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  1. Hello community, Here is the issue - right now in Admin -> Product page -> Associations tab and in Accessories field I can add a product that is related to this one but it works in only one way. It is not creating relation between each other in both products at one time - I have to go to another...
  2. (Version Prestashop : Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai un problème sur mes fiches produits, le bloc "accessoires" n'apparaît pas. Les produits sensés y être sont bien visibles et disponibles à la vente. J'ai lu que le pb pouvait venir de la page product.tpl donc je la mets e...
  3. Hallo, ik heb mijn webshop onlangs opnieuw opgebouwd in versie op een staging omgeving. In versie 1.6. kon je accessoires koppelen aan een product en deze werden getoond op de productpagina. In versie kan ik in de backoffice wel accessoires koppelen aan het product, maar ze zijn niet...
  4. Hello Community I upload my products via CSV Feed. No i can set the accessories in my Feed via the ID of the accessories. This works like it should but the problem is that when i upload an updatet feed to prestashop it adds the accessories again , even if there are already the ac...
  5. Hello, Is there any chance to get a helper for creating a nice AJAX searching product input with combinations? Something like in product edit and submitting accesories for products or when in creating new order from back office - there is nice field to search for products with combinations. Can...
  6. I am trying to create a module so I can add the add to cart button to the related items/accessories , but I have hard time finding the right hook for it as PrestShop really don't have an impressive documentation. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi Guys, I am running PS 1.6.17 with default-bootstrap theme. I find customers are having trouble seeing the control "next" and "previous" arrows for the Accessories Slider control as per attached image. Hoping someone can suggest how (and where) to modify this area to make the controls...
  8. Hi I want to add an additional tab that acts as the accessories but with different products. I bought a module but I asked for the refund because I did not do what I need. Do you know how I could get it? Thank you very much PS: Prestashop
  9. Hi there... I have 2 problems 1) I finished moving my e-shop data and while i was editing products i noticed that all products that had other products associated as accessories were shown as html . That is happening only when there is an association and only for the main product not...
  10. Hi there... I finished moving my e-shop data and while i was editing products i noticed that all products that had other products associated as accessories were shown as html . That is happening only when there is an association and only for the main product not for the one associated. T...
  11. Hello, I would like to show accessories items like another attribute dropdown. I want this because I will have two types of materials of each product and I want each material as a product, but I would like to have them linked. You can see an example here (material dropdown). Is there any...
  12. est.2013 independent and young designers and brands by clothes, accessories and interior items. https://rus-design.com/en
  13. Hi all, I'm being crazy with this problem: I need to add some accessories to a product, so I've added from the product page --> association --> accessories All the accessories are in stock, but the tab accessories in the front officies doesn't appear!! Where is the problem? I've at...
  14. Hi, I’m making a website for a fabric shop, what they offer are threads with the fabric and of the same colour, e.g. a customer on the product page select a colour on the product, then he/she has an option as checkbox says also send me thread of the same colour and fabric. So basically its an check...
  15. Hi, I need some help. I want to show in product list (below each product) their accessories. How can I do? thank you very much
  16. Dear experts, am now using ps 1.5.2 and i found that image is not showing in the accessories tab of product page. i have find out the code to display image in product.tpl , just dont know what alternation i should make to get it work <a href="{$accessoryLink|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" ti...
  17. Hi guys, my problem is: how can I match the attributes of an accessory? let explain: main product are shoes, accessory is a belt. If I select/take the red shoes, the system have to show/add to cart the red belt, or, at least, it has to ask the color of the belt if someone tries to add the belt to...
  18. Is it possible to move up the accessories above datasheet and information of a product? thx, Ivan
  19. Hi I have a bicycle shop and when customer buys a bike i want them to get 20% on all accessories. I want the customers only to get 20% if they buy bike if they dont buy bike then they get normal price. How can i do this ? My webpage: www.cykelstaden.se Prestashop version:
  20. Hi, I'm using v1.6.0.6 and I want to add accessories in some products. Unfortunately accessories tab looks always empty even when I'm not in catalog mode. Here is the example: http://www.ideastores.gr/index.php?id_product=7104&controller=product&id_lang=1 Thanks in advance!
  21. Hi, the CSV import is a great tool and the 1.6 file format few columns to extend features. Accessories are available in PrestaShop but you need to add them manually one at the time. I found only very few posts in the community, I can not be the first person with this need. Any suggestion or...
  22. Hello everybody, i have a new shop coming online in one week, i am using the multistore option, i have 2 shops food and non-food products, i would like to add non-food accessories to food products and viceversa, but in a normal situations is not possible because the two shops are not commun...
  23. I was wondering if it is possible to place the accessories on the product page into a grid view with image, view button, add to basket button, item title and price all there like this: item title image price add to basket button view button All centered in their grid place holders Us...
  24. There is a big bug in the latest version when trying to add accessories in the associations tab for products. It clearly states that you write a few letters of your desired product, then you can select from the drop down list. I have a product called "Wedding Bells thigh hi" and when I got that up,...
  25. Hello, I'm getting crazy with this little problem. I am working in a new store, running in local, Prestashop version All of my products have a lot of accessories (more than six). From products-associations I asign the accessories typing in the box, no problem to add any number of ac...
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