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Hello, My boss needs me to create an application to control the stock of products and delivery of orders. I made a lot of progress with the API and right now im able to retrive all the data i need and show on the front-end whatever my boss asks for, but right now i need to actly change the values...
Module to minify PS HTML output. Lightweight and simple module. <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title> Lightweight module removes extra spaces and new lines from PS html output, thereby minimizing the html co...
Boujour à tous, Je fais des imports de produit et j'ai un problème d'affichage des apostrophes, qui s’affiche comme ceci 39; n39;importe qu39;elles s39;ajuste n39;importe Comment régler ce problème ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide. Prestashop Version PHP 7.4
- 8 replies
- apostrophe
- html
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avrei bisogno di una guida o documentazione di html box e static block; ho problemi ad inserire html custom; alcuni tag non vengono letti. grazie!
- template
- static block
(and 3 more)
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Hi, Do you have nay idea how to create different registration form for each multistore shop? What happend... ? I have a Prestashop with multistore feature active. Both shops are different and I need custom registration for each of them. Each registration page will contain...
- 4 replies
- css
- javascript
(and 6 more)
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Hello everyone, i created a website with prestashop, and i had some issue to apply a change to my theme. I have a drop down menu which the sub menu go over the other selection when my page is in phone view. I wish that menu, instead of flying over the menu, it push the other option down and take pla...
Hello! I'm using prestashop, i developped the front end and now i want to integrate it with prestashop but i can't find a way to do it. I've tried to modify the .tpl files in template folder but the images didn't show up and my code is not connected to the backoffice. Can some...
problem Nie wyświetlają się kody HTML na stronach
SZPANPAN posted a question in Wsparcie i pomoc użytkowników
Witam. Chciałbym zapytać dlaczego połowa kodów podczas tworzenia treści na dodatkowych stronach nie wyświetlają mi ich w finalnym projekcie na stronie? Chodzi mi o kody LIST bo na chwilę obecną tylko to zauważyłem. Nie działa to na domyślnym szablonie oraz na innych. Istnieje jakieś rozwiązanie... -
Witam serdecznie. Mam pytanie: Jak usunąć .html z adresu strony? Posiadam moduł, który tworzy właśnie stronę z końcówką .html a chciałbym go usunąć by go po prostu nie było. Jest taka możliwość?
На странице товара выводится адрес (при включении seo) .../товар.html нужно убрать расширение, пробовал прописывать в htaccess и в настройках админки убирал, но ничего не помогает. Подскажите как убрать?
Hi! I was trying to add more than one product to my order_conf but when I add more than two products it doesn’t continue on the line below but rather one next to the other. Ideally the products should appear centered and two per row. I don´t know how to fix this as i am working with the var...
- 1 reply
- html
- {products}
(and 2 more)
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Buenas, en mi tienda online tengo creados como unos 100 colores casi, y ahora tengo otra tienda online y es una pereza muy grande volver a meter todos uno a uno como hice la primera vez. ¿Hay alguna manera de exportar todos esos colores para luego importarlos en la nueva tienda online? Gracias,...
Ciao a tutti, vorrei capire come poter accedere alla modifica del codice HTML per poter inserire il codice di verifica dominio di Facebook. Io non riesco a trovare la sezione in cui poterlo fare.. Grazie a chi mi aiuterà.
- 2 replies
- inserimento codice
- codice
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pomoc Dodatkowe informacje w stopce do szablonu
SZPANPAN posted a question in Wsparcie i pomoc użytkowników
Witam serdecznie. Czy ktoś może próbował ogarnąć na stronie głównej takie małe statystki w formie ilości produktów w sklepie, ilość firm/marek w sklepie, ilość odwiedzin na stronie. Obok w bloku jakaś mała krótka notka "O nas" bądź inne info, dodatkowo jeszcze jeden blok jakiś z informacją a w czwar...- 3 replies
- stopce
- informacje
(and 5 more)
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Bonjour à tous, voilà une semaine que je tourne en rond pour rendre mon tableau responsive et je deviens chèvre ! Je tiens à préciser que j'ai chercher des solutions ici et ailleurs mais je n'ai rien trouvé qui fonctionne pour mon cas ou alors je suis passée à côté... Vu que je ne tro...
- 3 replies
- tableau html
- tableau
(and 3 more)
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Bonjour à tous, Je cherche simplement à trouver la formule qui permet de récupérer le lien vers les fiches produits d'une commande, dans un mail automatique. Je m'explique : En changeant le statut d'une commande (par exemple "livré"), je voudrais rajouter dans le template du mail "Livré"...
- 16 replies
- lien
- fiche produit
(and 4 more)
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banner Awesome Image Slider - PrestaShop 1.6 / 1.7
BonPresta posted a topic in Módulos e temas gratuitos
Awesome Image Slider é uma maneira completamente nova e avançada de representar suas imagens em slides. O Slider é a melhor maneira de promover seu website criando sliders incríveis com belos efeitos de transição. Com o nosso Deslizador de imagem incrível, criar apresentações de slides nunca foi tão... -
Hello guys, We need some help with the Contact Us section, we need to receive the text literally as the user sends it. Example, if somebody sends some text using 2 or 3 spaces between words, we need to receive it exactly the same, right now we receive the text with just one space between words....
- html
- autocorrect
(and 4 more)
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Hello, I have a situation where a static value replace a loaded value (product price) just before creating the HTML file to be display in the web store. How can I find where the static value is coming from or at what step this happen ? Note that any product item from the database woul...