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Bonjour à tous, je suis face à un problème et je ne trouve aucune réponse à celui-ci. Lors de l'import d'une image dans l'édition de produit, des images de différentes tailles sont créées. Ma problématique est la suivante, je souhaite afficher sur ma page produit l'image initialement importée et non pas une des images qui a été créer automatiquement par Prestashop. Cela fait quelques semaines que je cherche une solution et je ne sais pas si cela est possible sur Prestshop. La version de mon Prestashop est la suivante si ça peu aider 😇 Version de PrestaShop :
Bonjour, Je souhaiterai récupérer l'url de l'image d'un produit via les webservices. Pour cela j'utilise l'url suivante : /api/images/products/19/24 (19 étant l'id du produit et 24 l'id de l'image concernée). Les données retournées sont le contenu de l'image jpg au format brut. Ce que je souhaiterai avoir en retour est l'url de l'image produit (quelque chose comme "/24-large_default/customizable-mug.jpg" par exemple). Merci d'avance
Hello everyone, PrestaShop Version : Theme : Warehouse "IQIT Commerce" V 4.3.2 I am new to using PrestaShop and something weird is occuring to me. Whenever I have more than one picture for my product, it seems to break the preview image feature Would it be a problem with the theme I am using or how PrestaShop treats the data ? Thanks in advance for the time spent and have a good day.
When I visit a category in my store that has an assigned image, it overlaps the text and covers it. Also, in the category search box appears the magnifying glass in the center of the text box instead of appearing on the right. I use Prestashop (newly installed) with the classic template (the one installed by default) and I have not made any changes in CSS or HTML. My website is I attach an image where you can see the problem. Hope someone can help me.
Hello, I have been working on version for a while and I have encountered a small problem. I cannot modify the cover image of a category in different languages, as long as I change the language it keeps the same image. I have tried to clear cache, in Debug mode, etc., but I have not been able to modify it. I have come to the query that maybe this functionality does not exist, could someone tell me if this functionality exists? I attach an image in case I have not explained myself correctly. Thank you very much in advance, Carles Miranda.
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Bonjour, Je cherche à ne pas afficher l'image de couverture dans la fiche produit, car j'ai fait des zooms pour mes images de couvertures mais je ne souhaite plus les voir affichés lorsqu'on ouvre la page du produit... Après des recherches dans le forum j'ai écrit sur ce sujet dans une discussion (en copie à la fin de ce post) mais je m'aperçois que la publication datait de 2008 alors je me dis que ce serait sûrement plus adapté d'écrire un nouveau sujet... Le sujet semblait résolu mais pour une version antérieure de prestashop mais j'utilise Prestashop et le fichier /www/controllers/front/ProductController.php (si c'est bien celui-ci qu'il faut modifier) ne contient pas exactement le même code... Merci d'avance si vous avez des pistes, quel serait le fichier à modifier et quel morceau de code remplacer ? Très bonne journée !
Hi, how can I set a different product image only for the Home? I need this only for category "best seller".
hi! for some reasons I like to display the cover image of a product combination (the image that is marked as cover at product basic settings) at the front office. therefore I changed templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl. In the block {block name='product_miniature_item'} I changed src = "{$product.cover.bySize.home_default.url}" to src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}". This works well if all products fit into one category page. if you have to switch to page 2 this results into an endless loading of page 2. Does anyone know why, or has anyone an idea why $product.cover.bySize.home_default.url does not show the image that is marked as cover? best regards, Gerald
ps version : I try to install owl carousel instead of thumbnails inside product page. Some of products not have lots of images , so the thumbnails part is not really usefull and make problems with UI/UX design. I already have thumbnails inside modal if I click on cover image zoom icon . Anyway I already installed it but I have some bugs: - if I choose a color/ attributes ,I supposed the page "reload/refresh" with ajax , so the carousel not reinitialising and all pictures are displaying one below the other. - same problem if I click on "quick display" in list product. I know that in core.js there are some refresh or update product fonctions , but I don't success to reinitialise the owl carousel there... Maybe someone can help?
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- owl carousel
- product page
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Buongiorno a tutti, premetto che di Prestashop me ne intendo poco o niente, ho voluto ugualmente utilizzarlo per il mio sito di e-commerce, in quanto a parere di molti è il più indicato per semplicità... Purtroppo mi sono ritrovato ad un punto morto nel momento in cui ho importato il mio file CSV con i prodotti da mettere in vendita sul sito... so che molti all'interno del forum chiedono le più disparate specifiche tecniche, sia in merito alla versione, sia in merito ad hosting e database... di seguito le specifiche tecniche e successivamente pongo la domanda, così cercherò di rompere il meno possibile a chiunque abbia risolto il mio problema... Versione di PrestaShop: Hosting e Webserver: 1and1 Tema attualmente utilizzato: classic Informazioni sul server: Linux info 3.0 #1337 SMP Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 CEST 2000 all GNU/Linux Linux info 3.0 #1337 SMP Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 CEST 2000 all GNU/Linux Linux info 3.0 #1337 SMP Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 CEST 2000 all GNU/Linux Versione software del server: Apache Versione di PHP: 7.1.15 Limite di memoria: 256M Tempo di esecuzione massimo: 50000 Dimensione Max. dei file da caricare: 64M PROBLEMA: HO IMPORTATO PER LA PRIMA VOLTA UN FILE CSV SU PRESTASHOP, DOPO AVER CANCELLATO IL LAYOUT PRECEDENTE: SONO ANDATO A CARICARE LE IMMAGINI DEI PRODOTTI (HO PROVATO CON IL PRIMO ARTICOLO), IN BACK SEMBRA TUTTO OK, APPENA FINISCO DI COMPLETARE TUTTE LE SPECIFICHE DEL PRODOTTO E FACCIO ANTEPRIMA (MI SONO PRESO LA BRIGA DI METTERE ONLINE IL PRODOTTO, AFFINCHE' POSSA AVERE SUBITO UN RISCONTRO DI QUELLO CHE FACCIO) MA L'IMMAGINE DELLA COVER DEL PRODOTTO NON E' VISIBILE. (NEL THUMBNAIL CONTAINER NON E' PRESENTE NULLA, APPENA CLICCO SULLA LENTE DI INGRANDIMENTO PERO' ESCE LA POP-UP DELL'IMMAGINE CARICATA). HO PROVATO A VEDERE DISCUSSIONI DI OGNI GENERE IN MERITO AL MIO PROBLEMA, SENZA TROVARE UNA SOLUZIONE... CHIEDO AIUTO URGENTE... LE IMMAGINI CHE UTILIZZO SONO MIE E QUINDI NON REPERIBILI NELLA RETE. P.S. L'IMMAGINE IN FORMATO JPEG E' PRESENTE NEL DB NELLA CARTELLA IMG/P/1/0/10-products_cover.jpg
PrestaShop version: Bonjour, J'essai d’intégrer le owl carrousel dans la page produit. N'ayant pas forcement beaucoup de thumbnails , il serait plus approprié de les enlever pour améliorer le UI/UX. Le carrousel fonctionne, charge les différentes images, seulement lorsque je choisi une combinaison (couleurs, taille etc..) , la page se recharge je pense en ajax et la le carrousel ne se réinitialise pas, conséquence toutes les images les une en dessous des autres au lieu d'avoir un carrousel. La fonction du "refresh" ou "updateProduct" se trouve dans core.js il me semble, De plus le même problème existe lorsque l'on clic sur "aperçu rapide" dans les listes de produit. Y a t'il un moyen de réinitialiser le carrousel lorsque la fonction des combinaisons est finit, et lorsque l'aperçu rapide se charge?
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- produit
- owl carousel
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Buenas tardes, estamos intentando mostrar una imagen de portada de categoría diferente para cada idioma. Si seleccionamos la versión en castellano y subimos la portada, y a continuación seleccionamos la versión inglesa y subimos su correspondiente imagen, ésta se sobreescribe. ¿Hay manera de tener dos imágenes diferentes por cada idioma? Un saludo y gracias.
I have created sub-categories on my store, with images for the menu, but this also includes a really large 'cover image' when you click on the tab. The image is so big you have to scroll to find the products and therefore I want to remove the cover image but keep the thumbnails in the menu. I have tried various combinations in the category creation section of the BO but it seems to be an all or nothing option! I know there is probably an easy solution to this but I just can't find it. I don't want to have to go into coding as this really scares me (I'm likely to break something else!) Any suggestions? x
Every product in my shop have several combinations and each combination have 4 different images. I loaded and positioned all the images. Below is an example of a product with two cominations (8 images): IMG(ID) - POSITION - COVER 13 - 1 - YES 14 - 2 - NO 15- 3 - NO 16- 4 - NO 19- 5 - NO 18- 6 - NO 17- 7 - NO 20- 8 - NO For the first combination I used images 13,14,15,16 while for the second combination I used images 17,18,19,20 The problem is that if I add the second combination of the product to my cart, in the checkout page it is shown the third image instead of the first one. It seems that the Prestashop logic is to choose the image with the lower ID, not the first image in position like I want. I think it should be logic to have displayed in the order checkout page the first image, not the image loaded first... Anyone experimented the same problem? I think the problem is on the file shopping-cart-product-line.tpl in the following line (27): <td class="cart_product"> <a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'small_default')|escape:'html'}" alt="{$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($smallSize)}width="{$smallSize.width}" height="{$smallSize.height}" {/if} /></a> </td> But I don't know how to do. Anyone can help to solve it?
I am using Prestashop version and OpenERP 7. With the help of Webservice API, I am trying to add a cover image for a product. I was successful in adding a product using webservice as the prestashop document mentioned Also in the image POST, I always provide an image file. So, I need to know how i can use Webservice API to add a COVER Image for a product. RESPONSE WHEN NO COVER VALUE IS PASSED <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <image> <id><[CDATA[2]]></id> <id_product><![CDATA[52]]></id_product> <position><![CDATA[20]]></position> <cover><![CDATA[1]]></cover> <legend><language id="1" xlink:href=""><![CDATA[]]></language></legend> </image> <content encode="base64"><![CDATA[bINARY IMAGE]]></content> </prestashop> WHEN I PASS COVER="1": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <errors> <error> <code><![CDATA[66]]></code> <message><![CDATA[unable to save this image]]></message> </error> </errors> </prestashop> Thanks in advance.
I seem to have a problem with the cover image display. It was the default image that displayed on my product pages until the last upgrade. Now on my product page, if I have only one possibility and one combination image + the cover, the cover then displays as the default when you go to the product page. But...if I have 8 or 9 combinations - my default for my products, the default product combination is displaying on the product page when you enter instead of the cover which is what I expect. How would I correct this? Is this just me? Thanks
Hi, I'm looking for a solution to avoid the appearance image "cover" on product.tpl. So i want change: <!-- product img--> <div id="image-block"> {if $have_image} <span id="view_full_size"> <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large_default')}"{if $jqZoomEnabled} class="jqzoom"{/if} title="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="bigpic" width="{$largeSize.width}" height="{$largeSize.height}"/> etc.... in the French forum, nobody knows....can someone help me? Thanks Guillaume
Bonjour à tous, Je souhaiterai ne pas faire apparaître l'image de couverture dans la galerie de la page produit (product.tpl) tout en gardant la galerie disponible. Cela afficherai alors la deuxième image du produit en premier... J'ai bien compris que cela se passer ici: <div id="pb-right-column"> <!-- product img--> <div id="image-block"> {if $have_image} <span id="view_full_size"> <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large_default')}"{if $jqZoomEnabled} class="jqzoom"{/if} title="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="bigpic" width="{$largeSize.width}" height="{$largeSize.height}"/> etc.... Mais je ne sais pas comment faire cette modification. Quelqu'un a une solution? Merci pour votre aide
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- galerie
- page produit
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Question about importing with images URLs
shimony posted a topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Hi, I am using PS I am using the default import tool with CSV files and i am putting multiple images URLs. Everything works great!, only none of the images is set as cover and i need to do it manually after the import. Is there a way to set a cover bit or something? shouldn't it automatically set the first image as cover? The import i am doing is for new products. Thank you. -
Hello, I have a problem with 2 modules. The slideshow and carousel module cover a bit of the right column of my website theme. Could anyone please help me! Moreover, is it possible to extend the slideshow module to the whole width of the page (that is, including left column, center and right column)? Thank you in advance!