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Found 16 results

  1. Hi, I'm developing an external payment module in localhost. I'm new to prestashop 1.7 and I'm stuck at one place. I have made the module. Please shed some light on this fellow beginner. Actually I made the payment module but still not able to redirect successfully to payment url and order is not be...
  2. I created a new page in my module by creating a new front controller. I want to add js and css files to this page but I am unable to do so. I have tried a couple of things, but none are working for me. I tried adding the setMedia() function in the front controller: public function set...
  3. Hi, I have some difficulties to create a module front controller. Everithing seems fine (I used another controller of my module to create this one) but I have a fatal error … Type error: Argument 1 passed to smartyClassnames() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/ps-...
  4. Salut j'ai fait un simple module avec un controlleur front qui fait appel à un fichier tpl . au niveau front il s'affiche l'erreur suivante : Call to a member function get() on null ceci est le code du contolleur et le fichier tpl : <?php class em_bestsellersBestProductsModuleFront...
  5. Hi! I'm working in a module. It has a front controller for making some processes through URL calls. Now, I want to use some methods of this controller from its parent module (directly, not getting a URL link). But I don't know how to get an instance of my front controller from the module c...
  6. Hi i try show last order in user nav i am add code {if $orders && count($orders)} {foreach from=$orders item=order name=myLoop} {if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first} <a class="color-myaccount" href="javascript:showOrder(1, {$order.id_order|intval}, '{$link->getPageLink('order-detail', true)|e...
  7. Hi, I want to export orders from front office. I created front controller for that but don’t know how to export orders to csv.
  8. I've got a custom controller set up that extends from the front controller, it's fairly basic and currently contains the following: class StockController extends FrontController{ public function init(){ parent::init(); } public function initContent(){ $this->display_column_...
  9. Hi everyone, I would like to know how to implement another Front controller in PS 1.7, do you have any guidelines? Let's say we have a new "Employee" object that could login + retrieve his lost password + access his own backoffice. He cannot create an account, it would be don...
  10. I have have a trouble with custom module in the PS 1.7. My module is intended for exporting catalog to particular XML file (yandex market, if someone knows it). So, export works fine, except automatic and cron links. I have SEO URLs torn on, my webserver is nginx. All needed rewrite rules...
  11. Hi everyone I have created a custom front controller. I have a button in the displayreassurance hook inside the product page that calls that front controller. I want to send the product data to that controller. $product = new Product( (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'), true,...
  12. Hi I am a beginner in prestashop and I want to create a front controller for the in prestashop. How can I achieve that?
  13. Hi guys... I am having trouble with translating the subject of messages received from contact forms... The subject the customer receives when sending a message is "Your message has been correctly sent #ct.... #tc.....)" I cannot find this anywhere in the email template translations or in any ot...
  14. Hi... I am developing a module that has a front controller that can be accessed through an URL like this: http://website.com/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodulename&controller=default&id_index=1 When I point my URL to this address the controller, located at modules/mymodulename/controllers/front/d...
  15. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Prestashop Boutique en cours d'achèvement... Tout fonctionnait bien jusqu'à ce jour en mode maintenance. J'ai laissé "reposer" 2 semaines. Lorsque je suis revenu sur le Front, la page d'accueil s'affiche mais dès que je clique sur un lien (produit, page cm...
  16. Hello, I've overriden the FrontController::setMedia() method to add another CSS file (so it will be linked for every themes) right after the global CSS. public function setMedia(){ ... $this->addCSS(array( _THEME_CSS_DIR_.'global.css', _PS_CUSTOMER_URI_.'css/style.css' ), 'all');...
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