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  1. Hello, I'm trying to make a cron job that curls one of my modules for a daily check to then execute some code. The problem is I can't seem to use curls, I tried a few curl requests and Prestashop never seemed to acknowledge the request. Any ideas?
  2. Buenos dias, He instalado el módulo de Paypal (última versión) en PrestaShop y en botón de "comprobar requisitos" indica que "La extensión cURL de PHP debe estar activada en el servidor." He verificado mediante el archivo info.php que está activado. Después de buscar informaci...
  3. Bonjour, j'ai ce problème : L'extension cURL PHP doit être activée sur votre serveur.. Comment l'activer ?
  4. Bonjour, impossible de configurer les moyen de paiement , j'ai un message qui me dit qu'il faut activer l'extension cURL PHP dans le serveur. Je suis novice je ne sais même pas ce qu'est l'extension cURL et comment l'activer. Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider. merci J e suis sur prestashop...
  5. Bonjour, J'essaye de consommer le service web prestashop avec un logiciel type Curl. Le GET marche bien comme suis: GET ("https://domaine/api/customers/1?output_format=JSON", authenticate("FJ1T7FE6JVT8PHME5SK8D9A34RFDGT56","")) Par contre le POST ne marche pas:...
  6. Bonjour à tous ! Je me lance dans un petit chantier de liaison de mon prestashop à une plateforme de transport. Après échange avec eux, ils m'ont transmis des lignes de code avec des requêtes cURL à inclure à un fichier PHP. Le but est : "Pouvoir commander un coursier directement depu...
  7. I'm trying to set the file directories to another location entirely like using the Amazon S3. Getting the images is easy as I can set the url in the config files. But when it comes to uploading images, it's kinda difficult as I dont know what is the best way to do it. I have an API that will han...
  8. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sous prestashop en local (sous wamp). Mon but est d'envoyer les informations relatives aux commandes, clients et produits de ma boutique presta vers un crm extérieur. Pour cela j'ai fais un hookActionValidateOrder dans lequel je me sers de curl pour co...
  9. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sous prestashop en local (sous wamp). Mon but est d'envoyer les informations relatives aux commandes, clients et produits de ma boutique presta vers un crm extérieur. Pour cela j'ai fais un hookActionValidateOrder dans lequel je me sers de curl pour co...
  10. Buongiorno a tutti, ho installato prestashop in un ambiente Easyphp Windows (Devserver) e durante l'installazione mi segnala che il modulo cURL non è installato Ho provveduto a decommentare l'estensione nel modulo php.ini Ho provveduto a copiare i seguenti files: libeay32.dll e sslea...
  11. Hola! Primero que todo, llevo un tiempo con prestashop (algo de 6 meses) y desde que he trabajado con este e-commerce ha sido difícil adaptarse de un tiempo a este ... Bueno la cosa que el sitio ya está funcionando, hay harto tráfico pero! paso que de un momento a otro dejó de funcionar e...
  12. Hello, I'm currently interfacing my Erp to Prestashop by the web service and the curl.exe tool. I write the xml datas in a file and I use curl to send and receive informations. I already send categories, products, and stocks ... ouff ! Now I'm trying to send pictures lik...
  13. hey there, I came across a pretty strange bug with the webservice library and curl and wonder if that has happened to anyone else here before or if anyone has a reasonable explanation. I developed a module that uses the webservice to gather product data. On several test systems everything...
  14. Dear experienced developers, Overview: I am consuming an API to send an order out to carrier vendor upon order creation in Prestashop When a customer purchase an item, chose a specific carrier and successfully make necessary payment, it will send out the order to carrier vendor....
  15. Hello, I'm trying to upload an image to a folder called uploads in my module's root. I have been able to accomplish this with the shop installed on my machine but I cannot upload the desired image to the remote shop. Here is my code: connector.php, to use curl to send the image to the upload.php...
  16. Hi everyone. I'm new in this forums, thanks for reading. I've tried the prestashop webservice using the php example script located in the documentation and i've read it all. It's really easy and works great. But now i'm trying to use the webservice via cURL command line client. i managed to...
  17. Hello, I am currently trying to set up the WebService on my shop currently "hosted" on my localhost. I am following the Web service tutorial on the Prestashop documentation and I have issues with the Chapter 3 - First steps - Accessing the web service and listing customers. As indicated in t...
  18. Hi. I'm having a strange problem. I'm using the webservice via direct cURL calls, because I had problems with the PSWebServiceLibrary doing stupid things and mainly just getting in the way (though I did briefly test this with the library as well, with the same error). I'm trying to add order...
  19. Good day, dear friends! Trying to solve the problem for several weeks with the import of thousands of Microsoft Word documents at the REST API I have not found the section of virtual files (table ps_product_download). Also I was not able to save the form products through the curl, since I coul...
  20. Добрый день! Не могу найти в REST API раздела виртуальных/загружаемых файлов (из таблицы ps_product_download), чтобы импортировать туда скриптом свои (их несколько тысяч). Также не могу получить доступ к сохранению формы товара через curl к бэкофису из-за системы сессий, куки и токенов. Prestasho...
  21. Hi everyone! I'm newbie on Prestashop and I'm developing a project that connects a website with the prestashop backend but I've found some problems and I don't know if what I'm looking for is possible or not. We've a website with information of different commerces and some of them want to sell thei...
  22. Salve a tutti, ho preparato uno script per poter caricare le immagini sia sugli articoli sia sulle categorie ma le immagini non vengono caricate ne su gli uni ne sulle altre nonostante non mi restituisca nessun errore. Questo è lo script per gli articoli: <? require_once( './configurazioni/...
  23. Bonjour, je suis actuellement sur la dernière version de prestashop 1.6.x. J'ai créer un petit script qui permet d'importer de façon dynamique un csv (en l'occurence csv de produits). Toutefois, l'import d'images ne fonctionne pas. J'ai donc utilisé un script fournit par prestashop : $url =...
  24. Hi everyone, i have two websites: 1 - a normal website which requires to login to browse it 2 - a shop (PrestaShop at the moment everytime that someone registers on the website i automatically create the user in the shop with the same credentials. My goal now is start the sessi...
  25. How can i execute an url using curl from my module in prestashop The sample url is https://abcd.com/shop/xyz?name=aaaaa&id=1
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