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Found 19 results

  1. Questo modulo viene illustrato che un link a tutti i download prodotti in uno stesso luogo. Meglio per prodotti virtuali e spettacoli data di scadenza. I pulsanti sono animati con css3 (non compatibile con IE). È possibile modificare il codice per il proprio stile. Idea originale: http://www.Pr...
  2. Hello, The problem I encounter is somewhat unusual and does not happen on other shops (other hosting). A customer has a shop hosted on a server under CentOS/Plesk 11. The version of PrestaShop is Some products have attachments that you can download, but the download is extremely slow: mo...
  3. We'd like to track how many times virtual products are downloaded, and from whom they're being downloaded (an IP address would suffice). I don't see a way to do this, but I may be missing it — is there a way to view statistics about the downloads? Thanks.
  4. Modul ini menunjukkan link ke semua download produk di tempat yang sama. Lebih baik untuk virtual produk, dan menunjukkan tanggal kadaluwarsa. Tombol animasi dengan css3 (tidak kompatibel dengan IE). Anda dapat mengubah kode untuk gaya Anda sendiri. Ide asli: http://www.PrestaShop.com/Forums/To...
  5. Ce module indique un lien vers tous les téléchargements de produits dans un même lieu. Mieux pour les produits virtuels et spectacles date d'expiration. Les boutons sont animés avec css3 (non compatible avec IE). Vous pouvez modifier le code pour votre propre style. Idée originale : Ce module...
  6. Hello: I have a customer who wants to sell LARGE files in their store. (Upwards of 5GB). I have a CDN already built that encompases 4 edge servers and location aware DNS which contains the files (there are MANY). I am interested in being able to provide a link to a 3rd party URL for download...
  7. I'm selling plans for musical instruments. In the past, we've printed and shipped the plans. However, at the moment, we only offer downloads. I'd like to start shipping again, but I want to keep the digital download option available too. Is there a way to offer the same plan as a "Product" and a "Vi...
  8. Hi, I'm looking to port a customised osCommerce installation to PrestaShop, which allows the user to buy an MP3 and then download it from their history like a catalogue page, with no limit to the number of times they can download MP3's they have bought and no expiry date. I also would like t...
  9. I have a client who wishes to upgrade their e-comm site to a more ‘modern’ solution (currently zen cart). I have used Prestashop before but it was a number of versions ago so unsure of currently functions. The Client requires the ability to list downloadable products (I know this is possible), b...
  10. Hi everybody, I'm about to add a column in the order-detail.tpl to show how many downloads for a virtual product are still available for a customer. But all I managed so far is adding the number of how often the product has already been downloaded, by using the value of {$product['download_nb']}...
  11. Ich wollte meinen Shop 1.4.6 per "one-click-upgrade" auf Version 1.5.2 aktualisieren. Nach dem Upgrade sind alle meine Produkte ohne Download. So als wären nie Dateien zugewiesen gewesen. Das Upgrade habe ich lokal durchgeführt. Mir fehlt leider der richtige technische Ansatz wo ich nun nach dem...
  12. Mi tienda se va a enfocar a vender productos descargables digitales, como albums de música en mp3. Pero a la hora de dar de alta el primer artículo me surgieron varias preguntas: 1.-¿Cómo puedo aumentar el tamaño máximo en MB de los productos descargables? --Me da como límite 64MB, yo mismo...
  13. Hello All, I am setting up a new prestashop that will contain mostly virtual products available for download. My issue is that a single product may be available in several different file formats for the customer to choose and purchase - zip, rar, txt, pdf etc and to my knowledge (hoping to be c...
  14. Hello, I am brand new to Prestashop. I am programming a new music oriented site, and was wondering if anyone has some suggestions for me. I will be selling sound clips on the site. We also want to create an online community so that people can post about their favorite clips, be notified when som...
  15. I am planning to use prestashop for an online music store. The music store will contain albums as downloadable products. But, for each product, I want the customer to be able to download each song individually, and in any format he wishes (we are planning to give out MP3s and FLACs). Prestashop exp...
  16. Hi, Is there anyway I can remove the Address, Telephone, Zip Fields etc on the Registration page, as the people who download from my shop just won't fill that in. My site offers licenced Opensim downloads and only Name & Email Address is required. Any help is appreciated Cheers...
  17. Hi, I sell digital downloads (videos), this works great with my files between 250Mb and 700Mb. Now I've got some HD files, 1900>2000Mb When customers try to download these, the filesize is incorrect! Eachtime a little different (a little to small), so the videos stop playing a few percent...
  18. Hi, Is it possible with PrestaShop to: Have a downloadable product which you can download before or without going through the whole checkout procedure? With the same downloadable product have an up-sell for buying a hardcopy of the product. The reason for this is, I've got a lot pdf files w...
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