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  1. SmartBanner A PrestaShop module to promote your Android or iOS app with a customizable SmartBanner, allowing easy app promotion from your online store. This module provides a back-office interface for full control over banner content, including app details, images, and links to your app on both...
  2. Android Mobile App Builder Module Android Mobile App Builder module is the best solution to get the Android Mobile App for your store. In order to get the mobile app for their store the store admin first need to purchase the module. Please refer to the instructions given in the user manual and...
  3. Launch a pair of Flutter-based Android and iOS Delivery Boy Apps for the PrestaShop store and offer seamless order delivery and management. The Delivery Boys can be added from the admin panel and simultaneously get login credentials to access the mobile app. More Info and purchase here: Deliver...
  4. Hola buenas tardes! Soy nuevo en prestashop, realizar una tienda, pero quiero convertirla en App móvil para IOS y Android.. Mi mayor duda es cuando el suba a google Play y a Play Store, como hacer para que se sincronice mi tienda con la App móvil. Es decir, Todas las actualizaciones que se hac...
  5. Habe heute mal nach Apps zur Verwaltung des Shops geschaut und festgestellt, dass es da mehrere gibt. Allerdings fand ich es schwierig einzuschätzen welche denn nun vertrauenswürdig und gut sind. Wenn sich hier also schonmal jemand da durchgewühlt hat, oder schon länger eine A...
  6. Hi Every one ! I would love to find a solutions to my request. In order to create a multi shop for a company that owns 5 warehouses in 5 different countries ^^ I would like to know if there is a possibility to make a single mobile application for all 5 shops that I have to creat...
  7. User interfaces for mobile applications should stand out and be strikingly interesting. App interfaces also need to be simple or else users would not want to connect to your application. To leave a lasting impression on the mind of your users, mobile apps need to be visually appealing and stay updat...
  8. Es gibt ja inzwischen Payback als schnelle Bezahlsystem via Handy über QR-code und der Kunde Bekommt auch noch Punkte für den Einkauf. Hat schon jemand Erfahrung mit Payback als Bezahlsystem im Shop via Handy? oder Benutzt es schon?
  9. Hallo, Al een hele tijd probeer ik een app te vinden om producten te fotograferen en direct in Prestashop te uploaden. Ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer en kom telkens uit bij vage apps uit de Oekraïne en omstreken. Zou iemand mij een goede tip kunnen geven voor een goede degelijk app? Ik...
  10. Hello First time posting here. When i send my store URL in a message in Facebook Messenger app it shows everyting correctly, but not the Picture, it seems that it shows the language picture from the site. Where do I change this Picture, I want to have a small logo or similar instead of the...
  11. Hello good people, As I am almost done with my PS e-grocery website, I started doing some research about creating the mobile app implementation. Would be great to hear any suggestion of modules/platforms that can easily convert the website to IOS and Android apps, based on your best prac...
  12. Hello fellas, Does anyone know if it's possible to wrap an existing e-commerce shopping mall site built with Prestashop in order to develop an app with it? As you guys know, even default theme that comes with Prestashop is responsive one, so I'm wondering if it's possible to wrap it to make...
  13. Hola, que tal?! Soy nuevo y estoy terminando mi página.. quisiera saber cual aplicación me recomiendan usar para que mis clientes puedan pagar con tarjeta de crédito. Desde ya, muchas gracias!! Alvaro
  14. Is it possible to bundle the phonegap framework and android sdk with a prestashop install for a native mobile app site? Has anyone used the phonegap framework to build a prestashop store via a native mobile app? Any suggestions or thoughts I would love to here. Thanks!
  15. Bonjour, Certains de mes clients ne reçoivent pas mes mails car ceux que j'envois sont considéré comme SPAM (mais pas tous!). Quand cela ne fonctionne pas, je reçois le mail d'erreur suivant : Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-daemon@googlemail.com 21:10...
  16. I´m writing because in my opinion there is many confusion and a huge lack of information on the last movements of the Prestashop Team into the "Mobile Themes" subject. Between PS 1.4 and P1.5 we have seen born 3 differents options to add mobile support to our online stores. But.... What are diff...
  17. Hola a todos, El propósito de Appixia es permitir a las tiendas en línea, construir sus propias aplicaciones móviles profesionales, que son tan buenas como las que los gigantes minoristas como Amazon / eBay tienen. Nuestro app-builder intuitivo le permite hacer precisamente esto sin llegar a...
  18. Programmatore Prestashop Freelance Creazione/Modifica/Scelta Template Creazione Moduli personalizzati Debug Installazione/Configurazione Integrazioni Importazioni personalizzate Modifiche interne Aggiornamenti Migrazioni 1.5.x a 1.6.x Connessione Prestashop a Gestionale Connessione Prestashop ad...
  19. Hello, I am looking into using PrestaShop for a mobile project that I am working on for the food/restaurant industry. I will have customized sites for individual restaurants and plan to store the menus as products in the database and have checkout and payment processing. Are there speed...
  20. I have been trying to find a way to get a app for prestashop store, after doing research I came across Shopgate, Mobi-Cart and KanCart. Between all of them Shopgate was the possible option, however I notices there outrageous pricing and I didn't pull the trigger. Other 2 options even though little c...
  21. Bonjour, nous développement actuellement un module gratuit pour "convertir" votre boutique en application Android et Iphone. Le module est terminé, mais nous aurions besoin de quelques (4-5) bêta-testeurs pour valider le développement. Le module est compatible Prestashop 1.5 et 1.6....
  22. Bonjour, Voilà mon problème. Je travaille actuellement sur une application iOs/Android et je souhaite utiliser les profils de clients de ma boutique en ligne prestashop. J'ai compris le fonctionnement basique des webservices, ma clé roule et je peux récupérer les infos. Mon problème c'es...
  23. Hi, I'm looking to port a customised osCommerce installation to PrestaShop, which allows the user to buy an MP3 and then download it from their history like a catalogue page, with no limit to the number of times they can download MP3's they have bought and no expiry date. I also would like t...
  24. Buenos días a todos! mi consulta es la siguiente: ¿Alguien sabe o conoce alguna aplicación móvil para nuestra tienda on-line que como administradores podamos subir una simple foto de un producto a nuestra tienda en el mismo momento de realizarla? Más o menos como facebook, o instagram, que p...
  25. Hola, Estoy buscando alguna app para el móvil, para que me suene cuando haya hecho una venta, es posible eso? Existe alguna? xDD He visto algunas pero son para comprar desde el móvil (o no me he enterado muy bien para que servían y me da "miedo" descargarme software desconocido...) Alguien podría...
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