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  1. Hello, i am using prestashop 8.1.4. i would like to insert a value in the $data array in PaymentModule.php form my module. This value i need to display on order_conf template to customer, which takes values from this array. But i do not want to override the (validateOrder function) Payme...
  2. Hi, i'm currently on a PrestaShop with Php 7.2.34. When i'm accessing the product (see as attached file) with a certain account. i get this kind of error message : When i click on AdminProductDataProvider i get this page : It seems like the product on id 357 is not readable. I f...
  3. Hi, ich versuche gerade per smarty die Produkt features im array abzugreifen, leider bekomme ich es nicht hin! Irgendwie klappt meine Foreach Schleife nicht.. also in der -> $delivery_options -> product_list -> features -> id_feature_value --> Siehe Bild Die Aktuelle Adress ID, sowie da...
  4. Hola a todos: Tengo un prestashop 1.7.5 y hace tiempo instale algunos módulos que no funcionan bien y los desistalé sin mayor problema. Con uno de ellos estoy casi seguro que es con el módulo "amproductfields.zip" que es para colocar fotos y texto debajo de las habituales que salen....
  5. Bonjour, Je travaille sur un module de paiement perso. qui ne doit s'afficher dans le tunnel d'achat qu'à certaines conditions, pour créer ce module je me suis basé sur le module de paiement par chèque. Les conditions d'affichage du nouveau module dans le tunnel d'achat : Les produit...
  6. Hi... i have write this code in my module front controller inside setMedia() method foreach($customerlocationsdata as $customerlocation){ $customerlocations[] = array( 'firstname' => $customerlocation['firstname'], 'lastname' => $customerlocation['lastname'], 'address1' => $customerlocation['a...
  7. Guys, I have created a *.tpl file and I assigned some variables to the smarty array e.g: public function hookExtraCarrier($params) { //deleted code... $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'wineo_free_shipping_id' => Configuration::get('WINEO_FREE_CARRI...
  8. Quick Search block v1 not working correctly on my PS v1.4.8 I also have ASearch Module v2.2.6 by Ebyyd.com installed When a search is done which has results, it displays Search "Array" When a search is done with no results it gives me an error, as below. Array ( [name] => 2 litre pot...
  9. Greetings fellow PS'ers Im working on my first prestashop and i still need to solve one thing. In my case it is bad usability. Some of my products is customizable where the user have to upload one or more images. At the moment one have to add a certain input of files fields, eg. 5 fields for 5...
  10. I work with a site that uses a lot of different tracking codes and things and a lot of the time I need to pass various variables like the total cost of the order and the users email address to the order confirmation page. I normally have a look through the forums and find what I'm looking for in...
  11. Hi all, Hopefully this is something that is easy-ish to help with. Our web hosting upgraded from Windows Server 2005 to 2008 yesterday and prestashop ceased to work, throwing out 500 errors. We found out this was due to an issue with the database not migrating the password correctly and an...
  12. When i make a new order on my website, as a logged in user, in 1st step after i put my address for purchase, it keeps giving me this error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/var/www/vhosts/taxco.com.ve/httpdocs/themes/taxco/order-add...
  13. Hi all, Hopefully this is something that is easy-ish to help with. Our web hosting upgraded from Windows Server 2005 to 2008 yesterday and prestashop ceased to work, throwing out 500 errors. We found out this was due to an issue with the database not migrating the password correctly and an...
  14. Hi everyone! This is my first post, but I hope next time I'll come back to give a hand instead of asking for one Here is my problem: I am building a simple website... However, I realized that when I try to go on my CMS pages from the information left colum, or from any other link on the site,...
  15. Bonjour, Après un migration vers la version 1.5.2 de prestashop qui ne s'est pas trop mal passée, je viens de m’apercevoir que sur les factures la date approximative de livraison est buggée. Le message en bas de la facture n'indique pas de date mais "array". J'ai mis une capture d'écran e...
  16. Hi, I would like to add an external variable in employee context array, how to add additional variable in employee array? Let's say I wanted to add something like this: $context->employee['accessVerified'] = true; so later I could access that variable somewhere in admin like: if($contex...
  17. HI, i need to get an array of id of some cms pages to show some custom content on them in PS 1.4.7, i did this way: first i override the front_controller php with the following code: <?php class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore { public function init() { $id_cms_category...
  18. okay i have a question. i would like to know where the array for the search is. i am trying to have it pull a number from another table and i cant find the array or the query for the search , im trying to get it to pull a part number along side the product that they searched for
  19. Hi, I am doing a small module. In that I am fetching some data from the database in hook. The code for hook is like this, in this I just want to assign the value of public function hookHome($params) { $defaultLanguage = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); global $cookie,...
  20. Hi there, I am using prestashop 1.4 and the search box is all good (returning expected results) but above the results it says 'Search "ARRAY"' and not as it should say 'Search "chair" ' (chair being what I have typed in the search box and asked it to search for!) Can anybody help? Many Thanks
  21. Ik heb de module leverdatum geïnstalleerd. Als ik nu een factuur aanmaak komt onderaan te staan geschatte leverdatum ligt tussen array en array in plaats van de werkelijke leverdatum. Hoe los ik dit op? Ik heb prestashop
  22. Hi all and how are you all? Well once again I need your help please. I have 2 sorts of the products. One which is Jigsaw Puzzles and the other is Kites. On my Jiggaw Puzzles the breadcrumb is fine as you can see below. "Home > Jigsaw Puzzles > Product Name" Click link too s...
  23. Buenas, Llevo unos días intentando arreglar lo siguiente pero no hay forma. Antes de nada mi versión es la 1.5.3 y estoy en la farragosa parte de añadir "new tax rule" una por cada provincia de España, y me he dado cuenta de que muestra una array fija, es decir que no hace ni siguiente ni atrás,...
  24. Hi all, I am looking to include a copyright notice in the footer of my page but would like the sitename, and perhaps the current year, to be included automatically. I'm not sure how to do this though as I'm not too familiar with smarty language. Any help would be great.
  25. Hello, I'm using prestashop The instant search displays products in the reverse order as the ajax search (so the products are displayed without respecting the weight preferences). How do I correct this behaviour? Thank you Donia
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