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Hi everyone, I am currently redesigning a website on Prestashop, and I have encountered a bug that I just cannot solve no matter what I try. My problem is with the dropdown cart summary from the blockcart module. Screenshot is in French, but basically this is how it should look as long as I have a product in my cart On most pages it appears as such, but on my category pages where products are displayed on the product list, my dropdown cart suddenly shows "no product", even though the total price is still here. I have tried several things for troubleshooting, checked blockcart.tpl, blockcart.php, ajax-cart.js, product-list.tpl... I have tried replacing each and all of them with the backup files from the "old" website, when it used to work, but nothing has changed. I'm at a loss right now because this might be due to some of the things I've changed while redesigning the website, but I don't know where to look or what to look for in order to find out where the code might be clashing. I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that $products are being called somewhere else on the page, but I don't know how to solve that. I hope you'll be able to help so that I don't have to bring back an old backup of the whole website and try out every single edit from the start... Thanks in advance!
Bonjour, j'ai un souci sur mon site prestashop lorsque j'ajoute certains produit dans le panier la popup cart affiche : "Livraison A définir" pour certains produits et pas d'autres. J'ai tout vérifié chaque produit et ils ont la même config j'ai aussi vérifié les transporteurs et tout est nickel (je n'ai qu'un seul transporteur) Je ne comprends pas ??? C'est assez aléatoire ci joint une copie écran Merci par avance de votre aide JMA
Bonjour à tous, J'ai perdu l'icône panier sur mon site sans explication ( Je ne trouve aucune solution. Voici des hypothèses vérifiées : Des personnes pourraient elles m'aider s'il vous plait
Hello Prestashop Community I have following problem : see attachment. and i dont know where to find this and how to fix it in the code. This problem appears when i try to put more then one of the same product to the cart. Does anyone has an idea? Thank you very much. Additional informations: Version: Prestashop Website:
- 4 replies
- product count
- blockcart
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Hello, I have question about blockcart, I wan't take off Tax exclude (Bez PVN on Latvian) like in photo. How I understand I can delete it on blockcart.tpl, but I can't find it on httpdocs. Everyone write it's on adress theme/default_bootstrap/blockart or something like this, but not in my situation. Where I can find this file? Or have another chance to disable this tax? Or how this file call on prestashop 1.7. Im using prestashop And maybe someone know what happen with my international -> Translation page. Just few days ago it happen, before it was work perfectly. (Error on photo) Thank You
Hello :) when customer adds pruduct into cart, ajax popup will appear. If customer have address, it will show him a price for delivery. I like to show to customers without any address info, until they fill their address. I need to change this function to "else" state to show delivery ELSE my info. Can someone help me wit that? :) <div class="dark{if $shipping_cost_float == 0 && (!$cart_qties || $cart->isVirtualCart() || !isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || !$cart->id_address_delivery)} unvisible{/if}"> <span class="hlajaxrighttab">{l s='Total shipping' mod='blockcart'} {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label && $show_tax}{if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}{/if}{/if}</span> </div>
I use Prestashop and I have installed a module that allows you to manage attribute groups without creating combinations between them. The form is used from each product configuration page when necessary. For products that do not use this add-on module on the frontend page everything works as always. For products for which the add-on module was used, the relevant tab in the frontend is updated with the tpl files of the add-on module, one of which is the cart block. I think I have identified the two smarty assign arrays blocks with the variables but I have no idea how to merge them or how to pass them to a single tpl cart file that collects the variables coming from these two sources. This is the code of blockcart.php (in root/modules/blockcart folder): $this->smarty->assign(array( 'products' => $products, 'customizedDatas' => Product::getAllCustomizedDatas((int)($params['cart']->id)), 'CUSTOMIZE_FILE' => Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE, 'CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD' => Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, 'discounts' => $cart_rules, 'nb_total_products' => (int)($nbTotalProducts), 'shipping_cost' => $shipping_cost, 'shipping_cost_float' => $shipping_cost_float, 'show_wrapping' => $wrappingCost > 0 ? true : false, 'show_tax' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_TAX_DISPLAY') == 1 && (int)Configuration::get('PS_TAX')), 'wrapping_cost' => Tools::displayPrice($wrappingCost, $currency), 'product_total' => Tools::displayPrice($params['cart']->getOrderTotal($useTax, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING), $currency), 'total' => Tools::displayPrice($totalToPay, $currency), 'order_process' => Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') ? 'order-opc' : 'order', 'ajax_allowed' => (int)(Configuration::get('PS_BLOCK_CART_AJAX')) == 1 ? true : false, 'static_token' => Tools::getToken(false), 'free_shipping' => $total_free_shipping )); if (is_array($errors) && count($errors)) $this->smarty->assign('errors', $errors); if (isset($this->context->cookie->ajax_blockcart_display)) $this->smarty->assign('colapseExpandStatus', $this->context->cookie->ajax_blockcart_display); And this is the code in the add-on module: public function getPreviewHtml() { $tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate($this->getTemplatePath('elements/cart_preview.tpl'), $this->context->smarty); $tpl->assign(array( 'base_product' => $this->configurator_product, 'product' => $this->configuratorCartDetail->product, 'cartDetail' => $this->configuratorCartDetail->getDetail(), 'priceDisplay' => Product::getTaxCalculationMethod((int)$this->context->cookie->id_customer), 'priceDisplayPrecision' => _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_, 'display_tax_label' => (bool)$this->context->country->display_tax_label, 'tax_enabled' => Configuration::get('PS_TAX'), 'update_cart' => $this->updateCart, 'DISPLAY_PROGRESS' => (int)Configuration::get('CONFIGURATOR_PROGRESS_COMPENENT') )); return $tpl->fetch(); } And this is the code of cart_preview.tpl file of add-on module: {if !isset($priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='priceDisplayPrecision' value=2} {/if} {if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {elseif $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {/if} <div class="box"> <div class="page-subheading">{l s='Your configuration:' mod='configurator'}</div> {* PROGRESS BAR *} {if $DISPLAY_PROGRESS} <div id="configurator-progress"><strong></strong></div> <hr /> {/if} {* PREVIEW PRICES *} {if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2} {if $productPrice-$productPriceWithoutReduction neq 0} <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt> {l s='Base price' mod='configurator'} {if $tax_enabled && ((isset($display_tax_label) && $display_tax_label == 1) || !isset($display_tax_label))} ({if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='tax excl.' mod='configurator'}{else}{l s='tax incl.' mod='configurator'}{/if}) {/if} </dt> <dd id="old_price">{convertPrice price=$productPriceWithoutReduction}</dd> <dt class="advantage">{l s='After reducing your advantage' mod='configurator'}</dt> <dd class="advantage">{convertPrice price=($productPrice-$productPriceWithoutReduction)}</dd> </dl> <hr /> {/if} <dl id="dl-final-price" class="dl-horizontal"> <dt> {l s='Final price' mod='configurator'} {if $tax_enabled && ((isset($display_tax_label) && $display_tax_label == 1) || !isset($display_tax_label))} ({if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='tax excl.' mod='configurator'}{else}{l s='tax incl.' mod='configurator'}{/if}) {/if} </dt> <dd id="final_price">{convertPrice price=$productPrice}</dd> </dl> {/if} {* PREVIEW CONTENT *} <div class="list-group"> {foreach $cartDetail as $step} {assign var=display value=false} {foreach $step.options as $option} {if $option.selected || !empty($option.value)} {assign var=display value=true} {/if} {/foreach} {if $step.displayed_in_preview && $display} <a href="#step_{$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="list-group-item"> {*<strong>{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} : </strong>*} {assign var=k value=0} {foreach $step.options as $option} {if !empty($option.value)} <span class="option_value">{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} : {$option.value|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{$step.input_suffix|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span> {elseif $option.selected} <span class="option">{if $k > 0}, {/if}{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> {assign var=k value=$k+1} {/if} {/foreach} </a> {/if} {/foreach} </div> {* PREVIEW CONTENT *} <div class="buttons_container"> <form action=" {if $update_cart} {$link->getProductLink($product)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {else} {$link->getProductLink($base_product)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {/if} "> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" /> <div class="form-group"> <label for="quantity-configurator">{l s='Quantity :' mod='configurator'}</label> <input id="quantity-configurator" class="form-control" type="text" name="qty" value="1" /> </div> <button type="submit" id="add_configurator_to_cart" class="button btn btn-default"> {if $update_cart} <span>{l s='Update the cart' mod='configurator'}</span> {else} <span>{l s='Add to cart' mod='configurator'}</span> {/if} </button> </form> </div> </div> I attach a file that shows a simulation Thanks in advance for any help
Hi I'm looking for a way to show the total price with discount in the block cart. I'm using the module "Promotions and discounts - (3x2, reductions, campaigns) " from idnovate which give me the option to add a discount if a customer adds 3 products in their cart. However the discount is first shown in the cart summary, and not in the block cart. I have added a screenshot showing the problem. PS Version
Hi! My block cart module is not working as it should be. Instead of showing the information in modal it is on all pages. It alo tells me I have 1 product in cart but it is empty. Any suggestions? I have already checked tables cart and orders. Issue reminds of only thing is that I don't have that module installed as that guy had. The text "Produkten tillagd i din varukorg and text below plus "Det är 1 artikel i din varukorg" and text below should be visible on a popup/modal. If I activate catalog mode it disappears BUT when it is off the problem returns... Thanks in advance
Bonjour, Je travaille pour un site web e-commerce sous Prestashop . Nous nous sommes rendues compte ce matin que sur mobile, il est impossible de cliquer sur le panier, ou sur le bouton 'se connecter" du site. J'ai pris mon navigateur et ouvert le site dans une fenêtre très étroite : pas de hover sur le panier ou le userinfo, il ne se passe rien, comme si il n'y avait pas de lien. Ca revient quand j'agrandis un peu la fenêtre. Je ne sais pas quoi faire pour que cela refonctionne sur les petits devices. On utilise un thème qui n'est pas fourni par Prestashop, mais le support était limité à 6 mois. Si vous voulez tester, notre site est à l'adresse : Quelqu'un a déjà rencontré ce problème ou a une idée ?
- 3 replies
- responsive
- prestashop 1.6
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Hi all, I'm looking to add an option to add and subtract product quanties from the cart via the Ajax Block cart similar to how it works on the shopping cart page. I've found some threads on here asking how to get this functionality working on a product page but that would only work adjusting a single product and I've tried ripping it from the shopping-cart.tpl file and putting it in the blockcart.tpl however I could only get this to work correctly if you're on the shopping cart page. I suspect there's a shopping cart controller with something in that needs to be copied but I'm not sure what part that would be and where I would need to move it to, maybe the front controller? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! I´m having some issues with the blockcart module and miniature images from products: GtMetrix analysis for homepage says that i have to "specify image dimensions" and "reduce image size" for ALL the images from the ajax blockcart preview... I don´t understand why this is happening, i work with other stores with ajax cart activated and is the first time i see this issue. Why GtMetrix detects all these images (cart_default) even if i have no products in the cart?? Are these images really loading? Trying to solve the issue, i´ve edited blockcart.tpl to add image atributes "widht=""" and "height=""" in the <img ..../> tag for the blockcart products element, and then sometimes appears and sometimes doesn´t... I´m trying to directly delete the load of the image but when i add a product the image firstly appears, it´s only if i refresh the page when the image dissapear... Am i missing something? This is the first time i see this problem... Store data: PS & leothemes footballwear theme --> Thanks
- ajax blockcart
- blockcart
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Hola, Tengo un comportamiento extraño que no termino de entender en el bloque ajax del carrito de la compra. He editado la plantilla blockcart.tpl para eliminar la imagen de producto en el bloque que carga la previsualización del carrito y cuando agrego un producto nuevo la miniatura se sigue cargando... Si refresco la página la imagen entonces si desaparece. Aparte de esto, antes de eliminarla le había puesto los atributos de dimensión que por defecto no los tenía y ocurría que no todas las imágenes lo cogían, cuando realmente es un bucle que por cada elemento del carrito lo debería escribir de la misma manera... Todo esto está hecho a raíz de que GTMetrix me recomendara especificar las dimensiones de imagen y reducir el peso de las mismas, pero la puntuación era bajísima debido a que en el análisis me reconoce TODAS las miniaturas de los productos de la home, cosa que no termino de entender muy bien, ya que es la primera tienda en que me ocurre esto y todas tienen activado el carrito ajax. ¿Porqué GTMetrix me detecta todas estas miniaturas en su análisis cuando incluso el carrito está vacío? Utilizo una plantilla de leothemes (footballwear) sobre PS, la url de la tienda es esta: Gracias
Hi I have added a scroll bar in block cart module by adding a <div> in blockcart.tpl file. But the problem is that the scroll bar appears only after reloading the page. Also after i remove the last product the scroll still remain there untill I reload the page. I have some idea that I need make some changes in blockcart-json.tpl and ajax-cart.tpl but not exactly sure what should the the change, Please help.
hi everyone!, Is there any way to add a quantity box in blockcart right next to their product name? Instead of quantity displayed, this can be a quantity box which we can adjust the quantity of the product in the cart? thank you
- blockcart
- quantitybox
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Hi! I have a problem with a pop up that appears after clicking on "add to cart". I'm using version It shows correctly on desktop, but on mobile it shows only partialy, the rest of it is behind the screen as shown in attached screenshot. What do I need to do to make it work? I guess I have to edit blockcart .css file to make it scale correctly, could someone please give me some tips or point me in the right direction so I can fix this? Thanks! The site is:
Bonjour à tous, Je suis en BtoC sur et je veux désactiver l'affichage des taxes dans le panier. Tout fonctionne normalement jusque la confirmation de commande.... tout les prix affiché sont bien TTC sauf le Total qui lui est HTVA???? De plus dans cette configuration j'ai le bloc Vouchers qui apparait à gauche de la ligne Total. Quelqu'un peut-il m'indiquer comment afficher le total TTC et ne plus afficher le bloc Vouchers au niveau de la confirmation de commande... Merci d'avance
Bonjour, J'avais déjà fais un post précedemment car le panier ne se déroulait pas, je n'ai pas pu le résoudre. Je me suis rendue compte également, que le popup d'ajout au panier ne s'affichait plus lorsque j'ajoutais un article au panier. Je suis en prestashop Je vous remercie d'avance
- 1 reply
- ajout au panier
- panier
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Hi I'm trying to get total price of products in ajax block cart without any currencies, for example if the total price is 100$, i just want to get 100 Also i want to get the price of every product in the cart without currencies. I tried using this : {convertPrice price=$productPrice} but it doesn't work here. I changed it to: {convertPrice price=$product.price} but it still shows $ at the end of the price. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks are in orders.
Hola a toda la comunidad y muchas gracias de antemano por leerme Hace un mes y medio que vengo trabajando con una tienda, y de un día para otro, sin haber tocado absolutamente nada, me encuentro esto que podrán ver en la imagen. He recorrido y navegado por foros incansablemente, y realmente me encuentro desorientada! No se de dónde corregir el problema. He tocado el módulo blockcart, lo he reinstalado, lo he vuelto a reinstalar (tanto desde ftp como desde el backoffice), y ya no sé qué más hacer. ¿Alguien paso por algo similar? Muchas gracias de antemano! Saludos
- carrito
- desconfiguración
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Hello everybody, Since we work with low quantity stock, we frequently have products that are temporarily out of stock. Clients that add a product to their cart (while it was in stock), abandon their cart and later come back to do check-out (when the product is not stock anymore) encounter an error advising them that they cannot proceed as one or more items are out of stock. So far so good. The issue is that it is not easy to know which products triggered the error, e.g. which products have to be removed to proceed with check-out. The more items in the cart the more complicated it is to guess which item to delete. Therefore my question is: is there a way to highlight the products in the cart that are out of stock? For example in red, with an exclamation sign etc. Anything would do really... Thanks in advance! Decorocco
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- out of stock
- cart
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Hi, I'm trying to modify my block_cart in order to always display the block_summary and title, (instead of displaying shopping_cart); furthermore I'm trying to apply the ajax collapse and expand fuction only to the block_cart_list, I thought of a workaround wrapping everything in a div and then moving the summary in the outer div, but I would like to understand how the ajax-cart action in created, since I'm quite inexpereinced with js this can be a good chance to learn how it works, question 1: what triggers the expand : function seems to be if ($('#cart_block_list').hasClass('collapsed')) or expanded this depends from the fact if there are or not products in the basket, where is the class change controlled? question 2: shopping_cart a: hover is what activates the js transition: why is this positioned in 2 different modules? it would have more sense to have only one module manage all order information_ If I delete the shopping_cart div (I'll display all order info with blockcart) will this have side-effects?
- 3 replies
- javascript
- blockcart
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Moin Leutz, habe seit Stunden versucht, die folgenden Variablen aus dem blockcart modul in ein eigenes Paypal-Formular einzubinden. (Prestashop 1.6.x) Z. B.: {$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} aus dem Blockcartmodul in das Paypalformular/Feld: <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="{$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> Sinn und Zweck ist: Eine eigene Übergabe der Warenkorbdaten (aus der linken Spalte) mit dem "Sofort über Paypal kaufen"-Button/Formular an Paypal zu senden. Der Fehler: Die Artikelseite wird nicht mehr zu Ende geladen, wenn ich diesen Schnipsel {$|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} in in Value des Input-Elements werfe. Syntaxproblem? Hoffe mir kann jemand helfen.