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Found 12 results

  1. He guys, I have Prestashop and it was fine till recently. I do not know what happen but now, I can not add or edit any products. When I want to save a new product or after editing an existing one, it shows 4 errors: 4 errors The description field (English (English)) is inval...
  2. Hi. I have a site which was previously running Prestashop and all has been working well. Then I logged into the back office, I get to the Dashboard OK but if I go to catalog -> products if I try and edit a product I get the white screen of death. I am also getting the white sc...
  3. I created my site and uploaded about 100.000 products. It is a book selling company. I do see the products list in my admin page but when I want to edit a single product, It just doesnt work. I wait for about 1-2 minutes after clicking "edit" button and get a white blank page as a result. I would ap...
  4. In the lastest version of prestashop (1.7.2) I can't see any warehouse location field in the product edit ? -I see the product location field both in the webservice & the import list How do you handle product stock location in 1.7.2 ?
  5. As of right now our system uses specific prices as a way to charge different prices to different countries so that we can keep the prices attractive looking to customers. We've decided to add some extra currencies into the mix and I've found a weird little issue. Sometimes when we try to submit a ne...
  6. Hi Guys! I am having a problem on my stores. I am currently using PS and have set up 2 different stores which are using the same products. The products are associated with diffent categories depending on the store. For example: Store 1 category1 product1 product2 product3 Sto...
  7. On product edit page in back office. Some times I wait for around more than 2-3 minutes, still "save and stay" and "save" button remain disabled. Then I refresh the page, after 2-3 attempts save button gets enabled. One day I pressed F12 to check if there is any error in console or network. Then I...
  8. Olá comunidade prestashop, Com isto recorro a vocês. Estou a ter um problema com o web service da prestashop e um software externo, encontro-me em desenvolvimento de um website desenvolvido através do prestashop e neste momento encontro-me a desenvolver uma interligação com o web service da pres...
  9. Hi, I recently upgraded my prestashop from 1.4 to 1.6 via 1 click upgrade. I enabled Multishop option. There were many issues that i have fixed, but I am not able to edit products in admin, when i save details for all shops it doesnot work, and when i save from one site it saves some det...
  10. Hi ! Please Prestashopers i can't go forward i'm stuck in those three errors : I'm using prestashop i download it.. i unzip it in my localhost folder and i open it with my localweb then i follow insructions i install it normaly then i acced to both back store and front store when i...
  11. Hello! I am using prestashop and if go to existing product and need to edit them, i got error "500 Internal Server Error". Now i can go back in Browser and my changes are updated, but i got this error frequently. I can click on Save button, or Sava and stay, same issue. If edit file...
  12. I have a trouble when i try to add or edit a product, when i click on "ADD PRODUCT" it just dont do anything, just load a white page. i will show you what happen: when i click here (add product) i know the image is in spanish. this apairs... nothing.( not even a single form) but, if...
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