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  1. I’ve installed PrestaShop, and everything seems to be set up correctly. I’ve already changed the name of the admin folder, and I can access the back office just fine. However, when I click on "View my store" in the top-right corner, the page doesn’t load, and I receive the following message:...
  2. hello, i include an audio file as background music to my homepage. but no web browser starts it automatically. first the visitor has to allow permissions in web browser settings than it started. no visitor would know that there is an audio to be played. How can I handle that?...
  3. Hi everyone, if someone could please help that would be fantastic. I am using prestashop 1.8, PHP 8.0, theme Electron Mega Electronic Super Store, my domain is www.gr8-kitchenware.co.uk My theme's image slider is set to automatically move every 3000ms, however, it does not move at all unless yo...
  4. hello guy, I am stop on one point. Here, I have a module and I want to show on only home page. How do I configure. Your help will be highly appriciate.
  5. i am facecing this error on website home page my website also working slow
  6. Hallo, From one week is not possible add product in chart from my home page (ONLY FROM HOME PAGE and ONLY FOR CLIENT REGISTERED) if you visit my website without registration it's possible add product in chart. Again, from mobile, tab ADD TO CHART is not the same aspect that you can show in othe...
  7. Hi, my website has been loading very slowly for the last few days, specifically the home page and the product page, but I have no idea why. Any idea as where to begin looking for the problem? Thanks, Gemma
  8. Bonjour à tous; Étant nouveau à la fois sur Prestashop et à la fois sur le forum, je suis à la recherche d'une fonctionnalité assez "particulière". Bien qu'ayant fait des recherches sur un éventuel module permettant de réaliser cela, je n'ai rien trouvé... Mon besoin est d'afficher une pag...
  9. Hi, I know this problem has been solved for so many. but in my case its not. i have tried everything until now.. nothing worked for me.. when i go to this address http://ec2-52-74-146-216.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com it displays a default apache2 server page saying your server works but...
  10. I use prestashop in home page module "ps_featuredproducts" can not stop display unavailable products. ..../modules/ps_featuredproducts i think by a code must do that such as display $product.quantity > 0 please answer this question
  11. Hello every body , One of my customers wants me to set a content as front page and he wants to manage other pages from there. How can I set a content like "About Us" as home page? Best wishes
  12. Hi guys! I'm having big troubles on trying to add "home page" category to any products. Everytime i do it and i click on save it give an error saying it's impossible to update settings.. if i put debug mode on i can see it give me a POST 400 error on this file ProductController :: formAc...
  13. Cześć, jak można ustawić produkty danej kategorii jako Polecane. Ogólnie sklep https://www.swiatdekoracji.pl/ posiada moduł do integracji pliku XML. Producent udostępnia nam taki plik z produktami. Problem polega na tym, że podczas mapowania kategorii, daną kategorię powiążę z Polecanymi. Wszystko...
  14. Hi, Prestashop version is 1.7 PHP version 7.0.33 on the new server SSL certificate via Let's Encrypt. I migrated the site http://www.kidsspecialkinderkleding.nl/ for a guy. I followed this step by step blog: https://www.prestashop.com/en/blog/how-to-migrate-prestashop-t...
  15. Ciao a tutti Sono nuovo sul forum e anche sulla piattaforma Prestashop Ho due problemi che riguardano la consegna dei prodotti e non sono riuscito a trovare niente online, mi spiego meglio: si tratta di un sito per prodotti locali che devono essere consegnati entro un certo raggio di km dal prod...
  16. Sera , Volevo chiedere una info , forse banale. Uso da poco prestashop 1.7 , uso con tema base Volevo sapere se esiste un sistema per nascondere come da Jpg in allegato categoria madre / categoria del prodotto che esce sulla pagina del prodotto , nel mio caso: categoria madre ho...
  17. ho installato localmente (Windoes 10 e Wamp) l'ultima versione 17.4 e quando cerco di configurare la home page (Design>Tema&logo>Configurazione Homepage) ho un errore 500 (internal server error). il log PHP mi dice: PHP Fatal error: Class 'ps_bestsellers' not found in C:\wamp64\www\sito\m...
  18. Muy buenas a todos! Soy nuevo en el foro y no me manejo muy bien por él, así que perdón de antemano si he puesto el post en el sitio equivocado. Os comento mi situación, ya que mi nivel de desesperación ha ido creciendo a lo largo de estas semanas, a ver si alguien me puede echar un cable. No tengo...
  19. Bonjour, Je possède un site de e-commerce sous Prestashop 1.6. Pour des raisons de référencement je souhaiterais modifier l'adresse url de ma page d’accueil : au lieu de https://nomdedomaine.com je souhaiterais que la page d'accueil soit https://nomdedomaine.com/boutique Le Back Office de...
  20. Bonjour, Je souhaite insérer une image fixe à côté de mon SLIDER en page d'accueil mais je n'y arrive pas. S'avez-vous si il est facile de le faire ? Je n'arrive pas à trouver le fichier .tpl où est gérer le slider... Quequ'un peut m'aider s'il vous plaît ? Merci pour votre temp...
  21. hello in meta.php and "getMetaTags" function (below), there is $page_name for product, category and etc. i want to add a condition for home page. what is the $page_name of home page? public static function getMetaTags($id_lang, $page_name, $title = '') { if (!(!Configuration::...
  22. Ciao, ho installato da poco Prestashop sul mio sito di e-commerce e quindi non sono molto pratico. Ho un fastidioso problema con il menù principale. Tra le voci impostate, ho inserito le categorie prodotti. Quando passi sopra col mouse appaiono le varie categorie, e questo va bene. Il p...
  23. Hello, I am searching almost everyday since February that any solution for Display separate categories product in home page instant of feature product. That means Tshirt categories sows 4 t-shirt, Female categories shows female product etc. for better understand i have attached a screen shot of ano...
  24. Hi Everyone Can any one tell me how to remove the home page logo I kow how to change it with the home page editor module but i want to remove it completely ? Many Thanks Gary
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