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  1. I'm currently trying to get the IMAP Customer Service settings setup with our MS Exchange O365 setup. The settings seem to be correct and i get this as an error message: This results in the sync not working either. The account in question is set to have POP3 and IMAP enabled as well as ba...
  2. No consigo configurar el servicio IMAP en Prestashop en 1.7. Eston son los datos que he configurado: En Atención al cliente > Customer service: OPCIONES DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE Tengo configurado todo tal y como se indica en la página de ayuda de Gmail: https://support.google.com/mail/answ...
  3. Hello Tous, Le bo m'indiquait dans la partie SAV que les paramètres Imap n'étaient pas fonctionnels, je les ai donc renseigné, cependant je pense qu'il y a une erreur car depuis je ne peu plus accéder à la partie SAV du BO et ne peut plus lire les messages. J'ai lu déjà pas mal de truc sur le suje...
  4. Prestashop : Hébergeur : PlanetHoster - nouvelle plateforme : NOC Bonjour, j'ai un problème depuis que je suis passé sur la nouvelle plateforme de PlanetHoster la NOC. Quand j'ai une commande et que je clique sur le bouton de "Préparation en cours" une fenêtre s'ouvre...
  5. Hi, i'm trying to configure an email account with IMAP to recive mails about the Customer services but everytime that i try to save some modifications, the website spawn up this warning "Cannot connect to the mailbox : Can't open mailbox {mailserver.tls :143/ssl/novalidate-cert/tld}: invalid re...
  6. Bonjour, Je suis en train de monter une boutique en ligne. Je suis donc sur la dernière version avec le thème par défaut. En configurant la partie SAV et plus précisément, la partie imap, je me suis rendu compte d'un bug. Lorsque j'envoie un mail de test (html ou texte brut) d...
  7. Hi guys I have Prestashop where I have an issue with the contact form. When you try to send it you get the prompt message that email is sent. And yes it is at least partially it is shown in the Customer Service tab in the backend however no e-mail is sent to the email define as customer se...
  8. PS Un saluto a tutti. Visualizzo questo pessaggio di errore nella scheda "Servizio Clienti" IMAP configuration is not correct Desidero sapere che problemi potrei avere e come configurare correttamente l' IMAP. Grazie
  9. Ciao tutti, ho installato la versione e non riesco a sincronizzare la posta (IMAP) all'interno del Servizio Clienti. Cliccando sul pulsante "Lancia Sincronizzazione" ricevo il seguente errore: ------- TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to sync. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Tex...
  10. My server does not utilize IMAP mail server but PrestaShop apparently utilizes IMAP to send customer emails relative to order status etc. Is there any way to refer that correspondence to unencrypted POP3 or (preferably) PHP mail? All attempts to send emails to clients results in a "500 Internal...
  11. Hola, buenos días. Estoy configurando el servicio al cliente, y me pasa algo un poco curioso. Si envío un mensaje de pedido, dentro de Pedidos-Pedidos (Veo el pedido y voy al cuadro mensajes), llega correctamente, y permite la opción de contestar. Esa respuesta va al mail correctament...
  12. Estimados, Necesito de su ayuda, esto antes no pasaba y no se modificó nada, les comento: Cuando quiero abrir para mostrar todos los mensajes se demora un montón en cargar la página y ademas me aparece un error de IMAP con el correo. El correo está enviando y recibiendo correos...
  13. Saludos a todos Quisiera saber si alguien ha podido solucionar y de qué modo este error que aparece en el servicio al cliente. Cuando envío una prueba de correo, funciona y envía el correcto perfectamente, pero si lo envío desde la tienda en 'contacto' o 'contacte con nosotros', entonces d...
  14. Hi, something wrent wrong when I changed the imap settings. Now I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to reach the customer service page. Which file and where is it, where I can change the settings via an editor?
  15. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à synchroniser les messages du sav avec l'option Imap. Pourtant j'ai bien un message : Synchronisation effectuée avec succès Voici ma config (Je suis chez OVH) : - url imap : SSL0.OVH.NET - Port : 993 - utilisateur : hello@domaine.com - Pass : XXXXX...
  16. Hola, Estoy tratando de configurar el acceso a mi servidor de correo electrónico a través de la interfaz IMAP en SERVICIO AL CLIENTE . Estoy seguro de que el uso de la información correcta proporcionada por mi webhots. Sin embargo, la interfaz no tiene acceso a mi servidor de correo electrónico...
  17. Hello, I am trying to configure access to my email server through the IMAP interface in CUSTOMER SERVICE. I am sure to use the correct information provided by my webhots. However, the interface does not have access to my e-mail server and an error message appears: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure...
  18. Does anyone make the Customer service feedback system in Prestashop version work with Gmail? Customers can send me messages, but when I reply via the back office they don't get my replies. While it works when I answer the feedback via email, it would have been great to have all the communic...
  19. Hi, When a customer uses the contact us form on our website we need it to: a. Create message in back office. b. Send an email to our Outlook account so we can reply We have entered the Correct IMAP setting and Run Sync which is successful. When we test the contact form we are gett...
  20. Hello, I need to configure my server to support IMAP and/or POP3 and my only question is if any configuration made to postfix, dovecot/courier would somehow affect my Prestashop installation or is it completely independent from these underlying components? My shop is configured to use the PHP ma...
  21. Hi everybody, i get an error message when i try to Sync my emails with IMAP in the Customes Service section. If i press the Sync button on the bottom i get the following error: Unable to create selectable TCP socket (1483 >= 1024) Did anybody else have this issue? I would be grateful i...
  22. Hola... Quisiera saber si es normal que no se agregue al hilo de una conversación en el apartado de Servicio al cliente Prestashop, el mensaje de respuesta de un cliente a otro enviado desde este mismo apartado por el administrador de la tienda. Ej: 1º Cliente >>> Realiza Consulta desde...
  23. Hi, I am trying to assign an email box to the customer service on PrestaShop, but after entering the correct details and clicking 'Sync' I get an error to do with CRAM-MD5. My host provider has told me that I need to change from CRAM-MD5 to plain authentications but cannot specify how. Can anyo...
  24. Hello, I am trying to set up my Customer Service Options (under Customers->Customer Service in the Back office). Our support email address is handled by Gmail. I want to be able to get those emails in my email client (like I currently am able to do) as well as in Gmail...and in Prestashop. Presu...
  25. Hi, I would like some one to shed some light on the Customer Services address inbox IMAP Syncing functionality. I have set-up everything correctly so the emails are going out and emails are being retrieved just fine. So there's NOTHING wrong with my settings. My question is basically on the func...
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