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  1. Buenos días abro este post porque estoy teniendo un problema en la version 1.7 de prestashop. El botón añadir al carrito me funciona si entro como cliente no registrado, en caso de iniciar sesion no me deja añadir al carrito... alguien me puede echar un cable con este problema???
  2. Buenas! Hace poco hice una instalación limpia de Prestashop 1.7 y ya he estado rellenando bastante información y hoy me he dado cuenta de un problema con la paginación. En el apartado categorías tengo mucha información por lo que se ha creado automáticamente una segunda página, pues bien, cuando int...
  3. Hi, I was following this, but it doesn't work for prestashop 1.7. I realized the css classes and ids are not the same on my project but I've changed them and still doesn't work. Any jquery function or idea to implement at the onclick to get the next and previous picture of a product?...
  4. Hello, I am a newbie here... I am using PrestaShop I have a huge problem with my website www.kabatani.com Non of the links work. The website is completely frozen. Could you let me know what shall I do. Maybe it is connected with the update of the tree links module which I...
  5. Hola a tod@s!! Estoy intentando modificar el color de fondo del login y del botón de acceso desde el css pero no se modifica, ni siquiera borrando la caché. Alguien me podría asesorar? Muchas gracias de antemano
  6. Hi, In the PrestaShop administration panel, after entering a product and entering the "Information" tab, we can set the product name for different languages. Here there is a button "Show all languages". I would like to add the same button to show all languages in "Catalog -> Features"....
  7. Prestashop Add to cart Button and Cart in the top don't show any more I don't now why it's really confusing because I haven't do any change or modification and today I discover this issue help plz
  8. Hallo, ich bin neu bei Prestashop und setze mich gerade damit dem Shopsystem auseinander. Ich benutze zum testen die Version und das Template "Classic Version 1.0.0". Probleme habe ich mit der Rechtssicherheit des Shops. Das Modul Rechtssicherheit 3.0.2 (ps_legalcompliance) wurde berei...
  9. I mean when you are at the home page and you see all the products I want to have a button on every item that you click and the item goes to the cart without entering to it
  10. Witam, mam problem z zakładką menedżer modułów, mianowicie: po kliknięciu dropdown'a czy button'a nie otwiera się okno (kompletnie nic się nie dzieje), nawet nie mogę wejść w edycję obecnych modułów. Dodam, że kilka razy już wgrywałem sklep i dalej to samo się dzieje ( za pierwszym razem także)...
  11. Hello, i want to know how i can modify/replace the add to cart button via the module i will create ? I already know how to place link, text or wathever below the add to cart button with the productActions hook , but now i want to remove the add to cart button directly from my module (when he is...
  12. Many e-shop owners, which use Prestashop store in 1.5.x versions said, that the standard template "add to cart" button located in product page is very small. I think exactly the same, so i decided to write little tutorial realted to this case. I will show you how to change button size and layout. I...
  13. Hello, we are on the Prestashop platform using the Warehouse theme that has Elementor built in. Also on a Macbook Pro OS version 10.13.6 using the Chrome browswer. 1. I've using it as a landing page as part of a funnel to launch a new product. It is located in Design>Pages>Page Category:...
  14. Bonjour à tous, J'utilise prestashop 1.5.6 et j'utilise très souvent les descriptions de catégories et le fameux bouton "plus" qui permet d'afficher la suite du contenu. Cet ajout est super utile mais il y a un petit truc qui me gêne quand même... Le fait de ne pas pouvoir refermer l'espace d'a...
  15. Hi everyone, I am quiet new in using Prestashop so it's maybe just a little thing but... I'm from Czech Republic and I'm doing Czech localization (language translation) of Presta theme and widgets. But I have a serious problem - I dont know how to change text in my widgets. I give you an ex...
  16. Ciao a tutti, Nella dashboard non funziona il pulsante "Aggiungi Files" per poter caricare il logo e cominciare a lavorare. Tantomeno il pulsante che mi permette di caricare un tema. Appena registrato funzionava, il giorno dopo no e tuttora continua a non funzionare. Qualcuno sa...
  17. Hello, Does anyone know how to add a Instagram social share button in ver. 1.7? Thanks John
  18. Hello guys, I'm new with prestashop... I'm using version and i am struggling with an issue... I wanna have a favorite button in products list to add the product to the customers (logged) favorite list. I see all kind of tutorials but nothing is working for me Can you gently soul...
  19. Hi, Postion of "I Confirm My Order" button on mobile devices is inline - barely visible. Button should be in a new line on mobile - how to force it to appear lower? Clients have to zoom out to click it - please help. Prestashop 1.6.
  20. Hi, Our save button keeps spinning when we open and want to save a product. I changed already the form.tpl In console i'm getting these errors: [DOM] Found 4 elements with non-unique id #product_form_submit_btn: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <button id="product_form_submit...
  21. Hello, I'm trying to add a print button on CMS pages from the back office but it does not work. <button type="button" id="myButton" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="window.print()">Print this page</button> The problem appear when I use onclick="window.print()" It's return an erro...
  22. Hello, Prestashop version: Theme: templatetrip jewelry Following the request of my customer who wants to add to cart on all products, I added the file "product-list.tpl" the following code: {if ($product.id_product_attribute == 0 || (isset($add_prod_display...
  23. Bonjour à tous, Je souhaite obtenir les mêmes boutons pour choisir la taille de mes produits comme sur ce site : https://www.ekosport.fr/lange-xc-lt-black-green-17-p-9-17667.html J'ai essayer en vain de personnaliser les boutons radio je n'arrive à rien :/ Est-ce que quelqu'un aura...
  24. Hi guys, I'm having some trouble trying to find the compare button in the code on the server. I think I have removed all references to the compare button (as I have no use for it on my shop). But the button still remains there. Can anyone let me know where this can be located in the code s...
  25. Bonjour à tous, Salutations du jour. Le module affiche une fenêtre contextuelle avec un message personnalisé pour les pays sélectionnés avec 2 boutons d'options et 2 liens pour rediriger les URL. Les boutons contextuels de géolocalisation aident les visiteurs internationaux à trouver un m...
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