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  1. Buenos días comunidad: Desde hace unos días no podemos acceder al Backoffice del Prestashop. Al introducir las credenciales, se queda el cuadro del login en blanco, sin los campos y no hay manera de poder acceder. ¿Cómo podríamos solucionarlo? Muchas g...
  2. im overriding the Admin\Product\CatalogPage\Lists\product_table.html.twig and i added new columns in the table but i wanted to ristrect this columns for certain profiles (admin & super Admin) the problem is that i don't have access to the connected employee data, Any Ideas ?
  3. Bonjour, Depuis ce hier, je n'arrive plus à ajouter des produits, timeout :/ Depuis ce matin, front office est également devenu lent Merci de bien vouloir m'aider à identifier d'où vient ce problème
  4. I recently needed to make the backoffice have the darkmode functionality but I wanted to do it in such a way that it can be supported for all future versions of Prestashop and after a while I came up with the idea of implementing it using Dark Reader inside a simple and light module for Prestashop 1...
  5. Hello all, Here is my problem : When i try to create an order from backoffice i'm facing an issue as there is no list with customers after typing few characters, and even when typing the complete name... on Debug mode, Console makes me understand that customers are well found but not shown....
  6. Download the module temporary_access-2.0.0.zip Admin access security is necessary for every site. And when it comes to e-commerce sites like PrestaShop, keeping the admin login and password secured is mandatory. But sometimes you need to share access of your Prest...
  7. Hey everyone! Just like I had done with countries in the orders list, here is a video tutorial on filtering by manufacturer in the product catalog in the back office http://nemops.com/filter-products-by-manufacturer-prestashop-back-office/#.VvJ6MOIgvmg Fabio
  8. Bonjour, Mon backoffice est très très lent à tel point que je ne peux pas travailler efficacement sur ma boutique. Créer un seul produit me prend + de 10 minutes !! J'ai modifié une valeur dans le ftp afin de comprendre ce qu'il se passe sur mon backoffice, il semblerait qu'un module soit à la...
  9. Hallo Zusammen Ich bin der Stephan und neu hier. Seit gut 3 Wochen läuft mein Frotend vom Shop zwar aber ich komme nicht mehr ins Backoffice. Wenn ich den Adminbereich öffne, kann ich die Anmeldedaten eingeben und nach ein paar Sekunden kommt die Http Error 500 (weiss mittlerweile das dieser ni...
  10. Hello, I am delighted to present our latest module : Op’art Secure Admin Link. The goal of this module is to solve a security problem when you have to share access to the backoffice of your store while simplifying your life. The module is available here: https://addons.prestashop.com/en...
  11. Bonjour, Dans le formulaire de création de commande depuis le Back-office ( Prestashop ), les prix des produits sont affichés en HT. Est ce qu'il est possible de les afficher en TTC ? Ça peut se faire en changeant des paramètres ou bien il faut modifier le code ? Merci
  12. Is there any option to see who have asked to be notified when a product is available? I would like see the emails and which products were requested.
  13. Hello, How to get this menu to the original mode? Many Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi everyone, I successfully added custom address fields to the front office using the additionalCustomerAddressFields hook, and everything works perfectly there. However, I'm facing an issue when trying to edit a customer's address from an order in the back office. The custom fields do not appe...
  15. Hi, Anyone knows how I can get the phone prefix to be shown in the backoffice on a order (or actually on all places where phone is shown)?
  16. Good morning; Memcached library are working correctlly on front office, the time response on catagory are good, but it are caching backoffice sessions and modules and is imposible to work, Some one solved that problem? Anyone know what classes have to by modified to avoid the backoffice c...
  17. Hi everyone ! I could use some help. I'm using Prestashop, and since a few weeks, I'm experiencing a really slow back office (10 to 20seconds between pages). I have no issues with the front office. I upgraded to a faster server (doubled the CPU/RAM), but nothing changed. Trying to...
  18. Tengo una tienda en PrestaShop, e incluí hace poco las referencias de proveedor a todos mis productos, pero al cabo de unos días, note que las referencias de proveedor de ciertos productos se están eliminando solas. Al observar los productos donde ocurre esta situación veo que no siguen u...
  19. Hello, On several pages of my backoffice, I have blank pages, a full white blank pages. This happens for : Modules > Modules manager Design > Positions Payment > Methods of payment Payment > Preferences Internation > Translations Could you please help on that ? Thanks a lot,
  20. Tengo inconvenientes para ingresar al backoffice. Estoy usando prestashop La única manera es activando el modo debug, pero una vez lo activo e ingreso no me muestra ningún problema, entonces no se que debo corregir
  21. Sabéis de algún modulo para poner un simple tablón de anuncios en la sección inicio o welcome de prestashop? me gustaría ponerle uno a los clientes para cuando se haga alguna modificación un saludo!
  22. Bonjour, J'utilise Prestashop depuis plusieurs années maintenant et j'ai toujours fini par trouver une solution à mes problèmes. Mais depuis plus d'un mois je bloque vraiment. Une aide serait vraiment très appréciée. Config du site : Version Prestashop : Version PHP : 7...
  23. If i have: Debug Mode ON - BackOffice OFF Debug Mode ON - FrontOffice ON But if i have: Debug Mode OFF - BackOffice ON Debug Mode OFF - FrontOffice OFF What can it be???
  24. Good morning, Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the Prestashop forums. I hope to contribute positively through my inquiries and those of other colleagues. -- My goal is to add the "price" column on the Stock's page from the BO. The new column shou...
  25. 我們最近想在後台更新一下內容, LOGIN 時的速度還好, 但當進入後台後點選任何選項都會非常慢, 等差不多10分鐘後才會正常。 請問這是什麼問題? 我已經有在 "進階設定" 點了 "清取快取"
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