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Found 10 results

  1. I have problem with the HTML Box. It works OK as a function, but it's positioned quite off the grid. I mean it doesn't sit in line with other columns in the footer. When I try change position between other CMS blocks, it just pushes them all down. It looks very weird / off , so can't use it in th...
  2. Hello, I have a little issue with the HTML Box (free version) - http://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/html-box.html I have inserted some code which displays fine: <div id="fbpluginfg"><iframe width="320" height="240" style="border: 1px solid #d9d9d9; overflow: hidden; width: 100...
  3. Witam, Próbowałem znaleźć odpowiedź na nurtujące mnie pytanie, ale się nie udało, w związku z tym zwracam się do Was. Tworzę sklep, klient potrzebował aby na stronie głównej wyświetlały mu się skrócone artykuły (CMS), więc wstawiłem w HTML box'ie tabele (czysty html, bes css, nawet nie wiem czy by...
  4. Is it possible to add those two code inside of text area and that they execute for example <?php echo 'prestashop'; ?>
  5. Olá tenho um modulo da MyPresta.eu, desses de HTML em box, que você pode colocar em qualquer parte do site, porem identifiquei que as informações que coloquei nele não funcionam quando clico p/ ir em uma categoria de produtos. Esse modulo utilizo como rodapé. Alguém saberia o que fazer para funcion...
  6. Hello, I want to add a html box to the right of the productpage - see this image (the red box to the right) - http://i.imgur.com/0djM9l2.jpg How can I do that? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi everybody! Someone could help my about - How to place text over an image using themeconfigurator html box presta I mean wich code should i place for it...? (the image would be... src="http://localhost/.../modules/themeconfigurator/img/banner-img4.jpg") Thanks a lot for yo...
  8. Hello everyone! About the themeconfigurator (prestashop, how can i insert text on html box? When I write something like <p> my text </p> inside the html box but nothing show up!? I would like to write someyhing above the images.... Any help is welcome! Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi maybe my question is simple but i have 2 hours trying to solve it. I just downladed and installed HTML BOX (free version) from http://mypresta.eu, the issue is than I DONT WANT this be displayed on my homepage, only need the content into the products page How can i configure it? I tes...
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