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  1. Happy new year guys... Our company's looking for a freelance expert PrestaShop Developer to fix this issue: Our site runs on PrestaShop with some modifications. We are facing minor performance problems in search results page. The problem is occurring because...
  2. Olá, tenho um site em PrestaShop já, porém a agência que realizou pecou em alguns ítens. Gostaria de alguém pra arrumar algumas questões de layout e módulos já instalados. Preferência de alguém que more em Curitiba também, para mantermos a parceria depois. Obrigado!
  3. Hallo zusammen, ich benötige wieder die Hilfe bei der Umsetzung eines geplanten Shops. Da es ein neuer Shop werden soll, würde ich gerne die aktuelle PrestaShop Version verwenden. -Anpassung Template -Beratung Module
  4. International furniture company is looking for freelancers in hu/ro/sk/cz who maintain a prestashop system. Perfect prestashop skills (product management etc.) ,technical skills and the possibility of communication in english are essential. We are looking for a long-term cooperation....
  5. Salve, ho installato sul mio sito di e-commerce un modulo che consente di configurare un prodotto prima di poterlo acquistare (utilizzo Prestashop Questo modulo trasforma gli attributi nativi di Prestashop in passi di configurazione e consente, quindi, di selezionare un’opzione e filt...
  6. Wer kann für mich komplette Shops zusammen stellen, die auf meinem Server laufen. Wichtig! sie müssen über emagicone laufen und automatische updates machen!
  7. Hallo zusammen, wie der Titel schon erahnen lässt, bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Freelancer, der mir u.a ein Template erstellen kann. Habe mir auch schon die Partneragenturen von prestashop angeschaut und 2 angeschrieben. Leider bekam ich von meinem Favorit unmittelbar eine Absage. Wä...
  8. Disponemos de un proyecto interesante, reciente, en el que buscamos un programador que se una a nuestro equipo de profesionales. El proyecto es factible que tenga un rápido crecimiento. Contamos con tops mundiales en sus respectivas areas. Si quieres trabajar en un proyecto apasionante, contacta...
  9. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone out here can give me some freelancer / development firms that they have personally used and would definitely recommend. I'm after experienced and great communicators. Devs that will question your judgement / idea if necessary not ones that keep quiet and just do...
  10. Dzień dobry, Poszukuję profesjonalnego programisty, który podejmie się konwersji projektu sklepu internetowego z PSD na szablon PrestaShop. Co oczywiste, wymagana doskonała znajomość HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/RWD i PS. Praca od przyszłego tygodnia do ok. 10 listopada, kiedy sklep powinien już funkcjonować...
  11. Senhores Infelizmente não achei modulo oficial que atenda a minha necessidade de trabalhar com atributos ou personalização de produtos. Já tentei de tudo e uma das opções é fazer um módulo com freelancer Fico em duvida com o estrago que isso pode causar com segurança, incompatibilidade...
  12. Hi PrestaShoppers! I need a Designer + Developer who could take on a Swedish client who is re-working her webshop. Big plus if you already have worked together on projects before. FYI: I'm CMO at Coworks in San Francisco, a platform similar to oDesk and Elance. With the big difference that w...
  13. Hello, I have a custom module which is perfectly working on developer´s eshop but which does not want to install in (fresh installation) or eshops. I was told that according to error there is a need for a tiny fix since :" it cannot install that module as another one is already...
  14. hey, im looking for some one to go through and do all the fiddly jobs i cant such as adding html that certain things need (google analytics etc) ensure everythings up to scratch and flows easily. really getting fed up now. cheers cherie www.devineattractions.co.uk
  15. Hi, I am developing my first website in prestashop. I want to remove the heading (seen on each product page next to breadscrumb)"There are # products in this category "on all category pages and also the error "There is no product in this category". Do i need to modify header.tpl ?? Thanks in adv...
  16. Hi all, I'm looking for an experience prestashop programmer who can create/customize theme to fulfill my requirement. Project scope is create a new admin manageable theme based on any one below models http://www.flipkart.com/ http://www.firstcry.com/ http://www.pepperfry.com/ Freelancers w...
  17. Olá Pessoal, Trabalho em uma agência digital em São José SC e preciso de profissionais para construir relacionamento duradouro para instalações e configurações de lojas virtuais PRESTASHOP. Entregaremos o template do site já montado no html (CSS e afins já finalizados), restando ao profissio...
  18. Hallo Presta-Profis, wir sind eine kleine Agentur welche sich bisher mit einer anderen Shopsoftware beschäftigt hat. Prestashop haben wir als Alternative entdeckt und sind daran unser Portfolio damit zu erweitern. Du bist bereit uns zu unterstützen? Als Freelancer oder in einer festen Einstellu...
  19. Posh Eyes is a successful online retailer of designer glasses and contact lenses based in Oxford. We are in the final stages of completing a new website developed within Prestashop, and are seeking a UK based individual to continue with the development of the site post launch. Tasks will include t...
  20. Hi All, This is a paying job anyone interested please see below I am currently building a website for a client and require some custom work done to the Prestashop installation. The job is for an online blinds retailer and the details are as follows: Front end: User navigates store as...
  21. Hi, I earlier sent the below on PrestaShops email contact from, but got no reply for a month now. Can anyone help? Thanks! ---start--- We developed an ecommerce site using your PrestaShop. Now the problem is, it's really slow and even crashed with only 170 active connections (users). We...
  22. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a freelancer to modify or create a template similar to this one: http://addons.presta...oCosmetic.html. It must be available for prestashop v. 1.5.1. Italian language is an advantage.
  23. Hello, Our company is in the fashion industry. We are using Prestashop 1.4.7 with a custom theme. We are looking for experienced freelancers for making modifications (installing new modules, re-arranging, changing fonts, etc.) We need 24-48 h. support and we will pay only when the job is done via...
  24. Hi Is there a way of becoming a prestashop certified freelancer via an online process (exam/test) as it seems if you are based in th US you guys are a little more accessible for a chat on a way forward, I did email some guy in the US after a member pointed me in that direction but until now hav...
  25. Is there a list of certified Freelancers anywhere? Is there a list of criteria required to become a certified Freelancer? Thanks
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