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  1. When I successfully upload an image using PS webservice ('POST' myshop.com/api/images/products) the response is the image itself. I would like to have a JSON response so that I can use the image ID. I have tried to add `output_format=JSON` to the query string and adding the "Accept: application/js...
  2. Hello, My boss needs me to create an application to control the stock of products and delivery of orders. I made a lot of progress with the API and right now im able to retrive all the data i need and show on the front-end whatever my boss asks for, but right now i need to actly change the values...
  3. Bonjour, Nous sommes en prestashop 1.7, nous commercialisons uniquement en France actuellement. Nous avons plusieurs entrepots via des services logistiques: - Octopia fulfillment , le stock de l'entrepot en france est mis à jour directement sur notre prestashop via API - Amazon FBA eu...
  4. Hi everyone ! I'm new on this forum, so happy to have joined it Indeed, I came here cause I need to create a system to export blog posts to prestashop for my software. I basically want to do it with python requests, sending main infos (title, url slug, content) and metadatas (metatitle an...
  5. Bonjour à tous, Je souhaiterai récupérer le détail des réductions appliquées sur une commande via l'api et suis pour l'instant bloqué. A chaque réduction créée je vois bien dans le fichier cart_rules la réduction en question mais rien n'indique à quelle commande elle est rattachée. D'après...
  6. Hello everyone, I’m currently looking for a free module or alternative to integrate the Facebook Conversions API into my PrestaShop store. My main goal is to track events like purchases and add-to-cart actions accurately, without relying solely on the Facebook Pixel, which can be blocked by ad...
  7. Hi, i'm using webservice api to get order from my e-commerce but i need to retrieve information about cart rules other than total discounts in order api. How can i get this data? Thanks in advice.
  8. Greetings, I am trying to use the Webservice API. I have successfully installed Prestashop locally with the demo products. I have enabled the Webservice module and created an API key. I am issuing the following request via Postman: GET {{webservice_url}}/api/products?output_format=JSO...
  9. Hello everyone, I'm new to PrestaShop and have been setting up my online store over the past few days. I've encountered an issue with configuring payment gateways. I've tried integrating both PayPal and Stripe, but I'm running into some problems. Here are the steps I've followed so far:...
  10. Buenos días, Tengo un TPV que actualiza ciertos datos de productos a través de la API de Prestashop El funcionamiento es sencillo: Obtengo el producto mediante GET /api/products/{{product_id}} Modifico algún dato, normalmente precio, nombre o descripción. Uso el...
  11. J'essaie de construire une web app sur Retool qui me permette de charger multiples images a un produit grace à leur urls seulement . En utilisant le Content-Type : Je ne comprends pas comment il faut que je fasse. Je reçois toujours cette erreur : "message": "Please set an \"image\" p...
  12. Bonjour à tous, J'ai besoin éclaircissement sur un problème lié à la creation de produits via Webservice API d'une boutique. Je reçois cette erreur en réponse : <message> <![CDATA[[PHP Unknown error #8192] Creation of dynamic property HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DOMLex::$_entity_parser...
  13. Hello, Could anyone guide me on the correct process for creating a marketplace order via a Web Service API? For instance, I need to post an Amazon order to Prestashop. The documentation suggests using the /orders endpoint, but it requires several attributes, including: Delivery Addres...
  14. Hola comunidad. Estamos instalando prestashop en su version 1.7.7 en un server centos, ya tenemos nuestra tienda publicada baja un domino site.domain.com/organics/ . El cual se visualiza sin problema y con un certificado SSL cargado en el apache (httpd) del servidor. Ahora bie...
  15. Buonasera, Sto da qualche giorno facendo esperimenti con i nuovi GPTs, nello specifico vorrei, tramite actions, utilizzare alcuni andpoint abilitati tramite chiavi api attive nel mio webservice prestashop. Nel GPT ho già creato lo schema yal e sembrer. Purtroppo non riesco a procedere perché h...
  16. I try to send via webservice in presashop 1.7.8 php 7.4 the product combinations, they are already created correctly, but when I send the association as indicated in combinations https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/1.7/webservice/resources/combinations / Sending the following xml (using the prest...
  17. I'm using the PrestaShop WebService API to change the order state. To achieve this, I make a POST request like the following: POST -> https://www.mydomain.com/api/order_histories Body: <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <order_history> <id/> <id_emp...
  18. Hello, I am developing a website to receive orders from several prestashop. I bring the orders from php with; $ opt = [ 'resource' => 'orders', 'display' => '[id, reference, total_paid, id_customer, id_cart, id_address_delivery, current_state, payment,...
  19. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The addons help to export products on Google Merchant Center to display them on Google Shopping, Google Search, Google Image, the Display network (YouTube, Gmail & more) and Google partner sites. Google Merchant Center works by allowing businesses to upload...
  20. Bonjour, Je souhaiterais, pour connecter mon prestashop à un autre service récupérer les datas de mes clients de manière a synchroniser leur compte entre mes différentes applications. Pour ce faire, je cherche un moyen de récupérer les clients ayant créé ou updaté un compte sur les dernièr...
  21. XML, CSV and API integration for PrestaShop Automate the flow of your product catalog This module allow you integrate your PrestaShop store with any numbers of API, XML and CSV feeds. Module connect to local or remote XML and CSV files and APIs and read data from them. Select the data you wan...
  22. I activated the webservice to synchronize the price of a product with the program that manages the warehouse via API. With the Postman program I make a test by sending a put with this text: response 200 OK On prestashop the price is modified but all the values present in the product are ca...
  23. This free module for Prestashop makes POST request after order status changed to your API URL with order data. This module will be useful for developers to pass through some order data to third-party API after changing of order status. Feel free to customize the module yourself to pass muc...
  24. Hi everybody. I'm currently using the webservice API and I have a problem when creating an order: the API doesn't honor the current_state value. And I'm forced to change the state later. The problem is that in the history the first state is visible. Below are provided the full http messa...
  25. Hi! How I can add new table from DB in WebService API? Prestashop 1.6
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