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  1. Hi, I have what seems to be a fairly trivial problem with editing the home page on Presta Shop 8.1 I click on Creative Elements/theme builder to edit the home page. I then select the homepage and click edit in creative elements. I go to edit, but Presta only loads the bottom of the page for...
  2. Buenas chicos, expongo mi problema por si le paso a alguien mas. Tengo una tienda PrestaShop 8.0.5 (PHP 8.1) y desde hace un tiempo he notado un problema en la edición de los pedidos. Resulta que dentro de un pedido de un cliente, cuando quiero editarle los productos que a añadido para modificarle e...
  3. Hello I've got a problem with combinations - I can't edit them after they are created. For instance, I create an X product with 2-3 week delivery and after some time I want to change the delivery time to 1 week - I can't do that, I need to delete and recreate the combination. I need to able to...
  4. Hi to everyone! I just red the White paper related to the SEO optimization of a ecommerce site... It was very interesting but now I have a big question! In the SOE section of product, categories, etc.. pages it is possible to edit the meta data: title, description, keywords... Ok, but how can I...
  5. Hi, I was looking for a way to mass edit the price of all of my stock by a certain percentage. The thing is, i just want this change to happen to all the products I have at the moment in stock, but I dont want it to stay for future products I might add in the future to my webpage. Is there any possi...
  6. Hi, I am trying to edit the text of some modules such as the contact block. I have been searching for the file where i change it but i can not seem to find it. Can anyone please help me out. i am trying to chnage the text 'Our hotline is available 24/7' which can not be changed in the module secti...
  7. I am working on PrestaShop version and I have added a new column in the customer table of the database, but I have not managed to add the new field to edit the information in the backend of the system. How can I add these fields to the form? PS: At the moment I am in the file "\src\PrestaS...
  8. I am new with Prestashop and I have a task to make. Completed order date must be editable from admin panel. After I select specific order, editable date field should appear. This example is from old version, now I am working on 1.7.7. In old version date input is displayed in .tpl f...
  9. SEO can be complicated and time-consuming, but it doesn't need to be. We would like to introduce you to a new SEO module that is both easy to use, powerful and makes regular SEO care of your shop an easy and enjoyable activity. SEO (Search engine optimization) is undoubtedly an import...
  10. I need in PS 1.6 in admin edit products in order even if delivery pdf is generate. Is this possible?
  11. Hello community, I try to edit shipping number in order using prestashop API and jQuery and Javascript. I read all of the docs about API and I can create GET requests to receive any information that I want but I still can't put anything by using jQuery. Does anyone has any example how to edit...
  12. hello, i need help, I create the carrier in my back office. after finish it that carrier show on shipping method. and i edit that carrier and save it. then it not show in shipping method. why is that? any solution for that? thank you.
  13. Hello. Need help with code. Trying to make text Field in product line. In order details. I was modified 2 files. /admin/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/_product_line.tpl Code <span class="product_quantity_edit"> <input type="text" name="product_quantity_collected" class="e...
  14. Hello, i'm sorry if my english is bad, i'm french. I'm developing a module which use the List feature of Prestashop and i would like to remove the edit action. By default, each row of the list is a link who redirect you to the edit form but i don't have an edit form and i don't want to have...
  15. I'm creating a jewelry shop store, and I created fields in the product customization so the client has the possibility to write anything. What I want to know is if there are any possibility to edit the text field of the product customization when we are at the shopping cart. (if the customer wants...
  16. I am trying to edit the footer of my website. I would like to get rid of what is circled in green.
  17. Hello, We're about to migrate our webshop to Prestashop and we must link our products to manufacturers manually. Having +3000 products, this will cost us a lot of time. For this reason we are looking for a free compatible module or modification that allows us to bulk edit manufacturers....
  18. Hi prestashopers. I write a module in which I save information in a complex form - serialized. The display of such information is illegible and unedited, which is why I want to display the input form. I just wanted to insert a value: public function renderForm() { $ u...
  19. Hi, if i edit an order in the backend, changing prices and quantities, only the order total is calculated, the taxes remain the same. So if i have an item that cost 1€ and is taxed at 10%, and i bought one of that, i will pay 1,10€ If in the backend i edit the quantity, and i set 5 it...
  20. Hello, I would like to put a label on my products on the front page, telling customers if an item is sold out. I have read several threads on it, but since I am quite new to coding I don't know how to get to the actual editing. Can anybody help me? First on getting to the place where I c...
  21. The webpage or url of page I trying to make changes or edit information is: mywebsite.com/ content/4-about-us. Where is this module or how do I edit the information already on it? On the bottom of my webpage it states INFORMATION and then Contact Us, Home, Delivery, About Us. I'm using PrestaSho...
  22. Hello community! I would need advice on the following issue: - I have a very thick category tree, and when I get the product editing page or trying to create a new product, I get error 500. We suspect that this happens because loading one of the two pages the platform tries to load the who...
  23. Kαλησπέρα, στο CMS Page όταν πηγαίνω στο page content κάνω insert/edit image και όταν πατάω browse image μου εμφανίζει όλες τις φώτο σε μορφή n. Χρησιμοποιώ την εκδοση prestashop 1.5.1 Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε ?
  24. Buongiorno, come da titolo ho la necessità di modificare la scheda del prodotto. Nello specifico ho bisogno di aggiungere un testo solo quando il prodotto non è disponibile "su prenotazione". Ho trovato il file da modificare ed è product-add-to-cart.tpl, ho trovato l'if ma onestamente non capis...
  25. Hi everyone, I have PrestaShop version with the default template. I need to prevent the horizontal menu curtain from opening when the mouse passes. I think I need to change the code within C:\inetpub\wwwroot\themes\classic\assets\css\theme.css , but I have no idea what to chan...
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