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  1. When I try to change/Update or add new Unit Price to existing products through CSV product import it won't update or change at all! I really need this is there any way to make it work until the bug is fixed?
  2. Hi all, my installation is in domain.de/folder1 and I made a complete copy of it to domain.de/folder2 The DB - Parameters I changed for the DB-copy. But if I open domain.de/folder2 in the browser I come to domain.de/folder1 Where in the DB or else I have to change something? An no...
  3. Hi! I've been searching on the net for a solution, but nothing works for me and my knowledge in code is very poor. This is my website https://www.tiendakaribu.com, and I want to show more than one product per line in the mobile version. These products are from a wrapper container and...
  4. Hi everyone 👋 , I am a brand new user to this platform and Prestashop. This company hired me to do some stuff and so far it was fine since it was all client related, whatever. So the problem is, the current theme is not to the taste of my bosses anymore and they would like to change...
  5. Hi, I am trying to edit the text of some modules such as the contact block. I have been searching for the file where i change it but i can not seem to find it. Can anyone please help me out. i am trying to chnage the text 'Our hotline is available 24/7' which can not be changed in the module secti...
  6. Hello, Can someone tell me how to change the length of product description? Here you have a print screen to see what is all about. Thanks
  7. Hello devs, Could You tell me how to change product price and combination price in PHP using objects? I will give You an example with I am struggling now. I have XML where I have suggested price for product by EAN or Reference and I would love to change price for it on my shop but ... In X...
  8. Hello, There are 2 topics that I can't do the translation. Print: https: //prnt.sc/wcyygd; I tried and looked in the translation menu and installed modules and I couldn't find. ________________________________________________________________________________ Olá, Existe 2 tópi...
  9. Hi In an order (Accepted) I want to change the color of the product. In that case I tried to edit the order, but only amounts and price was editable. I could though add to the order, so I added the product in the right color, and deleted the 1st product. All seems right - at least in the Produc...
  10. Buenas @joseantgv y al resto de miembros del foro a ver si me podeis ayudar. Estoy intentando posicionar para las keywords "Ferretería Cerca" y "Ferretería Online" con La Home Page. He conseguido cambiar el Meta Titulo para Añadir estas Keywords en el Apartado del Back Office -> SEO y URLS...
  11. Hi guys! I added a button using contentBox (https://contentbox.org/) on my product page. The thing is that I have a javascript associated to the button, so that the popup window that is opened when you click it changes dinamically regarding the product. The code works fine until you select any combi...
  12. Hi everyone, I am quiet new in using Prestashop so it's maybe just a little thing but... I'm from Czech Republic and I'm doing Czech localization (language translation) of Presta theme and widgets. But I have a serious problem - I dont know how to change text in my widgets. I give you an ex...
  13. Hi all, I'm 100% new to prestashop having been using JOOMLA for the past 10 years BUT changing and finding what to change in PRESTASHOP is causing me a headache as I have no idea what i'm looking for but i've looked in tpl & php files in the different modules. i'll explain. The (temporary)...
  14. I wanted to change orange with brown, so i went to the css files, looked for the color code (e55e2d) and replaced with another code. It worked for everything excepting the top menu and that slider number (i circled them in the picture below). I've been using Prestashop for 3 days so i really don't...
  15. Hola que tal, me gustaría saber en qué parte se pueden modificar los datos para el método de pago por medio de transferencia bancaria anexo imagen de los datos que deseo modificar. Están seleccionados por un cuadre blanco con los extremos negros.
  16. Hi, How can I change the URL name in the adress bar? a customer has registered a domain name with a web host. This domain name has now been redirected to my test serve, because this web host did not meet the prestashop requirements. The shop URLL now is : http://www.ontwikke...
  17. Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple module.I need to get the event when the order status is change to particular state, than I should make something.
  18. Hello, I would like to put a label on my products on the front page, telling customers if an item is sold out. I have read several threads on it, but since I am quite new to coding I don't know how to get to the actual editing. Can anybody help me? First on getting to the place where I c...
  19. Hello community, Few days ago I was struggling how to change on product page default combination if it is not availalable (it has date available set). After few hours of coding I menaged to do this. I didn't want to make it on PHP because I want my default combination to be unchanged on database...
  20. hello guys! we have two admin and we can not see each others change in site, do you knowwhats happens here? i guess is something about profile permissions maybe. We have one admin that makes some changes and another uploading products and managing the blog, but we can't see any changes. Nee...
  21. hi guys, does anyone know how to change the mobile theme 1.7? I want to display two columns of products instead of a mobile theme on the home page, how do I do it? my site is skrech.com thanks in advance!
  22. Hi prestashop friends I have this weird problem, and maybe stupid problem, but google couldnt help me. I have a footer that is linking to contact page and others. Since Im from Denmark, I would like to translate the php page to kontakt.php instead of contact-us.php. But when I do that, i g...
  23. hello, i have a multistore with three shops and three different themes, and most of the product images are same for all shops... (that's why i like "multistore" feature it's simple to use one backoffice) the problem is all of my themes have three different size of images settings... so when i r...
  24. I've been trying to change how "contact us" under the link list in the footer is written, I mean, translate it, change its text. But When I go to pages, Contact is not there, and I really don't know where to find it inside translations. I was able to change the same text, that appears once you click...
  25. Hello out there, Prestashop version: I have a problem with allowing orders where products are not in stock. I selected the setting 'displayed text when backordering is allowed' so it is allowed to order products which not are in stock. But heres the problem -...
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