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  1. When I update a category image via the back office, it doesn’t appear updated on the same PC I used for the update. However, if I check on a different device, the update is visible. I suspect it's a caching issue. I tried clearing the cache via the back office, but it didn’t work. Then, I manually d...
  2. Description: I am experiencing an issue with PrestaShop in a multistore configuration. On one of the stores, the discount applied is not displaying correctly on the production page. Details: PrestaShop Version: Configuration: Multistore Issue: The discount adde...
  3. I'm experiencing a critical issue on PrestaShop 8.1.1 and 8.1.7 where changing a product variation (e.g., size or color) causes the product URL and main image to switch to a related product displayed on the product page but the product name remains same as you can see in the screenshot. This only ha...
  4. Bonjour à tous Je rencontre actuellement une erreur avec le module Mondial Relay. J'ai pris connaissance que leur service avait un problème informatique et suite à cela la mise à jour du module a été recommandée. Chose faite, mais je rencontre une erreur lors de la génération des étiq...
  5. Hello, My Presta version : 8.0.1 The rest on screenshot: presta_stats.png I have problem with SmarBlog module. Just can't translate it to Polish language. I used to do it like : International -> Translations -> Translate installed modules Then choose module for translate and that's it....
  6. Bonjour tout le monde! J'ai acheté Créative elements que j'essaye d'utiliser sur prestashop installé en locale via un MAMP (fonctionnant sur les derniers MacOS et Apple Silicon sans aucun outil Xcode installé). J'ai la version php 8.2.0 et la version mysql est 5.7.39. Malheureusement, certaine...
  7. Salve, è veramente una delusione questo prestashop 1.7 Comunicate aggiornamenti, nuove versioni e poi il sistema è pieno di bug e di errori. Lasciate le versioni precedenti e appena siete sicuri che non vi sono bug pubblicizzate il nuovo aggiornamento Ha da 3 settimane che lavoro con...
  8. Hello, I have developed a custom module that allows purchasing specific products individually. Every time a product from that group is added to the cart, I check for it and remove any other products already in the cart. This works fine for most products, but when I add a product with combi...
  9. Buenos días, Tengo un problema en mi tienda que no actualiza automáticamente los productos de Google Merchant center desde el módulo oficial de prestashop desde hace mas de 1 semana. Trato de actualizar configurando el feed de nuevo para forzarlo pero no actualiza nada, he borrado módulo,...
  10. I started creating a product, then left a page without saving it. I have not entered all the data (only the product name and the brief and long descriptions). Now it shows among the products on the Home page, but I cannot delete it, because it does not show in the Catalog in the back office. I...
  11. Hello Prestashop people. This is my first post here, I hope I will be clear enough. Some products are not showing in the search result even if they use the same words in the product description. My shop is a vinyl record store. My catalog (more than 7000 products) is updated every morning vi...
  12. I used version 1.6 and when registering the product I was able to register supplier reference codes and different prices for each supplier, but now in version 8.1 I can only associate suppliers with my products, but the screen does not open for me to register references and prices from each supplier...
  13. I'm currently using Prestashop V1.6.0.9, I been having this issue/bug for a very long time. This issue is when my stock quantities is 0 on a certain product, but after awhile it will add back quantities on it own. It will add back 11 quantities. Does anyone experience this issue/bug before?...
  14. Bonjour, J'ai installé le module "Prestashop marketing with google" édité par Prestashop, afin de créer un flux produit, et il me semble avoir correctement effectué sa configuration, Lorsque la synchronisation se lance, rien ne se passe, et je me retrouve avec cette fatale dans mes logs ci...
  15. Bonjour à tous, J'ai besoin éclaircissement sur un problème lié à la creation de produits via Webservice API d'une boutique. Je reçois cette erreur en réponse : <message> <![CDATA[[PHP Unknown error #8192] Creation of dynamic property HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DOMLex::$_entity_parser...
  16. buongiorno a tutti, purtroppo ho un problema che non mi permette di lavorare correttamente: quando modifico un prodotto da BO il pultante salva carica all' infinito e compare l' avviso "impossibile salvare impostazioni", ho già provato a cambiare browser ma stesso problema, online ho trovato guide u...
  17. Hello, Don't know if I'm in the right place to post this... I have a problem in the backoffice of one of my clients : I can't delete languages on the 'Localization' page. Prestashop version is When I try to delete a language (any of them, enabled or disabled) I get this error...
  18. Hello, A couple of days ago, I encountered an issue - products stopped displaying in the "products" section of the backend. I'm not entirely sure of the cause as there have been no changes to the project in the last month. Before noticing the problem, I installed this module: [link to the...
  19. Hello , I'm working on a module , I had to change something in the code and when I uninstalled the module and reuploaded the updated one ( same name , etc..) I noticed I was getting the same results as the older version. I changed the author name and version number ( for testing purpose...
  20. Hello, On backoffice in Cart section i can see the abandoned carts. After choosing one and see the details, i have the product list of the cart, but the Reference product is not showed. Instead the product name appears. There's a way to show the product reference instead of the product nam...
  21. Hi, On my PrestaShop site, all my product packs are in "decrement only the products of the pack". Basically, the stock of the pack is equal to the stock of the product (contained in this pack) with the least stock. Example : Pack with product A and product B Product A : stock = 14 Produ...
  22. Bonjour suite à la désinstallation du module Marketing de Prestashop / Google il me reste un lien sur la gauche non actif qui renvoie vers une page introuvable indiquant la mention « Le contrôleur Marketing est manquant ou non valable ». J’ai bien-sûr supprimé correctement le module mais ce li...
  23. I have a store installed, i tried to reordering the position of a few products. The problem is the following: (Attached images showcasing this) ( Every Parent Category does this, not only the current, if i create a new one, same behavior) I have 1 Parent Category ( Partent Category )...
  24. Hi, i encountered an issue on catalog search in backoffice. No matter which search you make, all products are returned to me as a search result (see attachment). I also noticed that if I go to see the SQL Query that is processed on the basis of the search, it is not modified by entering...
  25. Bonjour à tous, je rencontre depuis peu un bug sur mon site www.le-durable.com Impossible d'ajouter des articles à mon panier : Lorsque que je clic sur "AJOUTER AU PANIER", le récapitulatif est tjs le même "Il n'y a plus d'articles dans votre panier" J'ai bcp cherché...
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