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  1. Saludos: ¿Cómo puedo mostrar los precios finales al público con impuestos incluidos en la página del producto? Necesito hacer este cambio ya que es una exigencia de mi país que los precios finales al consumidor se muestren con IVA incluido.
  2. Bonjour à tous, Voici un nouveau module que j'ai développé: back to top pour Prestashop 1.7 Vous pouvez le télécharger en .zip et renommer le dossier à backtotop et le copier directement dans le dossier modules de prestashop 1.7. L'idée qu'il soit publié dans github est aussi pour que...
  3. Hey guys, I'm currently working on a new Front-End. But instead of PrestaShop's build-in Front-End, I want to use React and the PrestShop Webservice API to develop the User Interface. Now I wonder, what would be the best technique for the checkout. How can I access payment modules through...
  4. Hi, we are able to find link to single manufacturer or brand page with all their products but we can find the url of its "root". We are looking for the url where all brands are shown or all manufacturers. Thanks, NicholasIT
  5. Bonjour, J'aimerai bien afficher 3 articles par ligne au lieu de 1 :) Merci ! https://www.royalmakeup.com/63-maquillage
  6. Hello la communauté, Utilisant une boutique prestashop je suis confronté a ce type d'erreur. Quelqu'un aurait il rencontré le même souci? Je tiens a preciser que je suis en mode debug. Merci pour votre aide précieuse
  7. Bonjour, j'ai récemment récupéré un client avec un vieux Prestashop que je souhaite migrer vers 1.6. Pour cela je souhaite le déployer en local (j'utilise WAMP) Après beaucoup de mal, j'arrive maintenant à me connecter à l'admin mais le site en soit génère que des pages d'erreur. Le site utilis...
  8. Здравствуйте. Я новичок, закончил курсы Front-end, могу написать сайт по макету. Сейчас понял, что мне нужно его как-то администрировать, и нахожусь в поисках CMS. Пришел к Вам на сайт, скачала PrestaShop 1.7, установил его на OpenServer, попытался залить на него свой сайт который написал, но что-...
  9. Hi! The order state in front-end (client profile) is different from back-end (admin panel). I find out that in order_history table, the id_order_state is showing 20 (waiting for payment) it is supposed to show 2 when payment is accepted. How do I fix this?? Thanks for viewing this top...
  10. Hello, I made myself some extra data to add using the backend system using this tutorial. http://www.amauri.eng.br/en/blog/2016/03/developing-a-simple-module-with-crud-for-prestashop/ It creates new entries with some data in it, everything works fine in the backend. Now the problem is tha...
  11. Bonjour à tous, Je souhaite utiliser des modules front-end "basiques" du genre article favoris meilleures ventes ... Je ne parviens pas à les intégrer. L'un de vous a-t-il déjà réussi ? Par avance merci pour votre aide
  12. Geachte prestashop liefhebbers, Probleem omschrijving: Ik ben momenteel bezig met een webshop voor cartridges. Hiervoor heb ik de volgende indeling gemaakt in categorieën: merk -> printer -> cartridges Nu komt het volgende; Ik heb de database met +/- 10 duizend categorieën gevuld, ma...
  13. Good afternoon Is it possible to have the back-office default language in English, and the front-end in French? I have both languages installed But I can only those I language for both sides greetings Seppe
  14. Tengo un problema con los atributos en el front-end que se me descolocan al poner textura al color. Adjunto imagen del problema. las que estan mal son las que se estan alineadas abajo. Alguien sabe porque pasa esto si pongo textura al atributo?
  15. Hi, I have a question about the product combination function inside Prestashop The cost of the products has to automatically adjust with certain combinations. This works perfectly fine in the back-end but the front-end does not alter the price as it should. I have added two scre...
  16. Hi There, I have a question. I'm running a simple server stack at the moment for a Prestashop with: Load Balancer Server |_Front-End Web Server |_Database Server and I'm looking to expand it with a second web server. The problem I have is that with replication setup between the web...
  17. Dupa cum scrie si in titlu caut o persoana competenta si serioasa pentru partea de front-end developer. Design-ul (partea creativă) este facuta. Se plateste pe proiect ,nu pe ora. Daca este cineva interesat il rog sa trimita mesaj privat.
  18. I was trying the "Add to wishlist" option in a category page (which displays a list of products) and I found something really wrong If you have a product that has attributes (like color or size) you can add it in your wishlist (as well in your cart) without being redirect to the product page, so...
  19. Is it possible to customize the Referrers Tracking front-end pages? I've created files under /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/trackingfront/views/templates/front and cleared my cache but the changes aren't showing up. Dan Kimble www.BigRockGoatFarm.com Prestashop
  20. Greetings, I am having an issue where the pop-out zoom feature is not working on my site. I'm only having this problem when the product has 1 image. Any recommendations? Product with 1 image: http://www.inessa.com/renaissancegothic-buffets/2401-30077.html Product with multiple i...
  21. Ragazzi/e ho un piccolo dubbio/problema/bug, nella nuova versione di PS vedo che i prezzi nel front-end me li fa vedere senza iva, all'inizio pensavo fosse perché il negozio è in Italia e io in Nuova Zelanda, ma anche la cliente li vede senza!!! Ho configurato le tasse ma nulla!!! C'è alt...
  22. Hi, I'm new to Prestashop and I'm trying to configure the homepage for my project. I'm using the default theme. In the homepage, right under the slideshow, there are two tabs- New Arrivals and Best Sellers. I don't mind those tabs there but I want to add a new tab as the default which shows new arr...
  23. Buenas a todos soy nuevo en este foro, me acabo de presentar, una de las primeras dudas en mi inicio con prestashop es el tema de traducciones. Si bien en Traduccion de Modulos Instalados todas las cadenas parecen estar bien traducidas y en español, en ciertas partes de mi pagina (por ejemplo c...
  24. Hi, I've read a lot of topics about my problem but nothing seems to fix this. I have a Prestashop online, we were having issues with the host so my client decided to move the website to another domain (his own). He did it himself and added an SSL connection. When we want to access the we...
  25. I'm starting a project with Prestashop, the Front-end will have some differences from the standard shops, for this reason we are thinking to create the Front-end with HTML/CSS/JS, outside the Theme, without Smarty, using only the theme to the check out process. The connection with Prestashop will be...
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