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  1. Hi, I'm having trouble adding URLs to my banners and sliders. I either get a 500 internal server error or the URLs just don't work on my page. I'm sure I'm doing something obvious wrong but have no idea what. Help please. Thanks Steve
  2. I am trying to Edit the Revolution Slider Module by Smartdatasoft for our website https://lockoutdirect.com/, every time I click configure on the module I receive this internal server error. Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. What could be the problem?
  3. Hi everyone, Im having problems with a template that I purchased from a third party. I activated the debug and got this. Please, any advide. Thanks in advance
  4. Prestashop verisone Theme: Teckstore - Electronics Store Prestashop Theme for Affiliates and Multi-demo Websites V1.6 & V1.7 by Doradothemes Salve a tutti, spero che mi possiate aiutare a risolvere questo problema: se apro un ordine in BackOffice mi mostra la pagina senza stili e con errore 500. Posso modificare lo stato dell'ordine, però non posso modificare nient'altro, nemmeno inserire il numero di tracking (vedi Fig.1). Grazie per l'aiuto. Saluti.
  5. Bonjour tout le monde. J'ai lancé la mise à jour de notre site de test, de la version (que nous avions mis à jour depuis la version sans problèmes) vers la version 1.7.6. Cela a été fait en passant par le module "1-Click Upgrade". Tout se passait bien, jusqu'à ce que tout commence à aller mal. Lors de la phase de mise à jour de la base de données, le module m'a fait un 504 time-out et puis... plus rien. En rechargeant la page, je n'avais plus accès au back office, plus accès au front non plus. A la place, ça m'affiche l'erreur "500 Internal Server Error. Something is broken." sur fond blanc. En passant par Plesk (l'outil que nous utilisons pour gérer tous nos sites), j'ai pu activer le mode debug dans le FTP (voir fichiers joints pour les messages sur le BO et l'URL du site) et jeter un oeil à des erreurs auxquelles j'avoue ne pas comprendre grand chose, mais je n'ai toujours pas accès à quoi que ce soit (BO ou site). Ma question est en plusieurs parties : - Que signifient ces erreurs et comment les corriger ? Est-ce la DB qui a été flinguée par l'update ? - Est-il possible de récupérer un accès au BO et de finir l'update vers la 1.7 (et comment, en sachant que je ne suis pas du tout dev) ? - Si non, de quoi peut venir ce timeout ? Si jamais je fais un second site de test et que je retente l'update en un clic. Merci d'avance pour vos réponses et votre aide qui me serait précieuse ! Plus d'infos, comme le préconisait le sticky : Type d’install : mise à jour Version de PS : vers 1.7.6 URL du site : recettage.pleasurewine.com Thème : default-bootstrap Code : modifié par le dev qui avait fait le site, en 2016 Hébergement : OVH Version de PHP : 7.2.24 Version de MySQL : 10.0.32 Navigateur(s) concerné(s) : Chrome, Firefox Debug Site.txt Debug BO.txt
  6. Hello guys, I've installed Prestashop on Centos 7. Below setup details: - Apache/2.4.6 - PHP 7.1.33 - Memory limit 512M - PrestaShop: - MySQL: 5.7.30 I'm able to log in to the Panel and on the website, however some pages in admin panel throws 500 errors code. For example in Orders - > orders: Request URL: Response: <div id="box-conversion-rate" data-toggle="tooltip" class="box-stats label-tooltip color1" data-original-title=""> <div class="kpi-content"> <i class="icon-sort-by-attributes-alt"></i> <span class="title">Stopa konwersji</span> <span cLass="subtitle">30 dni</span> <span class="value"><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error</title> </head> <body> <h1>Oops! An Error Occurred</h1> <h2>The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".</h2> <div> Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. </div> </body> </html> The same happens for Clients -> Clients and Orders -> shopping cart. The invoices tab also looks like not correctly rendered. See the pictures. The rest seems to be fine. I've installed all required packages (at least I don't have any information that something is missing/misconfigured in UI). Can somebody point me to the right direction? When I figure it out I will share the script to install it automatically. Regards
  7. Hola, Cuando un cliente quiere completar los datos de su dirección, al querer continuar con la compra genera el 500 error. Me podrían ayudar?
  8. Hi, when in the back office I choose CONFIGURE / settings Shop Parameters / General ... , I get the following: "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused." Occasionally with other menu items in the back office... Pls, help... Thanks in advance! BR Venty
  9. Hallo zusammen, ich versuche einen neuen Shop aufzusetzen. Gestern habe ich die aktuelle PS version installiert und kam auch problemlos in die admin Oberfläche. Heute wollte ich dann den Shop anpassen und bevor ich loslegen konnte sieht das ganze dann schon anders aus, bekomme noch die Login Maske aber danach: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Das Strato Error log sagt mir: 14.11.2019 21:07:39 ******.de [client] FastCGI: "/home/strato/http/fastcgi/******/admin_***/index.php" aborted: no response after 123 sec (idle timeout 120 sec) Ich habe schon define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); in der defines_inc.php gesetzt aber es kommt nicht mehr Information also ohne. PHP Version ist 7.2 mit PHP Boost aktiv. Es ist ein Shared Hosting (PowerWeb) und nicht super performant, allerdings war es gestern abend zufriedenstellend. Auch das Frontend ist (noch mit demo content) gut zu bedienen. Habt ihr Ideen?
  10. Hi! I have an error on Order Confirmation Site: Here you have some screenshots. First of all, I asked the vendor of the template I've bought how to fix the problem. He told me to set contact e-mail (SMTP connection), because this error occurs when it's not set. Finally, I had set it, sent test e-mail (it's ok) and made test order - I got all the messages connected with order status (both: send to vendor and buyer) but the error on order confirmation website still occurs. And still I can see this order completed in back office. At the same time, the problem in back office occurs: when I want to choose Client Service in PrestaShop client panel 500 internal server error occured. Please, find the screen shot attached. When I ask the server administrator (home.pl) to check it they said that errors are connected with Prestashop mulfunction and I had to ask developer to fix it. I would be grateful, if you can help me or just guide me what to check/do now. Paulina
  11. Hallo liebe Community, ich habe heute den Status einer Bestellung von "Warten auf Zahlungseingang" auf "Versand" geändert so wie viele male davor auch. Aus irgendeinem Grund wird die Seite nun plötzlich nicht mehr richtig angezeigt mit der Meldung "500 Internal Server Error". Hat jemand vielleicht eine ähnliche Erfahrung gemacht? Ich benutze Prestashop Im Anhang befindet sich ein Screenshot. Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Antworten.
  12. Hi guys, I have 500 Internal Server Error when I tried to install module, is there any solution to fixe this? The debug log is in the attached file. My system information: Store information PrestaShop version: Shop URL: http://www.Mywebsite.com/ Current theme in use: classic Server information Server information Linux #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 Server software version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) PHP version: 7.0.28-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Memory limit: 128M Max execution time: 30 Upload Max File size: 2M Database information MySQL version: 5.7.21-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 MySQL server: MySQL name: prestashop MySQL user: pretashop Tables prefix: ps_ MySQL engine: InnoDB MySQL driver: DbPDO. Presta 500 Error.txt
  13. Hi! I have a problem about, to move the hook "Login in the top of nav1" that had moved to nav2 back to nav1, cuz i made a misstake and moved it to wrong place to the "header something in the backoffice. I get "The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error" in the backoffice, and in every page that are in backoffice. Are there any solutions to move it to nav1 without do it in backoffice, maybe in som php file or tpl? or am i screwed. Best Regards Matt
  14. When the page have to go to the shipping methods it return a page that says 500 Internal Server Error, how to resolve? Help Me Please
  15. Hello all. Is there anybody getting issues with Prestashop 1.6 and Prestashop 1.7 "Multishops"? Was working with "Multishops" for 2 years, no problems, but today all my PS Multishops URL are referring to error 500. Error Log displays: AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. There was no changes done for htaccess file. I have installed couple more Prestashop different versions, and set Multishops in there - but the-same issues. Is there I'm going crazy, or there is some issues with Prestashop itself. Thank you for your help.
  16. For those using Apache 2.2 and installed PS, they might have discovered their frontpage is completely messed up. No images loaded, no css, and not even in the back office. After hours of desesperation trying to figure this out, I was able to narrow the problem to the .htaccess, specifically on the # Apache 2.2 directives in all .htaccess of almost all folders of PS. The problem: File: .htaccess from /img/, or /localization/, or /themes/ etc... # Apache 2.2 <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order deny, allow Deny from all </IfModule> # Apache 2.4 <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all denied </IfModule> The fix: # Apache 2.2 <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all </IfModule> # Apache 2.4 <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all denied </IfModule> If we go to https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_authz_host.html#order we can read: Keywords may only be separated by a comma; no whitespace is allowed between them. And also case-sensitive. The keywords Order Deny,Allow are wrongly written by default, ending up being Order deny, allow not allowing anything. I've been manually fixing all the files, is there any method to do it automatically? I'd really like to see PS Dev Team fixing this in future versions. I wish I had an updated apache version but my hosting won't do it for now... I hope this is helpful for someone. Thank you, specially to PS for this awesome CMS.
  17. Hi, when I try to click "Homepage Configuration" in order to change some settings, I get a "500 Internal Server Error". I already tried changing all file permissions to 755 but that didn't change anything. I attached some screenshots so you know what I'm talking about. If you need any additional logs, be it logs, screenshots, or technical details, please tell me. Best Regards D.
  18. Buongiorno, ho un negozio con prestashop 1.7 tema base. ho attivato la lingua inglese e installato il pacchetto di localizzazione, vedo la tendina di scelta italiano / inglese, ma se provo a entrare nell'inglese mi esce 500 Internal Server Error . Purtroppo non mi sono accorta di questo problema inizialmente (stupidamente non ho controllato se funzionasse tutto) e ora mi trovo con tutti i prodotti caricati con tutti i campi compilati sia in italiano che in inglese, quindi non posso cancellare la lingua e provare a ricaricarla perchè altrimenti mi cancella tutto... suggerimenti? Il sito è http://www.clair.it
  19. Ciao a tutti! Clicco su "Rigenera le miniature" e mi da questo errore: "500 Internal Server Error Request Timeout This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'." Contatto l'hosting (Netsons) e mi dicono che l'operazione richiede più di 300 secondi e per questo viene visualizzato l'errore. Ho provato anche a spezzettare le operazioni un po' per volta e tutto ok fino a quando non sono arrivato a "Prodotti-->Thickbox_deflaut" che è quella più importante. Li mi ha dato nuovamente l'errore. Mi chiedevo se esiste la possibilità di dividere questa operazione in 2-3 volte, in modo da non superare i 300 secondi. Oppure se non si può fare, va bene anche un altra soluzione... Grazie a tutti!
  20. Hi, For some reason I am no longer able to install ANY module from the modules repository. I press the Install button, see the animated circle for a second and then the button returns to normal, nothing happens and modules wont install.... I've triend with several modules and got the save behaviour on all. I've tried to install an external module (zip file) and got a "500 Internal Server Error"... Any tip? Thanks
  21. Greetings, I have problem on accessing my back office : HTTP 500 Internal Server Error The website cannot display this page Most lilely causes The website is under maintenance The website has a Programming Error I have turn on debugging on and it told me : MySQL server has gone away But I can access my front office, the problem is I can't access the login page of my backoffice. If MySQL server has gone away, it should be I may not access my front office. Are this come from time out on communicating with MySQL server ? Can you help on what should I do about this ? Thanks in advanced. Regards, Ronald
  22. Dear Prestashop Experts, I am Vivek, From India. I have been working on Prestashop for a long time now and have created stores for my clients using prestashop since 2013. I am having a strange problem and need your help. When I am creating multistore in prestashop version 1.5 (all sub versions), 1.6 ( All sub versions) and 1.7 (All sub versions), I am getting 500 Internal server error. Attacjed below is the log segment from my Local apache instance. The log is from default install of Prestashop with 1 multi store. I have a customer's site as well using Prestashop version 1.6, where I have the similar error message. I tried to set prestashop to debug mode but still goes to the 500 Internal server page without giving me any information. I turned on all the features in apache, php and mysql logging, but can't get any further information. Can any one suggest how doI go about resolving or understand what issue I have. If I comment the below line in the .htaccess the sub store shows as 404 not found.. My first guess was this HTACESS entry, but this entry is created by prestashop automatically.. Kindly suggest how can I proceed Awaiting a quick response Vivek
  23. Sveiki, Isirašiau naujausia PS ir būnant backofice pastoviai meta tokią klaidą. Puslapis guli serveriai.lt, gal kas esas susidūre ir kažkaip išsprendėt šitą žiauriai nervinančią problemą? Man idomu ar čia prestoi problema ar su serveriu kažkas netaip.? Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
  24. Hi, I have a problem with my prestashop If i set on the SEO & Friendly URL only the homepage work... and when i click on any button/ link i get this: "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request." if i let the SEO & Friendly off it`s work fine. I try every think i find about the 500 internal server error and nothing. I have prestashop, php version 5.4.38 and other 3 web-shops in presta on the same server and they work fine. Best regards all.
  25. Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/2.2.24 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.24 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips DAV/2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 Server at riocart.com Port 80 Hello, I am getting above error, kindly suggest best permanent solutions to avoid the errors. thanks in advance www.riocart.com
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