641) se reescribió como abrigo-de-lana. Como ejemplo os mostramos 1 producto (pero ocurre en todos) Sin embargo en nuestro excel tenemos definido el siguiente texto para la imagen: ropa- abrigo-de-lana.jpg No entendemos por qué nos ha borrado la palabra "ropa", que queremos conservar para nuestro SEO de imágenes. ¿Cómo es posible que Prestashop nos borre parte del nombre de la imagen? Gracias
Bonjour Faut il que les images aient toujours une extension .jpg. Je m'explique, j'ai écrit un module qui copie des images pour mes articles. Dans ce module je garde l'extension de mes images. Pour les images .jpg tout va bien mais pour les images png j'ai un gros point d'interrogation J'ai fait un test en ajouter par l'interface d'admin une image png et je me rends compte que mes images ont toutes une extension .jpg. Pourtant dans préférence images j'ai bien coché Utiliser le PNG uniquement si l'image de base est au format PNG Est ce un bug ? Faut il que je modifie mon script et je force une extension .jpg toujours ? Faut il changer un paramètre quelque part ?
Does anyone know whether Prestashop creates progressive jpg files when it resizes its images? If so, great. If not, then it really should, but does anyone know how to make it do so? I presume whichever library Prestashop uses for resizing (GD/ImageMagik?) has this as an option?
1.5.3 worked good then I updated to Prestashop version: Shop URL: Current theme in use: carano - now I get broken images when uploading photos for new products in store. Any one know about this and can help me with a fix? It was fine until I did the update. Please help!! I need product images to display. Look under WHATS NEW at my site to issue. Thank you for your help in advance. When inspecting element, I see the address says small_default I need this changed to small_carano - I don't know where the file is that needs to be changed. Same for all my photos, such as large_default - in my store, under themes/images/ my images are labeled large_carano etc, but inspecting element shows link with default...
Hi all, I just updated to Prestashop and I am now trying to change the jpg file of the header logo in a png file. (because I need a transparent logo) I know that in PS1.4 you had to change a line in the header.tpl file but the header.tpl file for PS1.5 is totally different. I have got the image quality settings in my back office set to 'Use PNG...' but everytime I upload my png file the transparancy of my logo doesn't change. If I then go back into my BO settings I can see the header logo is a jpg again. (I can see because the transparancy is gone again) I even tried to delete the logo.jpg file in my /img folder but if I do that my header logo doesn't show at all. Any help welcome!! thanks -Dave
- 3 replies
- png
- transparent
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Abbiamo appena installato la nuova versione di PS ed ho scoperto che non mi carica più i file zip contenenti più immagini. L'errore comunicato è il seguente: 1 error Image format not recognized, allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png Ovviamente dentro ci sono jpg, anzi ho usato un file già precedentemente caricato. Succede anche a qualcuno di voi?
- 3 replies
- upload zip
- immagini
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Hi everyone. I have created a set of images for my category pages. I have made them .png, but once i upload them, they become .jpg. My problem is the following, i have created my images with hidden watermarks, thus the need for them to be .png. However, once i upload them to the server, they become ,jpg meaning that the hidden watermarks are lost. Although i have set in the BO under images to always keep png, they skill keep reverting to jpg. How can i avoid this?