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  1. Tag Concierge PrestaShop Module Free This extension pushes standard eCommerce information – GA4 Commerce and UA Enhanced eCommerce compatible – to GTM Data Layer. Once this information is available in your GTM workspace you can plug in and use any tool available, even if you are unsure which to...
  2. Hi, I'm trying to set up PrestaShop with Google Analytics to track conversions. Currently when I go the checkout i'm getting some strange URLs. For a start whole checkout seems to be done under /order? I'm using the 5 step checkout mode. Here are the URLs for each step as it stands:...
  3. Buongiorno a tutti, c'è modo di monitorare gli accessi di un gruppo di utenti personalizzato? Ho creato il gruppo personalizzato B2B e vorrei monitorarne gli accessi. Grazie
  4. I'm trying to install Google Analytics API module as it appears to uninstalled itself at some point in the last month, but when I click install I get an error: You do not have permission to configure this module. Anyone know how to solve this? I saw a few other topics saying to uninstall an...
  5. The PS cookie grows continuously with each product added to the shopping cart. When it reaches the 4 kB limit, the customer cannot add new product to the cart, place an order or log in because PS throws an object error. I found out that the official Google Analytics module (https://addons.prest...
  6. Buongiorno, Vorrei capire alcune cose in merito al numero di visitatori, in quanto dal backoffice di Prestashop ci viene indicato un numero spropositato di visitatori quasi 17k rispetto ai solo 115 che ci vengono fatti vedere da Google Analytics con lo stesso lasso di tempo ovvero gli ultimi 28/3...
  7. Bonjour à tous, Je n'arrive pas à trouver la Destination de la page de confirmation de commande de mon site ; c'est pour configurer un Goal dans Google Analytics afin de tracker la performance des ventes (transactions). J'ai configuré l'objectif sur CHIFFRE D'AFFAIRE et EFFECTUER UN PAIEMENT. J...
  8. [PrestaShop] Bonjour, J'ai un soucis depuis la dernière mise à jour des modules "PrestaShop Metrics" (v2.0.2) et "PrestaShop Account" (v4.0.0) Je précise que le module "Google Analytics" (v4.0.0) n'a pas eu de mise à jour Depuis ces mises à jour j'ai un message qui s'affiche...
  9. Merhaba, Google analytics den aldığım Global Site Etiketi (gtag.js) kodunu index.php dosyasının içinde en başa yapıştırdım. Ancak sitemde anasayfa banner kısmı kaydı. Daha doğrusu resim duruyor ancak sağa sola kaydırma okları kaydı aşağıya doğru. Kodu yapıştırırken bir hata yaptığım kesin ama n...
  10. bonjour j'ai parcouru le forum au sujet de l'intégration de code de suivi google analyics <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-108718120-1"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLay...
  11. I am starting to work with google Analytics and I implemented it in my online store which is prestashop 1.7 but when doing it under the performance of the store it became very slow, I think it may be due to the time it is being scanned, is there any way to change the time the scan is done? I mean to...
  12. What is the parameter to track internal site search on Google analytics? Thanks
  13. Hi i recently used prestashop 1.7 but i couldn't find google analytics module and i had to download it form github and install it. but now i can't find google analytics API so that in the backend in ACTIVITY OVERVIEW or online visitors shows nothing always 0 and i always se...
  14. Buenas tardes a tod@s En primer lugar gracias por ser un foro tan enriquecedor. Tengo un problema con google analytics, tengo instalado en mi prestashop el módulo simple Google Analytics v2.3.4 Este módulo me trae todos los datos sin embargo, no me trae lo referido a ingresos y tasa d...
  15. Cześć Wielcy tego forum! Mam pytanko o zmienną, {foreach} tak aby w warstwie danych były powielane kolejne produkty dataLayer.push({ 'ecommerce': { 'purchase': { 'actionField': { 'id': '{$order.details.reference}', // Transa...
  16. Ya tengo un tiempo con este problema y no doy con la solución, el problema en el código de seguimiento de seguimiento de google analytics se repite 2 utilizansdo el modulo que viene defecto (Google Analytics v3.2.0 - de PrestaShop) al repetir se 2 veces el seguimiento de seguimientoen las visitas re...
  17. Buenas, He implementado el código de Analytics en Prestashop v1.7.6.1. Registró la primera transacción que se llevó a cabo en Google Analytics, pero el resto no las ha contabilizado. He probado con el módulo del catálogo de Analytics, después he estado usando el módulo Google adwords conve...
  18. Hi, this may be a strange question, but what is the best way to track conversions from PrestaShop in Google Analytics? I know, there is a default module for Google Analytics, but this module (at least in our case) is not tracking any conversions (maybe there is something wrong in our installati...
  19. Hallo zusammen, ich verwende die PrestaShop Version Für das Tracking meiner Website verwende ich Google Analytics. In Google Analytics habe ich jetzt unter Zielvorhaben die Trichterfunktion für den Checkout erstellt. Dadurch kann ich feststellen, in welchem Schritt der Kund...
  20. Hi guys, I am using prestashop with google analytics module v2.0.7 which is the latest one, I just updated it yesterday. Since a week ago it suddenly appeared on Google Tag Assistant (a chrome add on by Google), shown 1 error message said "No HTTP response detected". If I go to g...
  21. Buenos dias, Tengo configurado el modulo de Google Analytics en Prestashop de forma correcta con el ID. Desde Google Analytics compruebo las visitas en linea (tiempo real) y las registra y funciona todo correctamente. El problema es que si comparo los datos estadísticos (visitas, usuarios,...
  22. Salve ragazzi avrei bisogno del vosto aiuto... Ho installato su di un sottodominio Prestashop e siccome vorrei monitorare dominio e sottodominio con lo stesso codice vorrei sapere come fare, perchè sul dominio principale rileva correttamente tutto invece sul sottodominio no... Cosa dovrei...
  23. Buenas a todos y gracias por las aportaciones que me podáis hacer por adelantado. Tengo una tienda en prestashop 1.7.2 y al instalar el modulo de analytics ( https://addons.prestashop.com/es/informes-estadisticas/4168-ganalytics.html ) no me registra las visitas ni ningún dato. No se si es...
  24. Hi, Google is very strict about not sending PII (Personally Identifiable Information), and has been for years. But with GDPR legislation on top, it is a serious issue, and Google can actually close your account if you send PII to Google Analytics. I have worked with GDPR for a lot of clients, m...
  25. Boost your Prestashop website speed to extreme speeds... See how! author: William Williamson Date: 12/09/2015 A few months ago we realized that our site was extremely slow and the website speed was affecting our ability to sell products, provide a great user experience, and effectively convert sa...
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