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  1. Hi, Since a fresh install of PrestaShop version Google sitemap will not install, 1) When i click on Install i receive the following message 2 errors There was an error while extracting the module (file may be corrupted). Module Google sitemap cannot be upgraded: Err...
  2. Hi, I realise Google Sitemap module write homepage 2 times with 2 different prorities. The version that I'm using is Google sitemap v3.2.0 I can edit it manually in XML file but that means I can't use Cron Task to update it automatically (unless I want to edit it every single time manual...
  3. Hola a todos. Hoy he entrado en el backoffice de mi tienda porque me salió un error en Google Search Console que no se encontraba el sitemap. Al buscar el módulo de sitemap que viene por defecto en el backoffice, este desapareció. He entrado por FTP y la carpeta del módulo está en e...
  4. Hai semuanya, Bagi para pengguna prestashop yang sudah mulai running versi 1.7, pasti masih menghadapi berbagai masalah dan kendala. Dan sebuah kenyataan pahit bahwa masih sedikit sekali informasi yang bisa kita peroleh untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul tersebut. Tapi jika kita semu...
  5. Hello, please - have anybody working Google sitemap module? I found many discussions, where everybody saying that the Google Sitemap module is not now generatin feed as Google request. The are in the "Products" section a lots of warnings. Did anybody solve this problem? Than...
  6. Olá a todos. Eu uso o pretashop e tenho o modulo google sitemap. O que acontece é o seguinte, preciso de alterar os links do sitemap do meu site, remover alguns topicos que tem lá. Já tentei de várias formas mas nenhum parece estar a funcionar. Toda gente fala no editar o...
  7. Witam, mam problem z aktualizacją Google sitemap v3.2.2 wyskakuje mi komunikat Moduł Google sitemap nie może zostać zaktualizowany: Błąd podczas pobierania najnowszej wersji. Wersja Presty: Generalnie to chodzi mi o wygenerowanie mapy. Może jest jakiś inny na to sposób niż w/w modu...
  8. Όσοι έχετε 1.7 τι έχετε κάνει σχετικά με το google sitemap xml? Έχω την έκδοση 3.2.1 από το Google sitemap (https://github.com/PrestaShop/gsitemap) αλλά έχει πρόβλημα με το cron. Όταν τρέχει μέσω cron διαγράφει το xml.
  9. Hi, After moving to a secure connection for my site I've got a new bug: The module Google Sitemap doesn't want to upgrade the sitemap file with a cron task. Only manual mode with the generation of the new sitemap file works. Also, after creation - the URL for the sitemap is http://site.com/sitema...
  10. Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Je viens vers vous car j'ai un gros soucis avec le module google sitemap depuis que je suis passé en 1.6. Lors de la création des différents sitemap ( plus de 15 ) il n'y a aucun problème. Cependant, lorsqu'on les ouvre, c'est la cata. Voici les urls que je t...
  11. Bonjour, Après avoir recherché un peu partout, je n'ai pas trouvé la réponse à ma question. Je souhaiterais savoir si le module Google Sitemap pour la version 1.6 de prestashop génère un bon sitemap.xml ou si il faut passer par un autre moyen avant de l'ajouter dans la search console ?...
  12. Hy all , For a week i am trying to make the module work, i am submitting sitemap, waiting for results, but nothing. Sitemap is there. U can check. I don`t know what to do anymore .
  13. Hello, When I checked my sitemap file generate by Prestashop Gsitemap module v 3.2.0 I found out that there is two entries for main my domain. The first one in file is this one: <url> <loc> <![CDATA[ https://mydomain.pl/ ]]> </loc> <priority>1.0</priority> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> </url>...
  14. Hi guys, I wonder to create the sitemap for my site using Google Sitemap pre-installed from Prestashop (default theme). The sitemap generated address is /1_en_0_sitemap.xml instead of /sitemap.xml I wonder how can I fix this or is it alright if I leave it like that? So what I need t...
  15. Hi, In "Google sitemap v3.1.0 - by PrestaShop" module, I checked all options except "index". I clicked "Generate Sitemap" button and sent .xml files to Google web masters (Search Console) It's created: 1_en_0_sitemap.xml, 1_en_1_sitemap.xml, 1_en_2_sitemap.xml and 1_index_sitemap.xml These...
  16. Help : I've just updated the standar prestashop certified google sitemap module in prestashop 1.5.4, and it gave wrong date format in google webmaster tools when I uploaded it. Also, le xml address given by the module, is not the same as the one that is created. <lastmod>2013-10-21 15:56:22</lastmo...
  17. Hi, I would like to install module Google Sitemap to my site, but it gives me error when trying to do it from back office: "Module Google Sitemap can't be upgraded: Error on downloading the latest version." I am running prestashop . Here is screenshot: SCREENSHOT Can anybody tel...
  18. Hello dear community, did anybody had a Problem with priorities in Gsitemap module? In order to show some of the product categories in Google SERPs, I would like to give the highest priority to the category. For that, I have changes the category priority to 1.0 in the file gsitemap.php pub...
  19. Bonjour, Depuis 1 mois je n'arrive plus à générer mon Sitemap via le module "Google Sitemap" de prestashop voici le message d'erreur : ''Une erreur est survenue : Impossible d'écrire à la racine de votre site web. Veuillez ajuster les permissions afin que PrestaShop puisse enregistre...
  20. Hello I would like to rename or generate a site map named "sitemap.xml" via "google sitemap" module Presently it generated the site map named as "http://abhishekproducts.in/1_en_0_sitemap.xml" i would like to replace that with "http://abhishekproducts.in/sitemap.xml" reason - for SEO optim...
  21. Hello, My target customers are english speakers for the most part, and I did SEO on english pages of my website only. However, I noticed that Google indexed the other languages that Prestashop in natively providing. As a result, it may lower my Google ranking because pages appear as duplicated c...
  22. Can someone more experienced have a look at my www.coltrak.com/sitemap.xml and www.coltrak.com/robots.txt I use PS 1.5 and google sitemap v 1.9 Am i wrong that the sitemap only shows .jpg links? Does it look correcy, i get invalid on several validators online Also why does my robots.txt blo...
  23. I have been using Google Sitemap to generate my sitemaps. Just noticed that it does a great job with prestashop modules, but seems to ignore third party modules. I am using a Blog, Forum and a Attachments/Downloads Modules. Each of these generates pages for my site, however, none of the pages app...
  24. I just notice that the generated product URL in the sitemap.xml is not in friendly format (altho the friendly url in back office is activated), so, instead <url> <loc>http://domain.com/store/music-ipods/1-ipod-nano.html</loc> <priority>0.6</priority> <lastmod>2012-12-11</lastmod> <c...
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