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Found 18 results

  1. salve, quasi ogni giorno mi trovo alcuni iscritti come clienti e alla newsletter alcuni nomi che in effetti non possono essersi iscritti, soprattutto i clienti, dato che il negozio non è attivo per la vendita. e mi tocca cancellarli manualmente. qualche suggerimento?
  2. Hello, So I received a suspicious message for one of my website (Prestashop It sounds like an hoax but I can't find anybody with the same message on google.. What do you think about it ? Hi, As an Ethical Hacker Bug Found in your site : https://xxxxxx.com/ Bug Type: Ses...
  3. Hello! I received the following message that contains a threat to my site and although there is no indication of any real attack I would like help to understand if there are reasons to worry. My online store is new so my database is small, but I am concerned with the reputation and the issue of...
  4. Hola a todos, no se si os esta pasando pero en la ultima semana me han atacado 2 tiendas online con una diferencia de dias. controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php modules/ps_facetedsearch/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/bajatax.php modules/DB.php Aqui es donde se ha det...
  5. Ciao a tutti, ho un sito nuovo messo su questo mese con nome dominio sempre nuovo, da qualche giorno ho fatto la configurazione di analytics e nel primo rapporto mi sono accorto che nei link delle pagine che visitano gli utenti mi da tra i risultati questo link /?r=http://bitcoin-4038.kxcdn.com...
  6. Hi all, I have a serious problem currently. I am being bombarded by emails from my own contactform. I can see that this is not new, but I have tried everything. I have deleted the contactform in the contactform tpl in the theme, so no form or button anymore. It stills comes in....
  7. Hola a todos, hace poco he puesto en marcha una tienda web Prestashop 1.6 y me estoy econtrando con el siguiente problema: resulta que todos los días van apareciendo carritos de compra sin finalizar, he analizado su procedencia y son accesos desde UKRANIA, FEDERACON RUSA, algunos países de...
  8. Bonjour à tous J'ai reçu ce message d'un "Independent Security Resercher" d'Inde qui me dit qu'il a trouvé un bug sur mon site (PS et qui me demande une récompense si je veux connaitre le bug Hey , I just found a bug in your web and it can cause damage your web so can we report here. th...
  9. ใครพอจะทราบวิธีการซ่อน Wappalyzer plugin ของ Chrome หรือ Firefox บ้างครับ การซ่อนช่วยให้เว็บเรามีความปลอดภัยเพิ่มขึ้นครับ อธิบายเพิ่มเติมสำหรับท่านที่ไม่รู้จัก Wappalyzer plugin นี้นะครับ plugin ตัวนี้จะเป็น Extension ของ Browser ครับ ซึ่งความสามารถของมันก็คือ เมื่อเราเข้าเว็บใดๆ มันสามารถร...
  10. Mi tienda online ha sido hackeada, necesito saber que puedo hacer? tengo solo conocimientos basicos. ¨Pero ya me comunique con mi prrovedor de hosting. www.tiendasvagoos.com
  11. Bonjour Je suis un noob, donc je vous demanderai de m'excuser si j'écris des nullités... Je voudrais poster un sujet qui n'est pas réellement en rapport avec prestashop, bienqu'il y ait un lien indirect : la fraude sur internet ! Ma boutique a en effet subi des achats d'un "phénomène" de fraudeur...
  12. Hallo, gibt es irgendwelche Sicherheitslücken im PrestaShop die ein Kunde ausnutzen könnte? Bei uns haben sich Kunden mit unechten Namen und FreeMails wie web.de und yahoo.de angemeldet. Für mich währe der Grund interessant zu wissen, um mögliche Problem zu beheben. MfG Dirk Stegemann
  13. Buona sera a tutti, Purtroppo ho un problema grosso,molto grosso. Ieri pomeriggio il mio sito web è stato preso da assalto da hacker/virus o qualcosa simile. Ripristinando il tutto da un backup settimanale la situazione non cambia,riesco ad accedere al back office ma il front office è letteralmen...
  14. Salam kenal sebelumnya Saya mau bertanya nih kepada master-master semua di web saya, pada front office ada tulisan "Hack attempt" yang tampil hanya tulisan Hack attempt , semua link di front office tidak jalan, semuanya keluar tulisan Hack attempt padahal back office normal semua.,.,...
  15. Bonjour, Fructisoft vient de publier FS Protect, un firewall spécifiquement conçu pour Prestashop qui protége de manière optimale votre boutique contre les attaques de hackers et le vol de données. Fonctionnalités Protection optimale : FS Protect filtre l'intégralité des requêtes exécuté...
  16. Hello This week I still had a problem with a module a virus in a flow of information and I'm going crazy with these flaws ... At what location is placed this famous script updated news that has been infected in recent months in the shops PrestaShop? Because of this security, I am trying...
  17. E-ticarette Sistem Güvenliği Bu makalemde alışveriş güveliği ile ilgili yazımdan farklı olarak, teknik konulardaki güvenlik risklerinden bahsedelim. Teknik güvenlik sorunları hem müşterilerinizin hem de e-mağazanızın ciddi maddi kayba uğramasına sebep olabilecek sorunlardır. Ülkemizdeki e-ticar...
  18. Hola: Estimados amigos del foro solicito su ayuda tengo una tienda viejita versión y comenzó a ser atacada desde la semana pasada. Los archivos atacados son los de idioma que se encuentran en cada carpeta de todos los módulosestos la que principalmente ha sido atacada. El código...
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