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  1. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to shows a pop-up with a custom message for selected countries with 2 options buttons and 2 links to redirect URLs. Geolocation popup buttons help international visitors to find a suitable store as per location, language, and shipping...
  2. Hello, I need to do one "simple" thing. I need to switch currency based on visitors country. I read a lot about it on this forum and I am confused. I read really long and pretty old thread and there where a lot of answers. I tried them including the default currency for country and language sw...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon allows us to automatically change store currency and language as per visitors' country locations. When visitor changes language respective currency changes automatically. Geolocation (GeoIP) Currency & language Redirect Users Automatica...
  4. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps the administrator to log visitors’ IPs, city, country, zip, longitude, latitude, and others in the database and Graphical representation of visitors' data using charts from the back office. This will help to get detail about ea...
  5. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps administrators to notify back-office login user details and users' login history in the back-office. Users' login history module stores information about individual user logins, including a login username, IP address, date, and sho...
  6. I have a feeling this will be quite a simple one but I need to pull the the delivery address to a theme file (more specifically the country or country id) and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I found this topic that explains it in some detail but I'm not sure where exactly in the cart fi...
  7. Hello Friends, Greetings of the day. I have created some video tutorials regarding how to do the below tasks in PrestaShop versions 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 These video tutorials help to understand, complete tasks, and easily work with PrestaShop. [1]. Prestashop how to set a 10% discoun...
  8. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to add extra unlimited tabs on the product details page. We can add YouTube videos and useful content with the image using the HTML editor in the extra tabs Optimize product content for buyers to more easily find your product...
  9. As mentioned on their website, Maxmind will no longer offer upate of their City database recommended in the Prestashop documentation. 3 questions: - does someone know another free alternative with ipv4 and ipv6 data? - does someone use the https://www.ip2location.com databases wi...
  10. By default Prestashop does not seem to show the correct carriers (shipping costs) and VAT for non-logged in visitors. The built-in Geolocation IP database is supposedly not so accurate either, and functions quite limited. So after confirming with the developer, if carriers / VAT etc would also...
  11. Hello, I have a Prestashop website which sells in different countries : France, US, UK and Canada. I am installing it on Prestashop 1.7. I would like my website to geolocate visitors depending on their country, and show prices including VAT or not, depending on the country's tax rule:...
  12. Hi all. I have a multistore running on a .COM domain (domain.com) and I want an United Kingdom version. It's easy to have a sub folder as a separate store (domain.com/uk/), but I'd rather have this second store using a local domain (domain.co.uk) instead. All the documentation I find is a...
  13. Hi all, I'm having a problem where all Dutch IP adresses (Netherlands) are getting a 403 forbidden error. Store is a Clothing store so nothing crazy. Geolocation is turned off. Dutch IP's are the only ones I know of for the moment and has been happening for a couple month...
  14. Salve, sto provando il multinegozio. Mi sono imbattuto in questa domanda: Se volessi avere due negozi con due gestione magazzino differenti e far partire la merce dal negozio piu vicino al cliente, come devo fare? Qualcuno ha già trovato una soluzione? Oppure esiste già e non ne sono a c...
  15. i have a list of pre defined whitelisted ip's from prestashop. lets say australia uses an ip address of e.g. if this is not on the whitelist, does it mean that the user / users are blocked? is there a way to input a single line either "*" or "*.*.*.*" that will allow every...
  16. Buongiorno a tutti, vorrei realizzare un Marketplace geolocalizzato e i miei fornitori/venditori consegneranno soltanto in un determinato raggio di Km. Qualcuno sa se esiste un modulo che permette di geolocalizzare l'utente per mostrargli soltanto prodotti disponibili in un determ...
  17. Hi When a customer adds a product to the shopping cart, the system tells the price of the product and shows the shipping cost. Problem is, if the customer is not logged in, the shipping cost shown will be the one for our default country, not the one of the customer. The difference in price can b...
  18. Salve a tutti è da un po' di giorni che ho notato che quando mi collego da un altro computer che non sia il mio, mi appare un messaggio di errore al caricamento del sito, dicendomi che non posso effettuare un nuovo ordine da questo Paese France. Il problema è che io sono collegato dall' Italia....
  19. Hi everyone, i've just noticed that when i try to surf my website from another computer than mine it result an error saying that i cannot purchase from this country. The problem is that i've set correclty the geolite2-city database in app/resources/geoip and that it says i'm purchasing from France w...
  20. Hi, I have big trouble with PS (version I need to have geolocation function enabled because I want to restrict access to my shop according to visitors countries. Geolocation works flawlessly but when it's enabled, I have problem with price in google rich snippets eg. google...
  21. Bonjour à tous, Salutations du jour Le module permet de traduire un magasin en ligne dans plus de 100 langues, facilite les ventes internationales et aide les clients internationaux à comprendre les prix des magasins dans leur langue. Il est très rapide, se charge facilement et fonctionne...
  22. Salut à tous, Salutations du jour. Le module aide à traduire la boutique en ligne dans plus de 100 langues, facilite les ventes internationales et aide les clients internationaux à comprendre les prix des magasins dans leur langue. Il est très rapide, les charges fonctionnent facilement a...
  23. Bonjour à tous, Salutations du jour. Le module affiche une fenêtre contextuelle avec un message personnalisé pour les pays sélectionnés avec 2 boutons d'options et 2 liens pour rediriger les URL. Les boutons contextuels de géolocalisation aident les visiteurs internationaux à trouver un m...
  24. Hi Guys, I'm new here. I would like to ask for assistance on my Prestashop issue. I just enable the Geolocation by IP address on my site. My intention is to auto change currency based on customers' location. My website is https://www.topfashionbrands.amoritalia.my. Upon enabled...
  25. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module allows adding custom CSS, HTML, tags, JavaScript code inside head or body tag on selected product, cms, category, home page or other pages of online store. It helps to add different tags related to SEO, design, google fonts, and different softw...
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