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  1. I changed config/defines.inc.php file set '_PS_MODE_DEV_' to true after this i have error The file ...doctrine.yml does not contain valid YAML: The constant "PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND" is not defined at line 19 (near "!php/const PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND: "SET sql_mode=(SELECT R...
  2. i activated debug mode and I send submit order request and create cart request but i can't get Webservice API request information in the Symfony Profiler, only to find back end request such as /administration/index.php/configure/advanced/performance instead. I am not the merchant but i have to...
  3. when i try to turn off the friendly URLs and change the domain i get an 500 error. When i activate the debug option it says this: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: Validate::$values in /home4/actualiz/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php:1389 Stack...
  4. I was configuring the email settings in the Customer Service section. After saving the information, I could not access the page again. Below is an image with debug information. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
  5. I recently upgraded from to I could browse the list of products but clicking a product to view details gives error 500 below is the apache log data [Wed Sep 06 07:25:09.700536 2023] [php7:error] [pid 33554] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cal...
  6. Hi all , I am getting server responded with 500 code when i try to upload product image.I initially installed prestashop 1.7 on my localhost and later moved to online .But after that i cannot uppload image.Its working fine on my xampp server localhost.:Please help
  7. Hello, I am a beginner in Prestashop, I have little bit query. When I am staring import products, its validate 100% then its giving error. Also, I checked the product list and its showing only one product is imported. I don't know why other products are not imported. I checked error...
  8. Hello, i'm trying to install Prestashop on a custom docker container, but every time i try, i get a 500 error during addon module install, my docker image looks like this : FROM php:7.1.33-apache RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install...
  9. Salve, quando cambio lo stato di un ordine mi appare questo errore: Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any...
  10. Всем привет. Почистил кэш, после этого перестало заходить в админку, ошибка 500. На сайт заходит без проблем. Вот что пишет в файле Error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException: Cannot dump definition because of invalid class name (NULL)...
  11. Witam wszystkich, szukam pomocy posiadam 2 sklepy https://sklepinternetowypl.com/ , https://sklepzoologiczny.org/ podpiete pod jeden na prestashop 1.6 sklep działa na tyle że klienci mogą robić zakupy, ja wysyłam paczki, wystawiam f-ry ale nie mogę dodać żadnego produktu wyświetla mi się error...
  12. Hello, Firstly migrated my prestashop store(version 1.6.X) from live to staging under a sub domain directory with php version upgrade from 5.6 to 7.4, As you know very well that prestashop 1.6 doesn't work on php version 7.4 so we have to upgrade it to 1.7.x version to be working on php 7.4 ver...
  13. Hello all, I've been using Prestashop for sometime now and I purchased my first module today. Sadly when I tried to upload it, it instantly failed. I tried another (free) module and the result is the same. This is the error message I receive (on debug mode) Appreciat...
  14. Bonjour à tous, Pour une raison que je n'arrive pas à expliquer, j'ai 90% des pages de mon BO qui ne sont plus accessible (en majorité les pages par défaut de Presta, celles des modules installés fonctionnent presque toutes). La boutique est sous J'ai supprimé le contenu de...
  15. Bonjour, Je vous sollicite car j'ai moi aussi le même problème. J'ai remarquer ce matin que quelques pages du BO était en erreur 500. Je suis, avec le thème par défaut, Version de PHP : 7.2.26. Je suis passé en mode débeug et j'ai vidé le cache... C'est pire, impossible d'acc...
  16. Bonjour a tous, depuis ce midi, sans manipulation particulière, mon site hébergé chez OVH s'est mis en erreur 500 et je n'ai plus accès même au backoffice. Le presta est une version et pour avoir activé le mode débug, j obtiens l'info ci dessous : est ce que quelqu'un sait quoi faire ?...
  17. Hola, Cuando un cliente quiere completar los datos de su dirección, al querer continuar con la compra genera el 500 error. Me podrían ayudar?
  18. After updating from to, I am getting 500 internal server error when I try to open "pages" category in the "design" category of the admin panel. I would appreciate any help.
  19. Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe Prestashop 1.7.5 ich habe gestern gemarkt, dass bei mir im Online Shop wenn ich mich als neu Kunde registrieren möchte, kommt ein Fehlermeldung "500 Server Error". Was ich dazu gemerkt habe, das funktioniert dann nur nicht wenn ich das Option in Einstellungen...
  20. Hallo Zusammen Habe ein dringendes Problem. Ich kann nicht auf das Backend meines Prestashops zugreifen. Die Prestashop Version ist in Betrieb. Zum Glück funktioniert das Frontend, jedoch müsste ich demnächst neue Produkte hochladen und bestehende bearbeiten. Habt ihr Ideen? Danke...
  21. Hey guys, I'm trying to migrate my shop from local to an external server, but i keep getting 500 error. I followed the subsequent tutorials in order to complete the process: 1.- https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/603281-ps-1706-how-to-transfer-ps-17-from-localhost-to-server/ (where I...
  22. Hello to all, our clients send to us an img of error that Prestashop ( print when they surf from updates like coupon, products ecc For non italian: It's says that some server's error occured while loading tables but we can't find nothing on log files. Can u pls he...
  23. hi i'm using latest version of prestashop when i go to modules/trackingfront/stats.php i got 500 error and this a screen of the erro r thank you in advance
  24. While developing in local host everything works fine: PHP 7.1 Apache 2.4 SQL 5.7 After moving to live server Front Page works fine, but the Dashboard has a few issues. Everything related to Sales works some how ok... Sometimes it trows a 500 error on any link....
  25. Bonjour, je vous sollicite aujourd'hui car je me trouve dans une impasse. Après avoir fait la MAJ vers j'obtiens une erreur 500, après avoir activé le debug je me retrouve avec un détail d'erreur plus complet, pouvez-vous m'aiguiller un peu et m'aider à trouver une solution pour corriger c...
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