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Found 25 results

  1. Google Tag Manager Consent Mode Banner Free - consent mode v2 compatible Lightweight (1.9 kB) Consent/Cookies Banner compatible with GTM Consent Mode dedicated for Prestashop. User-friendly PrestaShop module designed to integrate Google Tag Manager Consent Mode seamlessly into your website. It...
  2. Bonjour, J'ai un problème dans la configuration des suivis de conversion Adwords dans google tag manager. J'ai bien installé le google tag manager sur mon site, il fonctionne très bien, mais pas sous cette configuration : Pourtant j'ai crée une règle de déclenchement sur la page de confi...
  3. Tag Concierge PrestaShop Module Free This extension pushes standard eCommerce information – GA4 Commerce and UA Enhanced eCommerce compatible – to GTM Data Layer. Once this information is available in your GTM workspace you can plug in and use any tool available, even if you are unsure which to...
  4. I am using Prestashop version and trying to add google tag manager code so I can enable tracking. I followed instructions from one of the forum topics (from this forum only) but after I added the codes, my website crashed and it gave me "HTTP ERROR 500". Once I restored the original file,...
  5. Hola, estoy intentando insertar valores al dataLayer de Google Tag Manager (GTM) cuando el usuario hace login a mi tienda. Para ello, he pensado en crear un modulo y llamar al hook actionAuthentication (After successful customer authentication) por facilidad y por no complicarme la vida con override...
  6. 1. Create all needed tags, conversions, products feeds etc. at https://ads.google.com https://analytics.google.com https://merchants.google.com 2. Remove all Google identificators (if any) from your website set in other PS modules or hardcoded. 3. Create a website container at https://tagm...
  7. Ciao, sto configurando Google Tag Manager e devo inserire il codice nel file header.tpl, ma non riesco a trovare la sezione <head> e il tag <body>. Qualcuno mi può aiutare?
  8. Hello, Here is a question for experienced users who have had a chance to compare these three popular modules in action - which one to choose and why? Or if someone has had an experience with any of the modules listed below (positive or negative) - please share your opinion. 1) Premium Google T...
  9. Hola a todos, tengo problemas a la hora de poner el código de Google Tag Manager en el header.tpl de mi tema. Accedo a public_html --> themes --> (clico en mi tema) --> templates --> _partials --> header.tpl Una vez aquí no encuentro ni el apartado <head> ni tampoco el apartado <body> para...
  10. Bonjour à tous ! Je souhaiterais ajouter la fameuse balise Google tag manager afin de pouvoir gérer plus simplement mes balises (Analytics, Adwords et Facebook...) et aussi réduire le temps de chargement de mes pages avec moins de scripts Ceci étant dit, j'ai vu que deux méthodes étaient p...
  11. hi i want connect google tag manager to my website https://ventureonerealtyllc.com/ , after creating google tag manager account i copied code to header.php <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'...
  12. Hi everyone, i have a problem with A/B test. I want to change color of "add to cart" button. I created a javascript code (document.getElementsByClassName("add-to-cart")[0].style.background = "#5CB85C";), if i launch the code in the console the color of the button change, but when i put thi...
  13. Bonjour, Souhaitant gagner du temps lors d'un ajout d'une balise et accélérer le chargement des pages de mon site, je souhaite utiliser l'outil Google Tag Manager. Néanmoins, j'ai un problème lorsque j’intègre le code javascript qui m'est donné par Google. Quelque soit où je met le script da...
  14. Hi, Can you please help me with Google Tag Manager. I need to insert a code before <body id="index"> Unfortunately I do not know how. I inserted in header.tpl and footer.tpl, but is is always shown after body tag in source code. Thank you for your help. Best, Ivan
  15. Hi, I'am currently working on the Google Tag Manager integration on a shop, but I'am having an issue finding the event when the user login successfuly (or not) so I can send a datalayer.push 'OK - Sign-in' if succeeds or 'KO - Sign-in' if it fails. ex. User login successfuly :...
  16. Bonjour à tous, J'ai quelques difficultés à créer des balises sur Google Tag Manager. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi celles ci ne se déclenchent pas. Par exemple : Je souhaite tracker le slider "accessoires" pour voir si c'est utile ou non. J'ai donc repéré un...
  17. Hi guys, I am using prestashop with google analytics module v2.0.7 which is the latest one, I just updated it yesterday. Since a week ago it suddenly appeared on Google Tag Assistant (a chrome add on by Google), shown 1 error message said "No HTTP response detected". If I go to g...
  18. Hola, i have a problem to installe the gtm to the new version of prestashop. in previous versions I used {literal} in head.tpl (and not header.tpl) one part and the other in layout-both-columns.tpl. in the latest version this method does not work, any suggestions? Regards
  19. Hi, I wanted to report an issue with the latest update of prestashop. I had implemented the code to pass on the data to the template file in OrderConfirmationController.php as this: public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); $this->context->sm...
  20. Ciao a tutti, dovrei inserire dei javascript di monitoraggio di Google Tag Manager sia sul pulsante "Aggiungi al carrello" sia sulla pagina finale del carrello quando si conclude l'ordine. La versione di Prestashop che sto utilizzando è la Ho cercato su google soluzioni al caso m...
  21. Hi all! I've got a bit of a problem trying to implement GA over GTM. So far I'm able to push the transaction data using a datalayer in order-confirmation.tpl, and it works just nice. I even added a custom dimension for tracking the order shipping carrier, which is not tracked automatica...
  22. Buenos días a todos! Alguien ha tenido que configurar etiquetas de remarketing dinámico en Prestashop para hacer campañas sin ningún modulo? No se que me dejo pero no consigo que me reconozca las dimensiones personalizadas (ecomm_prodid, ecomm_pagetype y ecomm...
  23. Set google tag managery to my site kavist.com.ua that works for sms prestashop Set up event tracking code. Everything works. decided to set up the code to track E-commerce using Google tag manager. Did all the instructions https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/3002596?hl=en but the data in...
  24. Hi, To proper use of Google code it is {literal}{/literal} is needed in each place where {} is used. Best Regards Piotr header.txt
  25. Hi, I would like to know the ways/ steps to insert Google Tag Manager (GTM) to Prestashop. I have tried to add the code myself but it doesn't working. Does anyone have the idea? Please guide me. Thank you.
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