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Hello, I try to connect prestashop webservices using axios but with no luck, in postman this url return results axios .get( "http://HFD9UZKZMBEH2NFXXFPND6xxxxxU@xxxxxxxxx.xx/api/orders&display=full&output_format=JSON" ) ....
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- webservices
- apc
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Bonjour, pour optimiser les performances de notre Prestashop il nous est conseillé d'utiliser le cache memcache (ou autre) par contre lorsqu'on l'active les résultats sont inutilisables en production. Après analyse du code, il s'avère que les requêtes sql sont cachées par la classe DB,...
I am looking in ways to make my website faster. I have heard about APC or Xcache. Does this really make a big difference? or are there other ways to improve speed thanks
Hello, last few weeks I am trying to configure APC cache for our prestashop on VPS to avoid 100% fragmentation. I have used all hints on internet but no luck yet. Currently I have 1 Segment(s) with 256.0 MBytes, 45.7% is free, fragmentation 100.00% (117.0 MBytes out of 117.0 MBytes in 9493 fragments...
- 10 replies
- prestashop 1.6
- apc
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Using PS v. I previously had PHP 5.4 with APC enabled in my hosting panel, and just switched to PHP 5.5 without seeing any impact, except that I get a 500 Internal Server Error when enabling the OPcache option. Is there any benefit running PS 1.6 on PHP 5.5? Does PS take advantage of APC...
Hola Necesito ayuda... Mi web carga demasiado lento así que he cambiado de hosting con disco ssd etc. Pero sigue igual, tarda como 10seg, bueno a lo que vamos, he intentado activar la apc que la tengo instalada en el servidor y no me deja, me sale el mismo error que como no la tuviera. G...
Zdravim, uz delsi dobu patram, jake je vlastne normalni chovani APC cachovani pro prestashop. Docela rozumim tomu, co to dela a jak funguje, ale uz mi neni jasne jestli je neco spatne u mne, nebo je to obecny problem. Takze k problemu. Konfiguraci tu ani davat nebudu, zkousel jsem uz vice varia...
Hello, I have a tricky question: Is it possible to disable cache (APC in my case) in prestashop BO to stop floofing APC by useless user cache entries, AND force some modules/files to still use the cache? My problem is that enabling APC in BO is useless and in fact slower the performance of site...
Bonjour, Après de longues recherches sur les forums, je n'ai pas trouvé comment accélérer notre boutique en ligne de Noeud Papillon Nous sommes chez Gandi en mode expert afin d'installer Memcached, j'en ai profité pour installer les autres systèmes de cache afin de t...
- 8 replies
- gandi
- optimisation
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I'm trying to squeeze out a little more speed of my PrestaShop site. I have tried running Apache2 with fastcgi/php-fpm instead of mod-php, and I have tried installing and enabling APC. Using _PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_, I cannot see any substantial increase of performance, which surprises me. I have verifi...
- 40 replies
- performace
- tuning
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[CLOSED] Prestashop 1.5.6 using define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); does not produce error output. 1.) My shop is displaying white pages. After reload in most cases it will dispay the requested page. I found a similar topic here:
- 2 replies
- white screen
- smarty
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Hello, we are going live in 2 days and we are facing a big problem after weeks of testing with no cache on we have put the cache on first using APC APC is correctly installed but after we put the cache on the FO site takes veeeeeeeeeeery long to load so we have tried with the File Sy...
- 8 replies
- Cache issue
- cache
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Hello, I'd like to ask about tips which I didn't find anywhere, either a module (besides the one for 249$) 1. How to check will your server work with APC? 2. How to install it? Best I have found is but it doesn't really say too much for a newbie....
Buenas tardes, Tengo un server con Cache APC el cual tiene instalado el Prestashop. Cuando te logueas no refresca correctamente la pantalla, por lo consiguiente sales como deslogueado, si clickeas CRTL + F5, sales logueado. Lo mismo cuando haces Logout. He provado todas las combinaci...
- APC Server
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Hi, My server is cloud 4bg ram 2 cpu. when i try to release apc cache option my server going down.server ram usage normally max 1.2 gb but at that time it goes 4 gb. i am getting to many sql connection errors or others. and i have newrelic account problem is this function "CacheApcCore::_set" it...
- 1 reply
- apc
- performance
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Here is what i got from my hosting company. Just so you know i have 8cpu and 24gb of ram. I installed Memcache and APC, i have cache turn on, im using media subdomains, using all tips from this page But my website still takes about 8 sec to load....
- 10 replies
- ccc
- subdomains
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Does anyone else have this problem, when i log in to my administration of my ps ,i have a Configuration checklist where i can see if something is wrong, under the Combine, Compress and Cache i have an exclamation mark. When i open it it says : To use Xcache,..... When i install that Xcache then i...
- 9 replies
- configuration checklist
- exclamation mark
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Just a simple question for dev. team : Why in the Autoloader, you use : $class_infos = new ReflectionClass($classname.'Core'); eval(($class_infos->isAbstract() ? 'abstract ' : '').'class '.$classname.' extends '.$classname.'Core {}'); ? It's horrible for IDE auto completion, and I think...
- autoloader
- reflectionclass
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