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  1. Hi to everyone! I just red the White paper related to the SEO optimization of a ecommerce site... It was very interesting but now I have a big question! In the SOE section of product, categories, etc.. pages it is possible to edit the meta data: title, description, keywords... Ok, but how can I...
  2. Hello everyone, So this is newbie question but I want to be sure I get it right!! I have a number of products that all use the same detailed product description. The product is a perforated vinyl window wrap so the same details apply to all the products but the printed images are what mak...
  3. My sites keep getting hacked and it's a particular hack that inserts escaped html. Then it progresses to spam being sent from my server and shutting down the shared hosting account for being over resources. Here's an example: home/i***/public_html/fractals**.com/css/index.php <?php /*3...
  4. Kαλησπέρα, στο CMS Page όταν πηγαίνω στο page content κάνω insert/edit image και όταν πατάω browse image μου εμφανίζει όλες τις φώτο σε μορφή n. Χρησιμοποιώ την εκδοση prestashop 1.5.1 Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε ?
  5. Hello, I need to see the UPC column in the Order View, back Office. Any idea on how to add it? PS I think I need to edit the /adminxxxx/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view view.tpl file but I have no idea what the code should be.
  6. Hello, I'm new in Talend ESB and I'm trying to insert a new category in Prestashop backend using tRestClient component. As a response of the web service, I get a 400 error : Bad Request. The fields I filled for my request are : id_parent id_shop_default is_root_category name...
  7. Hi you all, I am working right now with the PS Webservice. I would like to force the ID of the POST (insert). Example: - I have on my platform a manufacturer with ID = 10 - I make a POST to the WEBSERVICE and the ID of the insert is 12 - I have to save the relation between 10 and...
  8. Hello, Bon je sais que ce sujet a déjà été évoqué plusieurs fois (v1.5 ou v1.6). Et généralement je vois des développeurs montés au créneau en expliquant que c'est plus propre d'agir du côté de Smarty ou de développeur un module dédié...etc... Mais bon, je ne suis pas développeur PHP pur,...
  9. Hello, I have a specific CMS page, in which I want to insert an embedded product display area where people can add to cart a determined product without quitting the cms page. In other terms, I would like to have a visual shortcut (just like embedded Tweets) in the middle of the cms page where cu...
  10. Hello everybody, i am using ps ver. For my colleagues, which will insert and process the products in the Back office, i would like to allow them to force the id of the new inserted product. I mean i should give them an option to insert in the Catalog>Products>Information tab a custom...
  11. Looks simple but I lost! I would place a simple reveal.js code into my product page but I do not know how, and where to put it <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.reveal.js"></script> I mean I uploaded the srcipt into the themes/prestashop/js folder, but how to link it correctly to sho...
  12. hi! to everyone!!. I am new in prestashop 1.6, actually I am starting developing simple applications, adding some menus like "teacher" in the backoffice, It has just the basic information, (name, address and telephone) but also has an photo_path field, which allows me to upload an image, I've create...
  13. Hi, I have a client that he is like to create an online e-shop, based on PrestaShop. The problem with this client is that he is selling products that the price is based in m2 but are available in boxes that cannot get opened and send in example 4 items from a box. More specific, my clien...
  14. Hola, Necesito hacer un INSERT en una nueva tabla tras la realización de un pedido (es decir, tras el INSERT del ORDER en ps_orders). Para todo esto, estoy haciendo un modulo y recupera un campo al principio del proceso de compra y lo guardo en un valor de Object Context para poder recuperar...
  15. Bonjour, Nous sommes face à un gros problème de performance quant à l'utilisation des mises à jour des produits en utilisant le webservice PS Pour 30 000 produits cela prend plus de 30h. Le CPU et la RAM du serveur sont sous-utilisés avec une marge disponible conséquente et la BDD mysql e...
  16. Dear forumers, We are currently facing to a huge performance issue using the webservice for distance update / insert on PS In fact for 30 000 products it takes more than 30h. The server CPU and RAM using are low, an the database is on a SSD. Did someone have an idea to debug se...
  17. Hi, In prestashop I am doing a small module. In my module the form for upload an image is like this $this->_html .= ' <form id="formID1" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="">'.$this->l('Add Store Type').'</label> <...
  18. 1.5.5. fresh installation, new database Tried to add YouTube video to the product page. Every way was tested - no ways worked. - Inserting Youtube code to html source - Inserting 'Flash video' - Inserting 'HTML5 Video' - Inserting frame source After inserting of any code, it does not sav...
  19. hello, I have the following code in my controller: $insertData = array( 'app_id' => 1, 'app_name' => 'google plus', 'status' => 0, 'title' => 'google title' ); Db::getInstance()->insert("your table name", $insertData); and in my view i have the following button...
  20. Hi community ! A simple question. Does the insert method (in PS 1.5) support the inserting of only some value in a db row? Actually I'm using it (i.e. the method) but it doesn't save the values specified nor it rise any error. My final goal is to save only some value in a db row, specifically th...
  21. i need help to understand the database of prestashop template. i have create the site using prestashop. till now i have uploaded the data manually. but i really want to understand the how we can directly access the the database and update/insert if required. I have also downloaded the Navicat lite...
  22. Que tal amigos. Necesito que a la hora de realizar una orden o un pedido, prestashop me añada otra información a una nueva tabla que he creado en la base de datos de Prestashop. El problema que tengo es que no se en donde crear la consulta de ingreso de datos o sea, ¿en dónde inserta los datos a la...
  23. Hi friends... i have a problem... i need insert a data into a new table from prestashop's db, but, where put the consult ? which files I have to change? when make a orden,, where is the insert? i appreciate your response..
  24. Hello, I want to ask which method should I use to work with the following criteria. I designed my own html and CSS files. Therefore I already have the the styling and structure. I want to apply this design and structure so it can work with prestashop CMS. Therefore I duplicated the standard...
  25. Hi, Prestashop Is there a way to include all sub-categories under all each parent categories? Every parent category must include all each sub-categories. I have lots of categories and sub-categories. I have: 36 pcs category A .... 674 pcs sub-category AA ........... 27 pcs sub-catego...
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