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I am building a new website/store - on a new host - for a friend who wants to keep their current store and host intact until I switch things over. SiteGround is the new host and I used their one-click install for PrestaShop, which worked fine. But there's an obvious problem now: how do I access and configure PrestaShop when the domain name still points to the old host?
Bonjour tout le monde, Je poste également mon sujet ici en parallèle du forum anglophone en espérant avoir une réponse plus rapide car je me retrouve un peu dans l'urgence. J'ai travaillé sur une nouvelle version de prestashop (1.7) d'un ancien site prestashop (1.6) sur un hébergeur différent (appelons-le : staging). Tout fonctionnait parfaitement bien sur cet hébergement, nous avons donc décidé de déplacer les fichiers et la base de données vers l'ancien hébergement (OVH, shared : prod). Pour mémoire, voici les étapes que j'ai suivies : - Suppression de tous les fichiers de l'hôte prod et troncation de toutes les tables - Exportation de la base de données du staging et remplacement de toutes les occurrences de 'staging.domain' par 'prod.domain'. - Téléchargement de tous les fichiers et modification de la configuration pour la connexion mysql - Base de données importée - .htaccess régénéré via l'admin Au début, tout avait l'air de fonctionner mais quand j'ajoute un produit au panier à partir d'une page produit, l'appel ajax POST renvoie une réponse 302 et mon navigateur démarre alors une boucle infinie. Je dois alors vider manuellement le cache de mon navigateur pour effacer l'erreur TOO_MANY_REDIRECT. Une idée de pourquoi apache répond avec une 302 ? Sur mon environnement de staging, cela fonctionne parfaitement, l'appel renvoie une 200 et les données du panier en json. Je suis presque sûr que cela n'est lié à aucun module puisque les mêmes sont installés sur l'environnement de staging. Le thème utilisé est Sting. Je peux fournir toute information supplémentaire si nécessaire, Merci d'avance pour votre aide
hello , i'm using franfinace module , it is well configured. when choosing a method paiement type with that module . it redirects to an external url and shows the error below : any idea about that error ? thanks ^ ^
Hi dear, after a change the hosting server of my online prestashop ( , my website cannot display; I have HTTP error 500. I open the files and I change the Dev mod in order to display error (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); }. After doing this I found a series of error, and I want help to solve its. PS : I already delete the files under cache/smarty/compile/ and cache/smarty/cache/ the link :
Hello My shop url is and recently i bought new domain haw can i cahnge it ? thank you fo advance .
Hi, another very strange BUG. I'm tring to migrate one PS installation from nginx to apache due to TOTAL incompatibility with friendly url on nginx. I've setup a new server with apache, rsync the data folder and setup all to work on the OLD mysql server to test. If all work great next i will switch the dns and use this configuration: Server A: mysql, redis, elastichsearch Server B: webserver with apache All work great after some works, except this error when we access the "catalogue" backend page: PDO_MYSQL try to connect to instead that the right server host ip provided in parameters.php (other site parts, and front office work right using the remote mysql server ip setting)! This is the file /*$dsn = '';*/ public function __construct($dsn, $user = null, $password = null, array $options = null) { try { parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $password, $options); $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, array('Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement', array())); $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (\PDOException $exception) { throw new PDOException($exception); } } in AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 103 at AbstractMySQLDriver->convertException('An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused', object(PDOException)) in DBALException.php line 145 at DBALException::driverException(object(Driver), object(PDOException)) in Driver.php line 47 at Driver->connect(array('driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'dbname' => 'Prestashop_1', 'user' => 'prestashop', 'password' => 'XXXXXXXXX', 'charset' => 'UTF8', 'driverOptions' => array('SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE([spam-filter]sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''))'), 'serverVersion' => '5.1'), 'prestashop', 'XXXXXXXXXX', array('SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE([spam-filter]sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''))')) in Connection.php line 360 at Connection->connect() in Connection.php line 833 at Connection->executeQuery('SELECT AS id_1, t0.employee AS employee_2, AS shop_3, t0.controller AS controller_4, t0.action AS action_5, t0.filter AS filter_6 FROM ps_admin_filter t0 WHERE t0.employee = ? AND = ? AND t0.controller = ? AND t0.action = ? LIMIT 1', array('1', '1', 'ProductController', 'catalogAction'), array('integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string')) in BasicEntityPersister.php line 712 at BasicEntityPersister->load(array('employee' => '1', 'shop' => '1', 'controller' => 'ProductController', 'action' => 'catalogAction'), null, null, array(), null, '1', null) in EntityRepository.php line 196 at EntityRepository->findOneBy(array('employee' => '1', 'shop' => '1', 'controller' => 'ProductController', 'action' => 'catalogAction')) in AdminProductDataProvider.php line 88 at AdminProductDataProvider->getPersistedFilterParameters() in ProductController.php line 137 at ProductController->catalogAction(object(Request), 'last', '0', 'last', 'desc') at call_user_func_array(array(object(ProductController), 'catalogAction'), array(object(Request), 'last', '0', 'last', 'desc')) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3246 at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '1') in bootstrap.php.cache line 3205 at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3359 at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 2562 at Kernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in index.php line 86
Proszę Was o pomoc. Dzisiaj w nocy moja firma hostingowa wprowadziła zmiany na serwerach i przestały mi działać w sklepie niektóre funkcje, np. przestała działać funkcja zamawiania przez koszyk. Otrzymałem taką wiadomość: "Po zakończeniu prac host do połączeń z MySql z zewnątrz zmienia się na:". Nie wiem gdzie to powinienem pozmieniać, żeby wszystko znowu działało jak należy. Zaczynam tracić klientów, pomożcie proszę. Presta
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There are several PS partners and hosting providers with landing pages dedicated to PS hosting. Lets have a better look on see where PS stores are actually hosted at. Please vote your hosting provider & share your live site url.
Hi! I had a store that I needed to move to another host. I made sure I followed every step here shown on the forums to make it smooth. After everything, my store shows a page with Internal server error and even though when I login on the backoffice, everything shows up fine, all the products and all the settings, the store doesn't show up. I even rebooted the .htaccess file, but still nothing. I also modified the config/ as stated here on the forum so it could display the error, but nothing happens. All the page shows is: I'm floating here, what can be the problem?
Salve a tutti spero di scrivere nella sezione giusta.. comincio subito a dire il mio preblema. Mettiamo caso io abbia fatto il mio e-commerce.. (premettendo che ho usato xampp per installare prestashop) e volessi metterlo online con un servizio host.. come dovrei fare?? installare il programma host e caricare le cartelle del sito con un ftp??(ho avuto problemi con la connessione al server di filezilla) sapete aiutarmi
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Buen Dia gente!!! Tengo una cuestión que me esta generando cierta duda.. El tema es que hace poco hice una copia completa de mi servidor via FileZilla para subir a otro servidor ya que el antiguo servidor estaba a punto de vencer. La cuestión es ¿Como tengo que hacer? para que me aparezca nuevamente mi Sitio Web tal cual como estaba anteriormente, con todos mis productos de la Base de Datos. Ya subi exactamente todos mis archivos al nuevo servidor, pero no aparece ninguna pagina, solo una pagina del Host nuevo. pero nada de Prestashop Les agradeceria un monton si pudieran ayudarme en este problemita que tengo. Muchas Gracias!!! Obs: Tenia Prestashop
Good day Prestashop companions. I'm really hoping to get some help regarding a server/host move that has caused me and my office some pain. I have recently moved a Prestashop website from one server/host to another, and have followed a guide precisely in doing so. The problem: The 'new' site now shows correctly on the new host - BUT none of the links on the site work. They either link back to the old host's page, or they give an internal server error. Things to note: - I have modified 'ps_shop_url' within the database to switch to the new information. That is 'domain', 'domain_ssl' and 'physical address' (with its value being only "/" - if it is left empty, my images stop working). - I have modified '' within Filezilla, but it has made no difference in what is displayed when the Internal error occurs. Other people with the same issue have reported the same. There is also no error log being generated within the admin cPanel of the host. - The old host works perfectly. This is quite an urgent matter as it is a website being created for a client. Any advice/help will be greatly appreciated. The website link with the hosting problem: Please let me know if there is anything else that I can share to help. Thank you very much
Witam, raz jeszcze. Mam spory problem. Z gory zaznaczam, ze jestem poczatkujacym uzytkownikiem. Zaczne od tego, ze swojego sklepu jeszcze tak naprawde nie uruchomilem. Wczoraj skonczylem wgrywac produkty - ponad 400 - i wykonalem backup w DB Back up. Plik sql.bz2 mam na komputerze. Dzis rano chcialem oficjalnie otrworzyc sklep i zaczely sie problemy. Po wpisaniu adresu www. w wyszukiwarke pojawila sie biala czysta strona. Favicon zmienil sie z Prestashop na Hostgator - czyli mojegow hosta. Wiedzac ze mam bakcup file ponownie zainstalowalem Prestashop na Hostgator, zrobilem upgrade do wersji 1.6. Przy zabraniu sie do wgrania backupu pojawily sie problemy. Hostgator przekierowal mnie do phpMyAdmin. Tam wgralem bez problemu plik sql.bz2. Przy probie zalogowania sie do backofficu Prestashop poinformowal mnie ze moje haslo nie jest wazne: There is one error. The Employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect. A gdy sprobowalem odzyskac haslo pojawil sie ponizszy komunikat. Teraz to juz w kropce. [PrestaShopException] Property Employee->lastname is empty at line 846 in file classes/ObjectModel.php 840. 841. $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field); 842. if ($message !== true) 843. { 844. if ($die) 845. throw new PrestaShopException($message); 846. return $error_return ? $message : false; 847. } 848. } 849. 850. return true;
I have moved my PS webshop to another host. Backup all the files at my old host and uploaded them to my new host. Deleted the tools/smart/cache (except index.php) and amended the file. Login on back office works. But the webshop front office keeps blank. No error no nothing, just a white blank page. I have checked if the shop was in maintanance mode but it wasn't. I put it in maitanance mode to see what happens and it gives a webpage saying he shop cannot be visited due to maintanance. So why if backoffice working and front office if in maintanance mode but not if it is in normal mode. How can I solve this? Been checking everything over and over for a 2 days now and my shop is now offline as my contract with old host has expired. with old host all was working fine for over 2 years now. Found this guide and did all it says on moving. In b/o I can see all products and images so database connection is ok. New host is trying to help but has almost given up. They say it is probably a script problem. Can it be a php.ini settings issue? (Thats the only thing I vcan think of that is different between old and new host) Please can anyone help ????
Muy buenas, he estado viendo algunos post que decian como cambiar o mudar prestashop de host, yo acabo de contratar uno con 1&1 ya he subido las carpetas de mi antiguo host a este nuevo , he creado la bbdd , he importado la antigua bbdd y he modificado los parametros en config, pero ahora cuando accedo me dice error 403, es un problema de permisos pero he puesto todo a 777 (ya se que no se hace pero es de prueba) y aun asi me sigue saliendo. Gracias
Boa noite amigos... Antes de mais agradecer por tudo o que já fizeram por mim, costumo visitar o forum para retirar duvidas muitas delas ja aqui explicada. Esta duvida preciste desde sempre. Já experimentei muitas Hospedagens aqui de portugal e nenhuma me satisfaz a 100%. Qual a vossa opinião de melhor hospedagem (Ajuda em prestashop, resposta da loja, area de admin rápida, preço, etc etc etc). Ajudem me a encontrar uma que me de suporte tecnico e que ao mesmo tempo tenha hospedagens baratas... Ja experimentei Nº de hospedagens e não fiquei la muito satisfeito com nenhuma.
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I moved hosts, had my site working fine without an SSL certificate. I disabled SSL for the period that it didn't exist - I'd had an SSL certificate with the previous hosts and it was enabled fine. Today I bought the SSL and hosts installed it, however when I went to renable SSL in Back Office I am faced with: "Please click here to use HTTPS protocol before enabling SSL." If I click it reloads the page with https if it wasn't before but the option to enable SSL remains unavailable. The site loads on https with a warning about 'script from unauthenticated sources'. Site is [uPDATE]: My web host managed to fix this for me, the issue was caused by their 'SSL load balancer'. Hope this helps anyone else with this issue.
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Hi, I have developed using Prestashop. I am currently hosting my site on although I am willing to shift it to some other host. 1) I want to know how this host shifting will effect on working of my current web site? 2) What files will I need to back up from my previous host? 3) As my host already had prestashop software on their server I need not able to download it earlier, however now I'm shifting toa new host they may not have Prestashop on their server so in this case what precaution will I need to take? (i am not sure how relevent is this question- I'm not an IT guy) 4) As per your experience also tell me what other things I may need to keep in mind before I switch my Hosting partner. Thank you!
I'm sure this has been asked many many times before. My shop is set up on Arvixe - THE WORST HOST EVER - their servers are down AGAIN. I signed up for $60 for a year so, I can't complain a whole lot. HOWEVER...I'm complaining! I'm just getting back into coding - I have my own businesses that I'm using PS for ( I have a ton of marketing to do before I get a steady flow of clients so I'm not looking for VPS or single server solutions. That being said, I need someone inexpensive and RELIABLE! I used HostGator for years when I had my own hosting company. I used zencart then and also had ReadyHosting for my asp/,net clients. I dropped RH because support was terrible. I don't know why I dropped HG - aside from having sold off the company. Who has EVERYTHING needed for PS and charges NOTHING for the pleasure? I have a WebHostingHub account as well...I haven't given them a go tho. I just don't want to keep addressing issue after issue like this. I want to load my code, setup my shop and collect my sales! (is that too much to ask??) ~Jo PS (as if it'll be up!)
Vill sådan set bare lige høre hvilken host I bruger til jeres Prestashops? Jeg overvejer nemlig at skifte, og jeg synes UnoEuro ser fornuftigt ud. Jeg har tidligere brugt UnoEuro men ikke til en shop, bare en blog. Så er lidt interesset i at vide om UnoEuro kan trække en Prestashop uden problemer. På forhånd tak
I would like to migrate away from Powweb to a different hosting service and take my store with me as i'm not impressed with Powweb. Can anyone please give me some advise as to the best way I can copy everything over including the SQL database so I can simply get it running on a different host without the customer even noticing anything is different (apart from hopefully it runs faster). Another option, and this would be preferable for me, would be to do a complete fresh install of Prestashop, but simply carry over my customers and products and leave all the other crap out of the database. is this possible? If so how? I am not a developer, I am simply a merchant with some technical knowledge so please give simple instructions. Thanks, Mike
Hi there, I have moved my Presta from which was hosted at to who have moved to Meebox hosting! I have moved the files uploaded database backup, as amended config / settings AND made a find / replace in dreamweaver to my database, I have removed all places where there was "webshop.fleurance" to just be Fleurance (in /config) folder! Still I get: Wrong sub-domain for SQL query. Check What am I doing wrong / missing? In advance many thank you - looking forward to see Presta in action!
Hi All, In a nutshell: I've downloaded a prestashop site from one host, installed it on my localhost (all worked fine) made some edits to the theme (no system files), uploaded to a new host. Exported and imported the database onto the new site. Pointed the config file at the database. I then tried to login to the backend but I constantly get the user or password wrong error. I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. I was moving a second prestashop, exactly the same process as above just 20 minutes ago and had no problems at all. Does anyone have any ideas on what I should check when the site is just not letting me login to the backend?
My company already have a old prestashop version Now we want to upgrage the store so that we can use new features and better management tools. Since I need to minimize the close time, I start to built the new store at local computer and then replace the old one with the new one at the host. The old store is hosted at My question is can I built it local and replace the old store? If so, would it be very smooth? Thanks a lot.