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Found 21 results

  1. Hi guys, Is it possible to create a mobile version of Home Text Editor? I am using some pictures in Home Text Editor module. As you know that on Mobile Site, the picture size is not changing. Is there any way to make it responsive to the screen sizes? I thank you in advance
  2. Hi Im trying to make some 3d divs with this code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Flipcard</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <!--<link href="main.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />--> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <style type="te...
  3. Hi, I have the home text editor module installed. In the introductory section of the module. I want to have the text in italics. I have saved it in the editor, and it never changes. I went into the html, and added the code, and it did not work. I then read on the forums than I needed t...
  4. How can I add text to the front home page like we could before with the "Home text editor" module? I want to add some text under the Image slider. Any module that can do this?
  5. Hi, I'd like to place the Home Text Editor at the top of the page under the menu. I found this thread http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/244935-solved-home-text-editor-how-to-display-it-only-on-homepage/?hl=%2Bdisplay+%2Bhome+%2Btext+%2Beditor+%2Btop+%2Bpage&do=findComment&comment=1...
  6. Hi, I'm sure this is a simple fix can somebody help me please.. In my website I'm using the home text editor module but there is a small space above the title text, is there any way of making the text begin higher with no gap above it. Thanks.
  7. Bonjour, J'ai mis à jour le module de gestion de texte d'acceuil... et voici le probleme que je rencontre Premierement celui est passé en anglais "Home Text Editor", deuxiement lorsque je l'active il fait buger ma page d'acceuil et la rend inaccessible, si je désactive ce module la page d'acceu...
  8. I am using PS and when I try to press the html button on the home text editor input screen it doesn't show the source code but shows only a discontinued page. I need to put the proper markup on the text so I can soon launch my new site. So please tell me how to fix this problem. I have er...
  9. Bonjour à tous, Cherchant à mettre un texte en page d'accueil, j'installe le module Editeur Page d'Accueil, là, bouton mettre à jour, je clique. En parallèle, je vais sur mon front office, et là, page blanche sur l'accueil. Dans le BO, je désactive ou désinstalle (je me souviens plus)...
  10. Hello I am transfer domain.it will transfer succesfful simply copy & paste all things wordking good. Orignal site :http://kickstartman.com/ After Transfer : http://kickstartman.com.sg but 'Home Page' content not come After Transfer domain.Module "Home Text editor" Version.2.1 In...
  11. Witam, Mam taki problem: chciałbym zmienić zdjęcia,które wyświetlają się u mnie na głównej stronie w sliderze. Zaznaczam, że jestem zielony w temacie i nie jestem twórcą sklepu tylko jego właścicielem, więc mogę używać języka laika. Z tego co zdążyłem odkryć, zdjęcia wyświetlają się za pomo...
  12. Hi You would have thought that removing and editing lorem Ipsum using the Home Text Editor would do the job, but I keep getting lorem ipsum back. I've turned off the cache in BO and checked recompile, but still lorem ipsum returns. When I view the editor, my own text is showing. Is there a...
  13. hi there, I want to create a pop up window by using the home text editor, but got the the following message when I save the setting : " the field description (English (English)) is invalid" I must have missing something or what, btw, there is no # sign in my file name, I am using...
  14. I have the Home Text Editor installed on my homepage and have figured out how to upload a video. However the video loads up within the player screen and requires the user to click on the play button to start the video. I would like the video to start automatically on page load. On the advan...
  15. Hey again, Need one more help from you guys... Well i just wont to move picture in module home text editor down after title... So to be first title text and then picture then discription... I think its probably easy just to change some lines in editorial.tpl or some of those files but i cant fig...
  16. Browers : IE8,9 and Chrome, Firefox all lastest Versions Version: Presatshop: to Home Text Editor Version : Version : 2.0 When you go into the Home Text Editor and try to add an image and then try to go to the image options and swap the image with a mouse over and save it, You...
  17. Hello guys and thanks in advance. I have a simple plain question: Why every time I paste a Youtube code on Home text editor (it comes with many options to do that) always send me to an error page? No matter what browser I use. It means I got to buy a $100 dollar addon? I´m pretty sur...
  18. Temen-temen, saya pendatang baru niiih.... mhon pencerahanya, bagaimana sih cara ngedit tampilan utama dari defaulnya prestashoop... kan biasanya kalau pas kita install pertama di menu utama / front end nya da gambar ipod prestashop dan text di bawahnya... denger2 sih nama modulnya home text edit...
  19. Dupa cum mentionez si in titlu am aceste 3 probleme, imi cer scuze daca s-au mai deschis threaduri pe temele acestea, dar din ce am gasit nu prea am inteles mai nimic ,unele probleme fiind nerezolvate, cu intentia asta deschid , pentru a le rezolva. Sunt nou intre-ale prestashopului , dar e usor ca...
  20. for the home text editor, you can upload an image, edit the main site content.. however what file does it edit? i want to remove my current picture and where it would show have that spot for a slide box video display.
  21. Hi Have been trying to update my home text editor module but now something has happened to it and it not accepting updates, resetting or disabling. I have deleted it from my server and reinstalled an "untouched" version but same problem. I can enter text and the BO says "setting updated...
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