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  1. Salut à tous, Salutations. Le module permet d'afficher une notification sur le nombre de produits que les clients ont ajoutés dans le panier sur la boutique en ligne. Il aide à réduire le panier abandonné, aide les visiteurs à connaître le nombre de chariots et les encourage à terminer la...
  2. hide show issue of SELECT YOUR PAYMENT METHOD when i am check T&C checkbox this issue only on Internet Explorer HOW to solve this issue
  3. The above payment module for MyGate has issues with IE (Internet Explorer), Issue is explained below. Customer gets to checkout page, say order total is R100. Customer decides to cancel transaction as they want to include another product or up the qty. Customer checkout, the cart amounts now R...
  4. Hello, when I add product to cart on internet explorer, and when i want to realize order, od add another product to cart, all products in cart disappear. This happens only when I am as a guest.
  5. Buongiorno a tutti, sto riscontrando un problema con il mio negozio online (prestashop version Ovvero, da quando ho impostato un'immagine di sfondo (che deve restare fissa), utilizzando la rotella del mouse per fare lo scrolling, vedo tale immagine scattare come se volesse spostarsi,...
  6. Hello, i need to put an image as a background of my shop (version I added these lines in the global.css of the default theme: #header, #columns, #footer {background:#FFFFFF} body { height: 100%; background-image: url('http://www.olio-di-argan.com/shop/themes/default/img/images/201...
  7. Dobry den, u obchodu www.aranys.cz se deje takova nemila vec. Kdyz pridam zbozi do kosiku a refreshnus tranku, nebo dam objednat, tak se mi z kosiku zbozi smaze a vypise to hlasku ze v kosiku neni azdne zbozi. Chrome a FF to nedela, dela to jen IE. Muzete mi prosim poradit, cim to muze byt? Dik...
  8. Hi, I have an issue with the logout in my prestashop. For many browsers the user cannot log out anymore once logged in. When clicking on the link, nothing is happening. It is not working for the latest releases of Firefox, IE11, Opera. But is working with Safari Browser on my ipad. I use prestash...
  9. Hi everyone! I'm having a very weird problem, that is driving me crazy. When you enter the shopping cart in Chrome / Firefox, the categories block in the left menu looks normal. Like this: http://i.imgur.com/O8oxYoi.jpg But when you enter the shopping cart on Internet Explorer, the cate...
  10. Hi, The problem i facing is when i click on button "write your review" then it shows only back screen without fancy box popup window that problem happening only in chrome and IE but its working fine in firefox. When i try to open up the code window using inspect element its showing all the codes r...
  11. Hola, buenas tardes Tengo un problema realmente raro en mi equipo con mi tienda. Desde Chrome (version 39.0) y desde IE (versión 11.09) NO me deja acceder al panel de administración. Si pongo el user o pass mal SÍ me dice que están mal pero en cuanto la pongo bien, se queda cargando y vuelve...
  12. HI, First thanks to this forum for all the problems it has helped me solve so far without posting! I have managed to get everything working on firefox, but when I view the front end on chrome or IE the products do not display. You can see the prices and a blank photo in catagory view, but th...
  13. Bonjour, Ma boutique est enfin en ligne (merci à tous sur ce forum de m'avoir aidé sur beaucoup de points !), tout fonctionne parfaitement, malgré quelques améliorations à apporter par-ci par-là. MAIS ! Certains utilisateurs de IE8 m'ont rapporté le problème suivant : lorsqu'elle veulent aller...
  14. Fala pessoal, tudo bem ? No ecommerce que estou fazendo necessitei ativar o modo b2b para que o cliente precise informa cnpj e inscrição estadual, siret foi traduzido para cnpj e codigo ape para ie, só que a validação não foi aplicada para esses documentos brasileiros, então precisava de uma mão...
  15. Buenas tardes a todos, tengo un problema muy grave, es que la web en la que trabajo, no va muy bien con Internet Explorer, y al ser una página que lo visitarán un 99% Koreanos, es un gran problema, porque en Korea de Sur, el 72% lo utiliza. La web es: http://spainzip.net/ko/ y lo peor, es qu...
  16. Hej! Mam pytanie. W jaki sposób naprawić błąd, który powoduje, iż zdjęcie Loga oraz listy nowych produktów w dropmenu nie pokazują się w przeglądarce Internet Explorer. Prestashop 1.6 www.90grungewear.com Pozdr!
  17. Hello, I just created a website with the version with the default theme and slide. I have a problem with the slide, but affects only the view for Internet Explorer. In Chrome and Firefox correctly displays the slide and the two images of the theme beside, but in IE the image of the slide...
  18. Hola a todos, estoy usando prestashop v 1.606 con homeslider v 1.3.9 al reproducirla en un internet explorer 8 no me aparecen las imagenes del home slider puede verlo en www.bomboloni.es muchas gracias por adelantado
  19. Bonjour. Je viens de trouver un bug sur ma boutique qui est sous Prestashop Lorsqu'on tente d'aller sur la page /historique-des-commandes sous Internet Explorer, c'est redirigé automatiquement vers /mon-compte. Du coup, impossible d'aller sur cette page sous IE. En revanche, sous Firefo...
  20. Was just on my website looking for a link to tweet. And it seems in internet explorer 9 its all messed up. It was perfect last night. Looked correct and everything. Its only messy in internet explorer. I've checked firefox, crome and safari. Everything is on CCC as needed. I've cleared the...
  21. Hi, I found my website did not work properly on IE and Firefox, but works on Chrome. When I try to login, it does not redirect me to the account page. Also, when I try to the item to cart it overlaps the item on cart. When I do check out the cart is empty. Can somebody tell me what's wrong with...
  22. Im not sure how long this issue has been happening because we are using all mac here but a customer recently contacted us and told us that the state field is not working on regestration or quick checkout. He is using IE. It seems other browsers work around this issue but not IE. anyone have a fix?...
  23. Bonjour, Je viens vers vous car plusieurs de mes clients m'ont rapporter leurs soucis de navigation sur notre site. Il constate des lenteurs et page qui tourne dans le vide... Après discutions avec ceux-ci, il s'avère qu'il rencontre ces soucis avec IE Avez vous, vous aussi ce genre...
  24. Boa tarde, me deparei com uma situação que estou perdido. A versão da minha loja é e estava funcionando normal, mas alguns clientes (e eu em teste) vimos que quando inserimos nosso login e senha para logar nos navegadores Chrome e Mozila não acontece nada, não loga, simplesmente nada e...
  25. Hello, why images (incl. logo, product list) in Internet Explorer has black frames? Such effect is absent in Opera and Firefox. Example attached. www.belts.lt Thanks in advance! Best regards, Povilas
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