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  1. Hi all, From add-ons we have bought "Interio" theme (https://addons.prestashop.com/nl/thema-huis-buitenleven/88199-interio-decor-and-furniture-home-garden.html) which comes with a custom vertical dropdown (category) menu (https://bontheme.com/prestashop-modules/menu-category-vertical-in-column-p...
  2. Que tal, Pues como podrán ver en la imagen, no se como llego la Ciudad de México hasta la última posición en el menú desplegable de Estado, lo cual genera confusión ya que se supone están en orden alfabético, y de paso de la ciudad de méxico son la mayoría de mis clientes, por lo que quisiera i...
  3. Je ne trouve pas le regle css à modifier pour changer la couleur du background du dropdown menu qui affiche les sous catégories quand on fait hover dans le header. Quelqu'un(e) a une idée ? Merci par avance !
  4. Salve, ho installato sul mio sito di e-commerce un modulo che consente di configurare un prodotto prima di poterlo acquistare (utilizzo Prestashop Questo modulo trasforma gli attributi nativi di Prestashop in passi di configurazione e consente, quindi, di selezionare un’opzione e filt...
  5. hello everyone, i was just wondering if we can create or have a menu like in these non presta shops http://www.flipkart.com http://www.snapdeal.com these dropdown menus keeps itself open on the home page and when we go to any other page it opens when we hover on them
  6. Hi everyone! Like "mareco 13 April 2014 - 08:17 PM" said on his post: "I had removed the quick search box previously. When I re-installed the search box, the drop down menu works perfectly. If I remove or unhook the quick search box, the top horizontal menu does not work." Well i would l...
  7. Hello everybody! I am willing to remove the "Triangles" next to the top menu categories, showing that there is a drop down menu. Any idea how can this be done? Thanks a lot for your help! http://www.ibizadjstore.com/
  8. I am looking for help on how to change the space on one of my subcategories. I would like there to be more space added, depending on the length of the text. Follow the link down from Menu-->Hardware--> Jib... to see what is shown below. My site is:http://tinyurl.com/n5pfy52
  9. Buenas, estoy intentando hacer dos columnas del dropdown que tengo de categorías pero no doy con la solución, alguien sabe como hacerlo?
  10. Hi, I've been trying for the past week to change the background color in the shopping cart drop-down menu. It is currently transparent, and I haven't had any luck making it a solid color. THIS IS BLOCKCART.CSS /* Special style for block cart*/ #left_column #cart_block, #right_column #cart_b...
  11. dah ketemu.... tinggal ditambahin aja di CMS nya..... terimakasih
  12. Hi, i customized blockcategories to show categories in dropdown menu, it shows me but i dont know how to add link to option value from selected categories.. can you help me ? <form action="{$smarty.server.SCRIPT_NAME|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" method="get"> <select id="kateg"> <p> <option va...
  13. I want to change the look of my web's drop down menue. Can some one help me how ? Is it require change in code or can i do it from admin pannel ? Please Respond. Gratitude,
  14. Saludos, queria saber si es posible que alguien me dijera como puedo agregar en las categorias un menu donde pueda elegir cuantos productos quiero ver por pagina, estoy usando PrestaShop™ hise un search aqui pero no pude encontrar algo que me ayudara, gracias de antemano!
  15. I have recently updated from 1.4.6 to 1.4.9. For some reason, if you update the drop-down for both the delivery and business addresses at the 'address' stage of check out, the drop-down does not show the relevant countries...?! The countries display correct at the initial registration but not at...
  16. Geek Drop-Down Menu est un module flexible et convivial pour créer des menus de navigation animés. Fonctionnalités Caractéristiques: plus de 30 préréglages de couleurs pour rapidement mettre en place un menu Compatible sur tous les navigateurs Multilingues Est supporté sur les naviga...
  17. Hi I would like to make some changes of the way to display product attributes. Current product.tpl is to use dropdown (select command) to show all individual attribute even for the single attribute. To be Continue to use the same way to display the product attributes. BUT I would like t...
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