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  1. I was reading through PrestaShop documentation and found that prestashop object and other things but is there a reference manual or something specifically for Javascript like side of PrestaShop?
  2. Kedves fórum tagok! Hosszas munka után elkészült egy több mint 100 oldalas, magyar nyelvű PrestaShop kezelési útmutató, amely elérhető az alábbi linken: https://presta.hu/content/6-prestashop-magyarul-nyelvu-dokumentacio A doksi teljesen ingyenes. Na jó, majdnem. - csak az e-mail címed kell me...
  3. I'm new to module dev, and I try to find infos about variables that prestashop gives us. But I can't find anywhere any sort of list of those variables. For example, getProducts() this variable seems interesting, but I can't find any infos about it. Does someone have a good link to...
  4. I'm asking for help on working with PS REST API, i'm wondering if there is an official/non-official documentation of 1.6.x prestashop version WS API like this 1.4.x docs?
  5. I'm asking for help on working with PS REST API, First, i'm wondering if there is an official/non-official documentation for 1.6.x prestashop version WS API like this 1.4.x docs? Second, I do like to pass orders externally (Mobile app), but it is impossible for me to do that regularly with t...
  6. I'm working on an AirTable database that I can then export to CSV and import to PrestaShop (1.7). The CSV import templates located here are slightly confusing once they go beyond the basics. https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/develop/docs/csv_import Not all of the field nam...
  7. Hi all, In the documentation area, in the User Guide for PrestaShop 1.7 (in english), after choosing the option <Export page tree to word> I get the word document but from page 63 onwards there are no images, all the links are broken. Can someone tell me how to get the full manual in proper con...
  8. Mise à jour du 30 août 2016 - ( ► Sujet en Anglais , juste démarré ) J'avais donc commencé à générer une documentation avec Doxygen depuis le 31 juillet 2012 ... Mais celle-ci nécessitait beaucoup d'adaptations, car les commentaires de documentation n'était pas adaptés pour être utilisés pa...
  9. Updated August 30, 2016 - ( ► Topic in French with 3 pages of Thanks) So I started to generate a documentation with Doxygen since July 31, 2012 ... But it required a lot of adjustments because the documentation comments were not suitable for use by Doxygen !! However, I really wanted to use it, b...
  10. Hi All, I'm a new add-on developer and just getting started. I generated class documentation for the prestashop/classes directory. I would like to share this documentation with the community as I hope to become a valuable member and contributor. You can find Prestashop Class Documentation a...
  11. Hi All, I'm a new add-on developer and just getting started. I generated class documentation for the prestashop/classes directory. I would like to share this documentation with the community as I hope to become a valuable member and contributor. You can find Prestashop Class Documentatio...
  12. The official documentation for 1.6 is extremely lacking in detail. Is there a better guide out there for learning how PS 1.6 works internally, especially for developing modules? I can't even find any API documentation, no thorough examples of any functional module. I'm trying to do something...
  13. Hi, Is there any documentation about the internal API of Prestashop 1.5? If yes, where do i find it? What about 1.4 version. I guess the main API is basically the same. Thank you and have a nice day
  14. Bonjour je suis séduit par Prestashop qui me paraît plus ouvert et complet que Squarespace. Je suis nouveau et étudie la possibilité d'adapter le design du thème bootsrap à mon (bon/mauvais) goût. Existe t'il un document de référence qui indique où se trouve le réglage des différents éléments de l'i...
  15. Hi, I must say that I'm a bit disappointed by the documentation for Prestashop, especially compared to the userfriendly backend (for store-owners). What I want is to have 2 menu's (one on top with "site navigation") en one below a slider with the categories (this could be done with the horizont...
  16. As not native english speaker I find documentation is somewhat hard to read in several places. For expamle http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS14/Creating+a+PrestaShop+module Last paragraph is crappy and messy. Misuse of rich literary abilities. I'm convinced that documentatio...
  17. Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un possède le lien pour telecharger en VERSION PDF la documentation presta shop présente sur le lien suivant : http://doc.prestashop.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=11272318 , avec toutes les rubrique sommaire etc... Merci
  18. Is PrestaShop 1.6 documentation available as PDF? It's here, I know - http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/English+documentation I would like to be able to access it when offline. I've looked all over the Internet but cannot find a PDF version of it. Anyone got a link?
  19. Hi, where can i find documentation and database schema for 1.5 prestashop? Thank you, Roman
  20. Hi there. Checking out Prestashop for module development over the last couple of days, I have enjoyed the more than decent amount of tutorials and examples. This is really neat. However, to this day I haven't found any API reference you would expect to see. I hope I am just blind and it is somewhe...
  21. I'm wondering if somewhere in this site is there a place where there are all the solutions of Prestashop 1.4.7. instead of searching in the whole forum ? Thank you ________________________ http://www.kissene.com/en
  22. Hi, I think it would be a good thing to increase the documentation for the webservice. I see a lot of confusion again it's usage, and i can't use it correctly either. For example, to add an order, there isn't any example. when i try to use it i always get a Bad request error, but i have no idea wha...
  23. Bonjour à tous, J'ai 3 boutiques qui tournent sous prestashop 1.3 et 1.4, et je travaille actuellement sur une refonte des 3 sites sur la version 1.5 qui paraît prometteuse en terme de fonctionnalités à première vue.... Par contre en lisant la doc, le principe d'utilisation n'est vraiment pa...
  24. Bonjour à tous, Un début de documentation est désormais disponible pour 1.5. Elle est uniquement en anglais pour le moment mais les autres langues arrivent. Il ne s'agit pas de la version définitive donc ne vous étonnez pas si certaines parties sont manquantes ou qu’il n’y a pas encore d...
  25. Bonjour, Dans la documentation Guide de l'utilisateur > Comprendre les préférences, au paragraphe Produits http://doc.prestasho...A9f%C3%A9rences Il est indiqué : Largeur. Sa largeur maximale, en octets. Hauteur. Sa hauteur maximale, en octets. Et en euros/litres/newton, ça donne quo...
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