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Found 24 results

  1. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps administrators to show interactive notifications regarding cookies used by stores as per EU Cookie Law compliance on bottom positions with a link to redirect the cookie policy page, management from the back-office with multiple opti...
  2. I am kinda new to Prestashop (v1.7.8.9) and I have a client that needs some things fixed during checkout of products. Here is the situation, I have 3 shipping addresses one based in Italy (base/home country), one based in Poland and one based in Afghanistan. All three addresses are using same...
  3. GDPR - Rights of Individuals The feature-rich GDPR module allows the store admin to manage the rights of the customers along with some other advanced features. This module allows the store admin to automate most of the tasks without any hassle. GDPR - Rights of Individuals Module is the best wa...
  4. Hello! I was wondering if there is a method which calculates the VAT of the price including VAT. By EU Law, the prices in the whole EU must be the same for consumers, but we need to pay tax in the country of the customer. The VAT amounts are different per country. For example: I have a prod...
  5. Hi, had an interesting little thing yesterday - a customer from the UK bought an item from my shop in Sweden. Per all rules, and all active things it should use the swedish VAT of 25% but it didn't. On the ware itself it's set as VAT 25% - Swedish. Why isn't it being applied to european normal custo...
  6. GDPR PRO General Data Protection Regulation - ALL in 1 This module allows you to be fully in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation requirements, by allowing your customers to agree or disagree with privacy policies, download and delete personal data. The General Data...
  7. Hi, i may have an odd but yet important question. I have just started a shop in witch the products have different tax rates. Prestashop can handle the tax rate on the products correctly. The problem i have is that my invoice specifies to much tax. If a product is rated 12% the shippin...
  8. Hello all. A client from Sweden bought products from the online store without a tax !!! Is that right? I use Prestashop Online shop send orders from Bulgaria. Can someone tell me how to fix this problem? Because both Bulgaria and Sweden are in the Europea...
  9. Braucht man das Modul noch in der Aktuellen Prestashop Version 1.7 ?
  10. GDPR PRO - Complete EU compliant integration The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes solve the issue of data protection for customers. GDPR PRO is the complete EU compliant integration module for this. Download it from here. Features: Option to easily e...
  11. Du har sikkert hørt om GDPR, men hvad betyder det for din Prestashop webshop? Der er ikke lang tid til d. 25 maj, hvor den nye persondataforordning træder i kraft i Europa. Det betyder at dansk persondatalov erstattes med EU-persondatafordningen, også kaldt General Data Protection Regulation (G...
  12. Bonjour, fin d'année, nouveau module. à la base développé pour moi, mais autant le faire bien pour une belle intégration et une configuration simple et rapide pour m'éviter de me rappeler comment j'avais mis en place ce bandeau d'avertissement sur les Cookie. Démonstration FrontOffice...
  13. Hello everyone, we have PayPal account setup in Asia but we want to sell to any customers from EU + UK. What plugin can you recommend? And is there any restrictions for EU + UK customers if PayPal was setup in non-EU? Or should we have two separated stores? One for EU+UK customers with PayPal...
  14. When a valid is EU VAT id is added at to either the checkout or in an address. then the customer should not have to pay VAT at this time. So if I have a cart with products adding to 100 euro, the VAT at 20% makes that 120. I want it do remove the VAT@20 if the customer adds a valid EU id. Ho...
  15. Hallo zusammen, ich habe wieder ein Modul fertig gestellt. MIt dem Modul könnt ihr beim Produkt im Backoffice das vom Hersteller bereitgestellte EU Label Bild + Datenblatt hochladen so, dass es in der Nähe des Add To Cart Buttons ist. Das Modul wird demnächst im Prestashop Store verfügba...
  16. Hallo, jetzt habe ich lange genug erfolglos rumprobiert und wende mich an die Community, die mir hoffentlich helfen kann Ich hatte das Modul Universal Pay (Zahlung auf Rechnung) installiert, und es hat auch gut funktioniert. Nachdem ich heute das EU-legal-Modul installiert habe, geht es aber nich...
  17. Hej, Er der nogen der har nogle gode erfaringer mht. en pæn minimalistisk implementering af en EU Cookie Law løsning i Prestashop, gerne et gratis produkt ? Jeg benytter PS med et tema.
  18. I wonder if there is no discussion on the consumer rights directive which is applicable law from now on in all eu countrys even if its not converted in local laws. Germany and the Czech Republic are two of the first countrys which merged this in local laws. I think some parts of prestashop does...
  19. Hola, tengo instalado el módulo European Union Cookies Law y funciona perfectamente, pulso close y desaparece el aviso, pero cunado vuelvo a entrar otroa vez, me vuelve a aparecer el aviso y es algo molesto. ¿Cómo puedo evitar eso?. Version prestashop: Template: Default Muchas graci...
  20. Hi Is it possible to increase the avalibility to only one country? I have several shipping methods, and one of them should only be avalible for one country - and the other methods for other countries?
  21. When a valid is EU VAT id is added at to either the checkout or in an address. then the customer should not have to pay VAT at this time. So if I have a cart with products adding to 100 euro, the VAT at 20% makes that 120. I want it do remove the VAT@20 if the customer adds a valid EU id. Do...
  22. Even though I am not in the EU, this issue is important to me as a long time developer. I ran across this slashdot discussion which led me to this guidance document from ico.gov.uk. Note this is a pdf file. >>Here<< In general, it appears this law does not ban cookies for the normal and necessar...
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