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Hi, I created a second prestashop 1.7 site by cloning the first one. “secret/cookie_key/cookie_iv/new_cookie_key” were not changed inside of (../app/config/parameters.php). I put both prestashops on the same server with memcached/apcu installed. but I can’t use no memcached neither apcu with both of them since each of them generates the same cache keys. DO you know what configuration changes should I do to make the cache keys different? My understanding that prestashop generates the cache keys with prefix and this prefix should be unique per each site. But I do not know what settings should be changed and how. Any help is appreciated. Thank You
Hello, I duplicated my site to make a dev site, and that site when CacheApc is turned on changes the product stock correctly when altered through the backoffice. The original site however doesn't, when you change the stock with CacheApc the stock won't update (only in the database). In my app/config/parameters.php I have the same secret/cookie keys etc only the database is different, everything else is identical. What is the problem?!
Hello, I try to connect prestashop webservices using axios but with no luck, in postman this url return results axios .get( "http://[email protected]/api/orders&display=full&output_format=JSON" ) .then(function(response) { console.log(; }); does anyone know where can be problem? Thanks
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- webservices
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Bonjour, pour optimiser les performances de notre Prestashop il nous est conseillé d'utiliser le cache memcache (ou autre) par contre lorsqu'on l'active les résultats sont inutilisables en production. Après analyse du code, il s'avère que les requêtes sql sont cachées par la classe DB, donc la fonction executeS est utilisée principalement avec le paramètre par défaut $use_cache = true. Un exemple concret serait celui de la création d'une adresse par un client : La fonction getAddresses() dans Customer.php enregistre le résultat de la requête dans une clé de cache du type 'Customer::getAddresses1234-2-0' public function getAddresses($id_lang) { $share_order = (bool)Context::getContext()->shop->getGroup()->share_order; $cache_id = 'Customer::getAddresses'.(int)$this->id.'-'.(int)$id_lang.'-'.$share_order; if (!Cache::isStored($cache_id)) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT a.*, cl.`name` AS country, AS state, s.iso_code AS state_iso FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c ON (a.`id_country` = c.`id_country`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON (c.`id_country` = cl.`id_country`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` s ON (s.`id_state` = a.`id_state`) '.($share_order ? '' : Shop::addSqlAssociation('country', 'c')).' WHERE `id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.' AND `id_customer` = '.(int)$this->id.' AND a.`deleted` = 0'; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); Cache::store($cache_id, $result); return $result; } return Cache::retrieve($cache_id); } par contre cette clé ne me semble pas invalidée lorsque le client ajoute ou supprime une adresse... ensuite, la requête $sql ci dessus en elle même est cachée par la fonction executeS($sql) dans Db.php public function executeS($sql, $array = true, $use_cache = true) { if ($use_cache && $this->is_cache_enabled && $array) { $this->last_query_hash = Tools::encryptIV($sql); if (($result = Cache::getInstance()->get($this->last_query_hash)) !== false) { $this->last_cached = true; return $result; } } ... $this->last_cached = false; if ($use_cache && $this->is_cache_enabled && $array) { Cache::getInstance()->setQuery($sql, $result); } return $result; } la clé de cache étant l'encryptage de la requête qu'il voit passer, une requête du type : SELECT DISTINCT a.*, cl.`name` AS country, AS state, s.iso_code AS state_iso FROM `ps_address` a LEFT JOIN `ps_country` c ON (a.`id_country` = c.`id_country`) LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` cl ON (c.`id_country` = cl.`id_country`) LEFT JOIN `ps_state` s ON (s.`id_state` = a.`id_state`) INNER JOIN ps_country_shop country_shop ON (country_shop.id_country = c.id_country AND country_shop.id_shop = 1) WHERE `id_lang` = 1 AND `id_customer` = 1 AND a.`deleted` = 0 tant que cette clé précise n'est pas invalidée ou que tant que la requête est identique (ce qui est la cas), le résultat retourné est le résultat qui a été mis en cache précédemment... Soit, lorsqu'un client ajoute une adresse il ne peut pas la voir apparaître dans la liste de ses adresses... et ce comportement peut se constater sur une grande partie de ces requêtes dont le cache n'est pas invalidé correctement (la requête dans Product.php getImages() par exemple etc.) Est-ce que quelqu'un utilise le cache sans rencontrer ces problèmes ? Est-ce que vous avez une astuce pour les régler autre que simplement s'asseoir sur cette fonctionnalité pourtant prometteuse ? Je vous remercie d'avance
I am looking in ways to make my website faster. I have heard about APC or Xcache. Does this really make a big difference? or are there other ways to improve speed thanks
Hello, last few weeks I am trying to configure APC cache for our prestashop on VPS to avoid 100% fragmentation. I have used all hints on internet but no luck yet. Currently I have 1 Segment(s) with 256.0 MBytes, 45.7% is free, fragmentation 100.00% (117.0 MBytes out of 117.0 MBytes in 9493 fragments). *Details below Besides the fact I don't even know how it can fragmentate when there's still so much space left, due to fact that entries should be deleted AFTER ttl an ONLY if there's no more space (deleted by garbage collector then), I really don't know why I have so much user cache entries. I was looking on tutorial from d42 for example and his APC seems pretty static to me. I observed the cache for last few weeks, deleted it from time to time to test performance (obviously much faster with APC on, very fast when fragmenttaion is low, slower with high fragmentation but still a little faster than without APC). It always happens during night, so I think google crowler visited my site, checked everything, lot's of variables were cached and for some reason fragmentation raised. My shop has cca 3k products, not so much attributes and combinations, default theme with just slight modifications, but basically just in design, no overrides. So I wonder why I have so many user cache entries while other prestashop sites have no problem? Those entries are just arrays of variables, it seems to me there is one for each product and other things processed by php in presta. Basically all variables. Is it worth increasing size more, or it will happen again anyway and there's something wrong with the settings? I would appreciate any hint which will lead me to new ideas how to get rid of this problem. Thank you guys. My settings is as follows so you can check how it's set: **General Cache Information** APC Version 3.1.13 PHP Version 5.4.39-0+deb7u2 APC Host (kouzelna-svatba) ( Server Software nginx/1.2.1 Shared Memory 1 Segment(s) with 256.0 MBytes (mmap memory, pthread mutex Locks locking) Start Time 2015/04/03 16:22:51 Uptime 14 hours and 53 minutes File Upload Support 1 **Settings:** apc.cache_by_default 1 apc.canonicalize 1 apc.coredump_unmap 0 apc.enable_cli 0 apc.enabled 1 apc.file_md5 0 apc.file_update_protection 0 apc.filters apc.gc_ttl 3600 apc.include_once_override 0 apc.lazy_classes 0 apc.lazy_functions 0 apc.max_file_size 2M apc.mmap_file_mask apc.num_files_hint 1000 apc.preload_path apc.report_autofilter 0 apc.rfc1867 0 apc.rfc1867_freq 0 apc.rfc1867_name APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS apc.rfc1867_prefix upload_ apc.rfc1867_ttl 3600 apc.serializer default apc.shm_segments 1 apc.shm_size 256M apc.shm_strings_buffer 4M apc.slam_defense 0 apc.stat 0 apc.stat_ctime 0 apc.ttl 7200 apc.use_request_time 1 apc.user_entries_hint 8192 apc.user_ttl 7200 apc.write_lock 1 **File Cache Information** Cached Files 841 ( 76.9 MBytes) Hits 1458002 Misses 849 Request Rate (hits, misses) 27.20 cache requests/second Hit Rate 27.18 cache requests/second Miss Rate 0.02 cache requests/second Insert Rate 0.02 cache requests/second Cache full count 0 **User Cache Information** Cached Variables 11433 ( 56.2 MBytes) Hits 732005 Misses 103870 Request Rate (hits, misses) 15.58 cache requests/second Hit Rate 13.65 cache requests/second Miss Rate 1.94 cache requests/second Insert Rate 3.16 cache requests/second Cache full count 0
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- prestashop 1.6
- apc
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Using PS v. I previously had PHP 5.4 with APC enabled in my hosting panel, and just switched to PHP 5.5 without seeing any impact, except that I get a 500 Internal Server Error when enabling the OPcache option. Is there any benefit running PS 1.6 on PHP 5.5? Does PS take advantage of APC when running PHP 5.4 or is PHP 5.5 without cache extension faster? Any idea why OPcache is not working with PS? Zend OPcache is new starting with PHP 5.5, however APC is only available up to PHP 5.4, so when going for PHP 5.5 I'd have to use it without cache extension since OPcache doesn't seem to be working with PS. I'm just trying to figure out the best PHP setup for PS.
Hola Necesito ayuda... Mi web carga demasiado lento así que he cambiado de hosting con disco ssd etc. Pero sigue igual, tarda como 10seg, bueno a lo que vamos, he intentado activar la apc que la tengo instalada en el servidor y no me deja, me sale el mismo error que como no la tuviera. Gracias de antemano
Jak skonfigurować sklep aby uzyskać najlepszą wydajność i szybkość a jednocześnie aby wszystko działało poprawnie? Z moich doświadczeń - próbowałem mieć praktycznie wszystko w ccc włączone, ale czasami powoduje to różne zgrzyty. Odnośnie używania memcache, to zauważyłem problemy, o których pisałem już wcześniej w innym temacie: W związku z tym przełączyłem się na cache w plikach, ale w sumie co jakiś czas to się przycina i trzeba go czyścić aby było dobrze. Ponadto z cache nie działa moduł blok filtrów nawigacyjnych - tu wątek: i moje spostrzeżenia: I jeszcze uwagi odnośnie cache bardziej doświadczonych kolegów z wątku : W związku z tym chciałbym zebrać doświadczenia i spostrzeżenia odnośnie ustawień w jednym miejscu które moduły cache najlepiej używać i jak ustawić? Czy lepszy jest APC czy memcache czy jeszcze coś innego? Bo przeglądając forum i blog sądziłem, że memcache, ale może jednak APC? Czy tylko ja zauważyłem problemy z memcache? Czy tylko u mnie cache plików się jakby "zapycha" i trzeba go co jakiś czas przeczyścić?
Zdravim, uz delsi dobu patram, jake je vlastne normalni chovani APC cachovani pro prestashop. Docela rozumim tomu, co to dela a jak funguje, ale uz mi neni jasne jestli je neco spatne u mne, nebo je to obecny problem. Takze k problemu. Konfiguraci tu ani davat nebudu, zkousel jsem uz vice variant a samozrejme vse podle doporuceni, lec bez vysledku. Kdyz v BO nezapnu APC, tak se mi v APC nacachujou jen php soubory, coz je logicke, ale zadne user entries. Podle testu je rychlost pomala, se zapnutym APC v BO je to o mnoho lepsi. Zaver tedy je, pouzivat APC. Jakmile vsak presta zacne cachovat user entries, okamzite narusta fragmentace. Ze zacatku jsou to jen desetinky procenta, cili nic cim bych se normalne stresoval. Je ale zvlastni ze uz v tu chvili k nejake fragmentaci dochazi, mel jsem za to ze to bude hazet jeden zaznam za druhym, dokud nedojde misto... Po case vsak pocet entries zacne narustat do takove miry, ze to chache nezvladne a vznikne 100% fragmentace. Postupne se mi povedlo toto chovani zpomalit, pomoci filtrovani nekterych souboru (block layered indexery, google sitemap...) v apc filter parametru, ale je to jen zpomaleni. Pozorovanim jsem si napriklad vsiml, ze kdyz ve FO navstivim nejakou produktovou stranku, pocet entries stoupne o 100-200 zaznamu. Jednouduchou matematikou si dokazu odvodi, ze pri 2000 produktech je to poradna varka zaznamu. A zrejme na tom moje cachovani pada, ve chvili kdy je vetsi navstevnost (nebo google crowler co projde vse?). Celkove tech dat v MB neni az tolik, cca 50MB pro soubory a obdobne pro promenne. Ale nakonec bylo jedno, jestli shm_size je 128 nebo cele giga, vzdycky to dopadlo stejne. Takze lidi zlati, prosim poradte nebo nasmerujte co se to vlastne deje? Doposud jsem nenasel zadnou relevantni odpoved jak vlastne funguje APC ostatnim prestashopakum, jen zasvecene navody na konfiguraci. Proste nechapu, proc k te fragmentaci dochazi, kdyz velikost cache je dostatecna, produkty na strankach jsme v posledni dobe vubec nemenili, takze obsah je v podstate staticky... Nemate nejake rady nazbyt prosim? EDIT: nasel jsem stranku, kde se o vysoke mire fragmentaci v cache kvuli tomu jak to ma presta spatne nastaveno bavi taky. Takze je to zrejme featura, coz me vede k myslence APC zapnout, protoze je benefit nesporny, ale primo v APC defaultni cachovani vypnout a definovat pozitivni filtry jen na soubory, ktere maji nejvice zasahu. Neni to uplne hezke reseni, ale v soucasne chvili je presta asi necachovatelna jinym zpusobem. Zkousel to uz nekdo podobnym zpusobem?
Hello, I have a tricky question: Is it possible to disable cache (APC in my case) in prestashop BO to stop floofing APC by useless user cache entries, AND force some modules/files to still use the cache? My problem is that enabling APC in BO is useless and in fact slower the performance of site. Except of blocklayered module, this one is much faster with cache enabled. So I was curious if there is in php source code something like if (cache.isEnabled) -> set/get variable from cache else -> set/get variable where removing the condition will force to use the cache which is set correctly on server of course. Till I found some alternative for blocklayered module, this is the only solution I have on my mind at this moment... Thanks
Hi All, My shop is loading too slow and I wanted to implement caching full page using apc (or suggest any other method). I tried my luck with some modification in code but couldn't do much. I have my back-end hosted on another domain and not a problem if some changes to affect backend. I want to develop the code such that it will first check if html is present in apc store , fetch from apc or construct html store in apc and then echo to browser. I want it to work mainly for category and product controllers. Please suggest any work around for the same. Any help will greatly be appreciated. prestashop version is 1.5.6 Thanks...
Bonjour, Après de longues recherches sur les forums, je n'ai pas trouvé comment accélérer notre boutique en ligne de Noeud Papillon Nous sommes chez Gandi en mode expert afin d'installer Memcached, j'en ai profité pour installer les autres systèmes de cache afin de tester les performances de chacun : APC et Xcache. Au final, mon site met plus de 7s à s'afficher avec Memcached, et 3s en moyenne avec APC ou Xcache. J'ai pourtant déjà activé l'optimisation Apache, le cache Smarty, le serveurs de médias, le CCC. J'ai testé la vitesse du serveur en passant de 1 à 4 coeurs le serveur et en passant de 1024 à 2048mo de Ram. La vitesse n'a pas variée. Dans les logs je n'ai pas d'erreur particulière liée au Cache. Pouvez m'indiquer où chercher pour comprendre pourquoi cela est aussi long malgré le cache et la puissance du serveur ? D'après la console de Chrome, c'est le premier GET qui prend beaucoup de temps comme vous pouvez le voir sur ma copie écran. Merci ! ps: j'ai fait un test sur l'offre Simple Hosting en taille M, la boutique est toujours aussi lente.
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- gandi
- optimisation
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I'm trying to squeeze out a little more speed of my PrestaShop site. I have tried running Apache2 with fastcgi/php-fpm instead of mod-php, and I have tried installing and enabling APC. Using _PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_, I cannot see any substantial increase of performance, which surprises me. I have verified with phpinfo() that it is in fact running with the expected modules. Have anyone noticed any improvement of performance tweaking this setup/parameters?
- 40 replies
- performace
- tuning
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[CLOSED] Prestashop 1.5.6 using define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); does not produce error output. 1.) My shop is displaying white pages. After reload in most cases it will dispay the requested page. I found a similar topic here: The point is, I cannot understand this coding and I do not even know if that really is the solution for my problem. So I need someone to do the job. 2.) The mobile theme does not work properly. Please send me a fair quote to ghva67 [a] only if you can offer to completely solve one (or both) of the issues and make my site work like it should.
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- white screen
- smarty
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Hello, we are going live in 2 days and we are facing a big problem after weeks of testing with no cache on we have put the cache on first using APC APC is correctly installed but after we put the cache on the FO site takes veeeeeeeeeeery long to load so we have tried with the File System which was a bit better but still loading was taking longer then without cache please can somebody help? thank you
- 8 replies
- Cache issue
- cache
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Hallo Leute, was ich hier im deutschen Forum vermisse, sind Tipps zur Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit. Alle schimpfen immer über die lahmen Shared-Hosting Pakete, dabei muss es wirklich nicht immer ein eigener Server sein. Mein Shop läuft auf dem Webspace von Hetzner, zur Zeit das dickste Paket (Level 19) für aktuell 19,90€ im Monat. Erste Maßnahme war das Aktivieren von APC, was ziemlich einfach war. Support angeschrieben und dann im Shop Cache eingeschaltet und APC ausgewählt, speichern, fertig. Hat schon ziemlich heftig was gebracht. Bei meinem Theme kann ich leider den Smart Cache für Stylesheets und den Smart Cache für Javascript nicht aktivieren, dann sieht der Shop ziemlich komisch aus Muss ich Mal den Entwickler fragen. Ansonsten sind alle weiteren Felder bei CCC aktiv. Aber so richtig schnell war der Shop noch nicht. Eben hab ich dann was von Gzip gelesen, was bei meinem Server auch aktiv ist. Nachdem ich folgenden Code in die .htaccess kopiert hatte, war auch schon alles erledigt: <IfModule mod_deflate.c> # Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml # Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers) BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html Header append Vary User-Agent </IfModule> Quelle: Werft Mal einen Blick auf die Vorher / Nachher Screenshots. Zum testen der Geschwindigkeit nutze ich neben Google PageSpeed den Dienst von GTmetrix. Jetzt würde ich gerne noch die Anzahl an Requests etwas drücken, die 97 erscheinen mir doch etwas hoch für die Startseite. Hat jemand einen Tipp wie ich mehrere CSS Dateien zusammen fassen kann? Wo genau werden die überhaupt eingebunden? Das hab ich bisher noch nicht gefunden. Vermutlich an 1000 verschiedenen Stellen... Als nächstes wollte ich mir Mal die verschiedenen CDN Anbieter anschauen, aber da gibt es dann wohl wieder Probleme mit SSL. Gruß Martin
Hello, I'd like to ask about tips which I didn't find anywhere, either a module (besides the one for 249$) 1. How to check will your server work with APC? 2. How to install it? Best I have found is but it doesn't really say too much for a newbie. Edit: added tags.
Buenas tardes, Tengo un server con Cache APC el cual tiene instalado el Prestashop. Cuando te logueas no refresca correctamente la pantalla, por lo consiguiente sales como deslogueado, si clickeas CRTL + F5, sales logueado. Lo mismo cuando haces Logout. He provado todas las combinaciones posibles en "rendimiento" (B.O), pero sin solución. Lo mas probable que sea el APC, pero mi pregunta es como puedo hacer que funcione correctamente mi PS con este server? sin necesidad de que tengas de hacer CRTL + F5 para verte logueado o sin loguear? Gracias de ante mano. Saludos.
- APC Server
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Hi, My server is cloud 4bg ram 2 cpu. when i try to release apc cache option my server going down.server ram usage normally max 1.2 gb but at that time it goes 4 gb. i am getting to many sql connection errors or others. and i have newrelic account problem is this function "CacheApcCore::_set" it is response time is very slow . max active user is 20. if i turn off apc server server is pretty good but you know web site speed is slow. this is my dilemma. What do you prefer. xcache could be better for us ? Thanks.
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- apc
- performance
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Here is what i got from my hosting company. Just so you know i have 8cpu and 24gb of ram. I installed Memcache and APC, i have cache turn on, im using media subdomains, using all tips from this page But my website still takes about 8 sec to load. I have asked my hosting to install mod_pagespeed on the server to try to improve speed, here is the answer : Hi, Just to be completely clear, this module would not even solve your initial problem. Your current index.php page takes close to 5sec to be generated, and does not even use more than 1 out of the 8 CPU and uses 2Gb of memory out of the 24Gb of total RAM. To install this package, I would have to charge you 75$/h for several hours, and it while it might help, it would probably only bring this delay down to 4.5 or 4sec. Like I said in a previous message, your queries to the Database are not optimized. Every value in red in the PhpMyAdmin screenshot is a sign that the database is taxed by tons of smaller unoptimized queries. I could work in trying to make the web server faster, but I would have to charge you for my time. This would mean wasted money for you. Your money would be better spent for an outside php resource to review the code running on your website to find the source of the bottleneck. I'm afraid we do not offer this service. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for your patience. Can someone help with speed and perfomance? Any ideas will help.,
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- ccc
- subdomains
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Does anyone else have this problem, when i log in to my administration of my ps ,i have a Configuration checklist where i can see if something is wrong, under the Combine, Compress and Cache i have an exclamation mark. When i open it it says : To use Xcache,..... When i install that Xcache then i get a message to use APC..... My shop uses memcached caching , is this normal to get this error/exclamation mark every time, and is there a way to remove it and receive a good mark? I include a picture of what im saying
- 9 replies
- configuration checklist
- exclamation mark
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Bonjour à tous, J'ai un problème de conflit de clés avec le cache APC dès lors que plusieurs solutions Prestashop sont installées sur un même serveur. En l'occurence, si je mets en place un service de préprodution et de production, l'un est redirigé vers l'autre (le cache APC gardant en mémoire l'adresse de base du site). J'utilise pour la première fois Prestashop, me trouvant devant le fait accompli et cela me surprend d'utiliser des clés au nom généraliste dans un service de mise en cache partagé. Ma question est donc très simple : D'autres utilisateurs ont-il ce même problème ? Ou très justement certains ne rencontrent-ils pas ce problème ? En solution temporaire, mais qui sera malheureusement détruite avec les mises à jour, j'ai contourné l'affaire en créant un préfix de clé '_PS_CACHING_PREFIX_' en constante globale, et en la concaténant dans les fonctions de la classe CacheApc. Si d'autres utilisateurs rencontrent ces problèmes, je remettrais un rapport de bug. Cordialement, Julien
Olá pessoal! Meu nome é Shirley e sou novata em PrestaShop. Gostaria, se possível, da ajuda de vocês para terminar a configuração da minha loja. Como consta na imagem em anexo, falta alguns passos para a loja ficar 100% (verde). Na Aba "Parâmetros Avançados > Desempenho" aparece uma box com 3 alertas: - Para usar Memcached, você deve instalar a extensão Memcache PECL em seu servidor. - Para usar o APC, você deve instalar a extensão APC PECL em seu servidor. - Para usar Xcache, você deve instalar a extensão Xcache em seu servidor. Alguém que já passou por este problema saberia me dizer como resolve-lo? Já baixei os arquivos de seus respectivos links. Agora, só não sei como e onde instalar no servidor. Desde já agradeço pela ajuda!
Just a simple question for dev. team : Why in the Autoloader, you use : $class_infos = new ReflectionClass($classname.'Core'); eval(($class_infos->isAbstract() ? 'abstract ' : '').'class '.$classname.' extends '.$classname.'Core {}'); ? It's horrible for IDE auto completion, and I think it cause bad performance since the Php optimizer cannot optimize dynamic class !
- autoloader
- reflectionclass
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