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  1. Salve, ho bisogno di aiuto/consiglio Versione Prestashop Vorrei implementare sul sito alcuni listini fornitore (con settori differenti) con vendita in dropshipping e avere queste caratteristiche: 1) Ad ogni listino fornitore deve essere associato un riferimento magazzino (es....
  2. Jak wiadomo, domyślny eksport kategorii w Preście eksportuje tylko aktualnie widoczną tabelkę kategorii, więc jest to raczej mało przydatna funkcjonalność. Ten moduł pozwala wyeksportować całe drzewo. Moduł można pobrać z jego wątku na forum ogólnym, tutaj zamieszczam wątek n...
  3. Prestashop Hi. If I should look for a module that can help making an effortless price updating of existing products - which module would you recommend? I was thinking the tasks of: exporting existing products in Shop from a specific supplier (nice with editing the Que...
  4. Quisiera saber si hay algún módulo o método que renombrando las fotos por REFERENCIA se añadan al correspondiente producto. Es decir algo que automatice todo el proceso, tengo más de 1000 artículo sin fotos, entrar en cada uno de los producto y añadir mínimo 3 imágenes se hace muy pesado. He visto q...
  5. Hi, I'm using prestashop and I'm trying to import my products using a csv file. Each of my products have one or more images and only those products with only one image are loaded correctly. I have tried to leave only 1 image per product and every image is loaded correctly so my conclusi...
  6. Hi! I need to export products to CSV file from a shop to build a new shop with old products But I need to export everything: multiple images for one product, features, multiple categories, EAN etc... Is there any way to do it? I tried to override the AdminProductsController.php, but...
  7. HOURS spent trying to make Presta import happy. Zero luck. Now get these errors. ( for each product, this is example for one ) Bracelet (ID: 101) cannot be saved Property Product->show_price is not valid From looking at the provided sample CSV there are ONLY two entries possible...
  8. Estoy intentando importar un csv con enlaces a las fotos de los productos (pruebo el enlace en el navegador y sale la foto por lo que son correctos los enlaces) sin embargo no me las sube. He estado leyendo en el foro una solución que se le da al prestahop 1.5 pero en el Prestashop no funci...
  9. Hi. Unfortunately our web-shop was stolen including all our domains, mails at our hosting: Azero. We have to start from scratch as their backups and even their central administration systems, was hacked too. We now has the possibility to start from scratch ;/ Yay Y So what to cho...
  10. Desværre blev vores webshop stjålet inklusive alle vores domæner, mails på vores hosting: Azero og deres sikkerhedskopier og endda deres centrale administrationssystemer blev også hacket. Vi har nu muligheden for at starte forfra med en hel ny shop ;/ Yay Y Så hvad skal man vælge? E...
  11. XML, CSV and API integration for PrestaShop Automate the flow of your product catalog This module allow you integrate your PrestaShop store with any numbers of API, XML and CSV feeds. Module connect to local or remote XML and CSV files and APIs and read data from them. Select the data you wan...
  12. Estoy realizando un importador de productos en PHP para Prestashop 8 y las categorías de productos llevan medidas en pulgadas con lo cual llevan caracteres de barra (/) y comillas dobles de pulgadas ("). Al final he usado un cáracter unicode para salir del atasco: Unicode Character “∕” (U+2215)...
  13. Hi! I'm getting totally confused because I can't find a solution for long days for my issue already. What we have: A working PS 1.7.5 production MULTISHOP site with 2 shops, VPS (Apache/Nginx, PHP 7.2) and Transformer theme by S-T themes. The items are updated daily and we can't determine t...
  14. I exported products to .csv file, but, they haven't got description. How to export products with description?
  15. Hi everyone, I am having trouble exporting data in CSV with the UTF-8 encoding. I tried different approaches, but nothing so far: - adding BOM to CSV file using fputcsv - tried using iconv - tried encoding the data (and decoding) with array_map I noticed that e...
  16. Bonjour, voici un module permettant de récupérer vos données via requetes SQL assez facilement. Le module contient quelques requetes SQL par défaut, vous pouvez les modifier, les supprimer, en ajouter sans limites. Les requêtes SQL peuvent utiliser ps_ (préfixe par défaut des tables, exemple...
  17. Hello there, I had some with CSV export files and UTF8 encoding. - for the basic Orders/Customers/etc tabs, I solve the problem by adding this line in the AdminController.php file : 'export_precontent' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF", (was empty before "" ). It works fine in this case, but it stile...
  18. Hello. I'm new in the community and to the platform, but I've been experiencing one particular issue that I just couldn't solve. I've tried everything, but it just won't import unless the each combination's image number is less or equal to one. Not to mention that even when that's only one imag...
  19. Hola comunidad ¿Cómo están? Les traigo un problema que estoy teniendo con Prestashop y no logo solucionarlo. Resulta que hace unos meses caducó host y por suerte la gente de Hostinger me brindó los backup del sitio. Aunque ahora esta nuevamente en fucionamiento la pagina "No puedo importar precio...
  20. salve a tutti 1) ho importato delle varianti di un prodotto nel mio prestashop 1,7..... il prezzo di vendita base è di 22 euro tasse incluse, con lo sconto di 9 euro, quindi mi restituisce il prezzo d'acquisto di 13 euro; nelle varianti ho messo un impatto sul prezzo di 1 euro per le...
  21. Hello guys i have a question and you all might help me. I need in my store (prestashop add a button in my account menu (already done) in front (client-side) so when the client click in that button, my store will generate a csv file with all products with prices and son on... like t...
  22. I'm having trouble with the export function on the backend order page. I'd like to export all orders within a certain time period. But for some reason prestashop only allows me to export what is on page 1, while I want all 20 pages of orders that's within my search parameter. If anyone...
  23. Bonsoir, Je suis sous PS, je n'arrive pas à télécharger les fichiers de CSV d'exemples dans le menu Paramètres avancés > Importer. Merci d'avance...
  24. Salut , Je suis en multi boutique , j'ai plusieurs produits , pour chaque produit je veux ajouter la caractérisqtue d'id 29 et sa valeur correspondante . les valeurs de la caractéristique 29 sont définies dans le BO. exemple pour le csv : id_product ;id_feature_value; 327;757;...
  25. Hi dear all, I'm using CSV to import one combination set for multiple products. As a start, I did it for wo products as test. After import, it pops out "Your .CSV file has been successfully imported into your shop.". However, when I check the results either on back or front office, only one value o...
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