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  1. im overriding the Admin\Product\CatalogPage\Lists\product_table.html.twig and i added new columns in the table but i wanted to ristrect this columns for certain profiles (admin & super Admin) the problem is that i don't have access to the connected employee data, Any Ideas ?
  2. Cześć, chciałbym zmienić domyślny widok produktów z grid na list. Znalazłem odpowiedni folder z kodem grid/list ale nie wiem co zrobić by widok uległ zmianie. W folderze custom.js mam kod gdzie jest grid/list - nie wiem czy na 100% on odpowiada za ten widok ale nigdzie indziej...
  3. Hello, i have a little problem with adding a custom column to customers grid. I used hookActionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier and hookActionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier... everything works great but only in debug mode. Is there something I should also do? Cache is disabled, but i think it...
  4. Changes to the appearance of the Customer table. The module allows you to Add/Hide some columns from the list: Social title Group Newsletter Partner offers ==== VAT_number (siret, NIP) Customer Language ==== Compatible with PrestaSho...
  5. Hello , I have a custom module with an adminController , i have tried documentation tutorial to create a data grid system for my entity. The Grid shows well but search action is not working. ps_custom_catgeoires_articles.yml services: #ObjectModel service prestashop.module.p...
  6. hello, I am trying to modify the starter theme using only css because it is the only language I know how to use a little. I am trying to set the height equal to the width, which is a persentage. but it is not working, any idea? online I found this code and tried to use it: width: calc(10...
  7. Hello Guys , I want to build a module that add a new custom Bulk action to the products grid im using this hook $this->registerHook('actionProductGridDefinitionModifier') and in the function public function hookActionProductGridDefinitionModifier(array $params): void {...
  8. Does anyone know how to change the default view to list in product list in prestashop 1.7 ? I want to remove completely the view buttons and set the view as list permanently without the customer being able to change it. I managed to do it in the rudimentary way but I know there is another bett...
  9. I am working on a module and I created a grid for it but the row actions are not working properly. After some searching I found that the onclick javascript methods are not imported. I found a topic in this forum which helped me. The new problem was that npm could not resolve method names, but i...
  10. Hi, Any one knows any module that put my option colors in a grid wiuth a buttons + or - and add to cart? Something like that image. Or that https://www.graffitishop.net/Grog-Full-Metal-Paint-200-Refills-Markers-id10108 Its important to be responsive table.
  11. Hallo, ich habe ein Problem, ich bin gearade dabei ein Shop zu gestalten, soweit komm ich ganz gut zurecht, nur möchte ich nun das wenn man auf z.B. Matratzen klickt, die Listenansicht als Standard definiert ist und auch die Auswahl zum grid entfällt. Den button könnte ich ja per css ganz easy einfa...
  12. Dzień dobry, Tworzę moduł w PrestaShop do przetwarzania zgłoszeń serwisowych który posiada swoją tabelę w bazie danych. Możliwość dodawania zgłoszeń z Front Office przez klienta, rozszerzenie kontrolera ModuleFrontController. Zarządzanie po stronie Back Office przez rozszerzenie kon...
  13. Buenas tardes, Alguien tiene algun ejemplo de como crear un grid tabla en un modulo. No encuentro ejemplos especificos. La idea sería añadir en el modulo un grid de los logs almacenados en la base de datos. Gracias
  14. i am developing module for CRUD operations . created form using fields_form . all the functionality are working correctly and the validation also working correclty But the validation error message was not displayed . i am created a admin controller in my module . AdminController public fu...
  15. Bonjour à tous, Voilà, je vous expose mon problème : j'ai crée un module sur un Prestashop en suivant ce tuto : https://www.h-hennes.fr/blog/2018/11/15/prestashop-admincontroller-pour-un-module L'idée est d'afficher dans mon back-office un lien dans le menu gauche qui mène vers un gr...
  16. Bonjour à tous, Voilà, je vous expose mon problème : j'ai crée un module sur un Prestashop en suivant ce tuto : https://www.h-hennes.fr/blog/2018/11/15/prestashop-admincontroller-pour-un-module L'idée est d'afficher dans mon back-office un lien dans le menu gauche qui mène vers un gr...
  17. Hello , Any one knows any module that can organize my attribute colors like that photo? I want a full cell color with the name attribute, and option + or - to the cart.
  18. In prestashop 1.7.5 I have an admin controler which extends FrameworkBundleAdminController. Now I want to download data from my table in this controller and display it in the grid (table) in a similar way as customer data or their addresses are displayed. How do you do it in a twig based templa...
  19. Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di aiuto. Dopo aver eseguito una modifica sulla home page passando da un full width ad una doppia colonna left, la griglia dei prodotti non si è adattata, ovvero nella versione desktop i prodotti appaiono in una doppia colonna lasciando un bello spazio laterale rispett...
  20. Bonjour, Je cherche à afficher une list ou une grille des produit selon l'id de la categorie ou mieux selon la catégorie parente mais je n'arrive pas à faire cela. J'ai essayé dans product-list.tpl de faire ceci : {if $category->id == 5} <ul{if isset($id) && $id} id="{$...
  21. grid / list / mini-list products view switcher If you want to create grid/list/mini-list products view switcher this guide is what you're looking for read how easily you can create own switcher, no core modifications, only theme .tpl, .css and small .js read guide here: grid / list / min...
  22. Bonjour à tous, Je recherche à trouver une variable smarty pouvant ne pas afficher un bout de code pour l'affichage des produits en liste. Par exemple "si laffichage est en liste alors afficher le code sinon ne rien afficher" Condition d'affichage dans product-list.tpl...
  23. Hi, I'm in the process of understanding how to use Prestashop 1.7. I've spent some time playing with default theme "Classic" 1.0.0. I did not understand how the grid system exactly works. My intention is to have two columns layout on the home page. Where I put a list of categories (category tre...
  24. Hello all, I am having problems with updated my template files to change my default product list view from "List" to "Grid" view. I have updated the global.js and product-list.tpl files under my themexxx directories, cleared the cache for PS and all browsers, changed the performance settings to not...
  25. hello i have a problem with module attribute grid since I have changed the server - in the site not work - this is the error in the BO Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/etkslo/public_html/modules/attributegrid/attributegrid.php:2) in /h...
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